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Wash or not?

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Is there any sort of unwritten ettiquette for when giving someone a crocheted gift as far as if you wash it or not? :think


Should I wash wearables before giving them as gifts? What about afghans? I've heard both yes and no, so I figured that I'd get a more accurate answer with so many experienced crocheters and gift-givers here! :hook


I live in a smoke-free household, and I don't handle projects with dirty hands at all. We do have a kitty cat tho.

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I like to wash so I know the ends are woven in well, to soften things up and so they smell clean when I give things away. I think it's just a personal preference.

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I always wash things to make sure that the ends are in well; also, if you have pets, you probably should wash your things because the person you are giving the gift to might be allergic--this might sound silly, but as someone who is allergic to cats, I would certainly greatly appreciate a gift being washed before I get it. I have a problem with Febreze (as do some others), so even spraying that on your item before giving it away might cause an allergy attack on someone.



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I always wash everything with fabric softener, to give it that "fresh" smell and also to make it cuddly soft.


But that's just my personal preference. Of course, after I've done all that, part of me doesn't want to give it AWAY! :lol

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I always wash any item before giving, especially anything for a baby. That way you also know for sure that it is indeed wash and driable whether by hand or machine. For baby showers etc. I will often put in a box of baby soap because some new mom's may not realize or have time to get it. Febrez is a wonderful product but I'm not sure I would use it around baby stuff. I like to wash afghans etc. because they can then be used right away but if I'm selling them at a craft show I leave everything unlaundered. Some people consider the item 'used' if its been laundered. The customer can do whatever they want when they get home. I wash everything from a store before wearing so I figure they will wash whatever they have bought. Just because you can't smell your kitty doesn't mean others can't.. I'm allergic to cat dander which is literally impossible to see. I would be washing anything coming from your house no matter what,( I'm not criticizing or being mean) because I get hives. Everyone who gets my stuff as gifts assumes its been washed so if for some reason I couldn't wash the item I always tell them. I don't really think there is a rule on this , simply personal preference.

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i always wash....unless i am making something for my mom or grandma.....i especially wash baby items because you never know if a baby has allergies yet..plus animal dander can be harmful. i am allergic to so many things that I would recommend washing anything you give as gifts...or at least tell the person that they may want to wash the item before using!

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Yes, I wash everything that I give for gifts. For the ends unraveling reason and to make sure my item holds up in the wash. Also, so its nice and clean. Even though you may have clean hands, there is still that factory stuff in the yarn (chemcals and stuff) plus I have actually had chunks of cardboards in my yarn. (packing boxes they came in maybe???)

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It all depends...if it's for me, then I don't bother. For others, I do because a) I have pets, who feel the need to rub up against any project I'm working on, b) I may have sneezed on the project (allergy season), c) I want to see how it will hold up in the wash.

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if you have pets, you probably should wash your things because the person you are giving the gift to might be allergic--this might sound silly, but as someone who is allergic to cats, I would certainly greatly appreciate a gift being washed before I get it. I have a problem with Febreze (as do some others), so even spraying that on your item before giving it away might cause an allergy attack on someone.

I absolutely agree. I'm allergic too and Febreze does not get rid of the cat or dog hair. I'd be surprised if washing gets rid of all of it.

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Okay, I'll definately default to washing then.


I guess maybe it's more for if you enter in shows and stuff that people don't. I had heard rumors that there were some situations you weren't supposed to wash in. Thankie. :manyheart

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I use Dry Cleaner's Secret on anything I crochet with yarn. You just take it out of the package, put the small damp cloth in the dryer, tumble in dryer on meduim heat cycle for 20 minutes and its done. Everything I have used it on comes out very soft and fresh.:yes

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I havent really made anything to give away, I'm not that good yet. BUT I like to get stuff and when I do and its been washed and dryed with fabric softener, it adds just a little bit more ' i made this just for you because i care'


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I'm nervous about washing things! The last afghan I washed came apart in the washer. I was using an apartment complex washer that didn't have a gentle cycle though. I've got one now that has a hand-wash cycle on it.


Better to have it come apart on you than on your gift recipient, though, wouldn't you say? At least then you can do something about it besides feeling :blush. Sorry that had to happen to you, though, that must have hurt! :eek:(


I also wash everything I am giving away, for all the reasons previously stated.

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I live in a smoke free house and have no pets. I have not washed the items before giving them away. I do however include a label from the yarn so that the person receiving the gift knows how to wash it.

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I always wash too. Mostly just to make absolutely sure that the item will not fall apart. I wash on the gentle cycle and use baby detergent on all my crocheted items.

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