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Crochet+Crochetville=better self-esteem???

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What do YOU think? :think


I started thinking about this last night as I was falling asleep.


See, I have a problem. It's not so much LOW self-esteem as NON-EXISTENT self-esteem. It's a long story I won't bore you with, but suffice it to say, I am DEFINITELY my own worst enemy.


But I started thinking about the fact that I haven't felt as down lately as I have... well... my entire life, really.


I know some of us talked recently about crocheting being therapeutic, but I was thinking in terms of self-esteem only.


Since I've started crocheting more, and especially since I've joined this great group, I just haven't had nearly as many of the negative things I usually have going round my head. :yes


I've also noticed that I fight with my husband less (I don't know why, but I'll take it anyway!).


It seems - to me, anyway - that creating something with my hands, a hook, and some thread/yarn... and then being able to post a picture of said item here on Crochetville, getting feedback... has done wonders for my self-esteem. I couldn't say that I'm "fixed" (for lack of a better term), but as bad as MINE is... a little bit goes a long way.


Have any of you noticed something similar? Even remotely so?


Or am I just weird?


(It's okay if I am... I was born that way. :P )

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I totally understand what you are saying. For me it seems that the more I crochet, the more at peace I am. Not really anything to do with my self esteem though. I think that maybe it's just that while we crochet, we can take our minds off all our worries and troubles and not think about them as easily, as we are concentrating on our crochet project instead. I recently took a break from crocheting for a month or so, and once I started again I noticed that my stress level dropped a lot. It really helps me.......I guess avoid thinking about my problems. :lol

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Suzi, I think what you're saying makes complete sense. There are studies that prove the repetitive actions involved in crochet, knitting, and similar crafts are very relaxing and, if you are focused on the process, can sometimes induce a near meditative state. Very beneficial for your overall state of mind.


And if you have problems with self-esteem, then I definitely believe posting pics here and reading people's positive comments can be very helpful toward increasing your level of self-esteem. After all, those positive comments are *proof positive* that you can do something worthwhile!


It is very uplifting to read positive responses to whatever you've shared here! :clap

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Yeah, I totally agree. When I can't crochet I am a monster. I need crochet in my life it calms me. I love the fact that I can make something and that others see what I've made as something cool or nice. Instead of my family that just see yarn :yarn and that it is stuck together.:lol I laugh because I am past the crying phase. I know that I can make some very nice things. I have pride in my work.


As for self-esteem, what is that? :think I didn't have any before joining this forum and now my hubby says I am full of myself! :rofl

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The power to create something can go a long way towards making you feel special - especially when it's something that you can do that others can't. I know my husband thinks I can do almost anything with a hook and some yarn, which is pretty cool, and I get great satisfaction when I am able to make something useful that fills a need. :cheer PRODUCTIVITY!

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I can understand where you are coming from. When I couldn't work anymore I was really down and then I started crocheting again...then I discovered this forum. I haven't been the same since. I look forward to comng here and finding out what others are doing, finding charities that need help and I CAN HELP. I can't tell you how much Crochetville means to me. The people here are caring and compassionate and who better to surround yourself with than family and friends?:c9

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I totally agree with all of you! Since I have joined Crochetville I am always crocheting.....I have completed several projects and started many more...I have been inspired to try to crochet with plastic, curling ribbon and fabric! I never would have thought of that on my own....I have learned new stitches, and want to learn to spin, dye and felt wool.Then there is this fantastic group of the most loving, kindest, most helpful people around! I bless the day that I stumbled upon Crochetville! I hope that this forum will remain a part of my daily life forever.......Thank you everyone, because Crochetville would be nothing without all your input! You have all proven to be a very positive, inspirational part of my life.:ghug Group hug!

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There are studies that prove the repetitive actions involved in crochet, knitting, and similar crafts are very relaxing and, if you are focused on the process, can sometimes induce a near meditative state. Very beneficial for your overall state of mind.


In addition to this, I also find it very rewarding to finish a project. Even if it's not perfect, you can look, learn, and improve. Then, next time is even better. And once you finally get it just like you want it, it's even that much more rewarding. :)


I would almost think I'm ADHD sometimes or something. I like to start up a lot of things at once. The great part is getting them all completed, one by one. ...as I perpetuate into several other new things all at the same time. :lol


Yeah, it's really nice to be able to say "Hey, look guys! Look what I did." and to have others able to relate, assist, and even cheer us on sometimes too.

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I agree with the positive effects of creating. My 12 year old son reminds me to bring things to work on when we go on vacation because he has figured out that I get restless without something to do.

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I think part of the benefit of Crochetville is that you believe us when we tell you your stuff is great (hey, why would we lie?:U) But, seriously, you can get a compliment from someone at work or someone at church or even a "that looks great!" from a DH, but in the back of your head you're kind of thinking "what do you know, anyway?" (at least I have thought this!)


When someone from a crochet community like this says "That looks great!" "Wonderful pattern" "I love the color choices" "Your work is so even... I could only wish for tension like that", or whatever, you know it is coming from someone who fully appreciates all that you put into your work, and generally whose work you yourself have admired. Having your work valued by your peers carries so much more weight! :U

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You're not the only one who thinks like that. It's great to hear the accolades from family/friends, but it's something MORE to hear it from someone who actually does the same thing! I'm the only one of my friends/family who crochets; my mom used to so she's got the appreciation of a crochettier. Yes, this site definately helps promote self esteem (have my own issues with that!) :cheer


When someone from a crochet community like this says "That looks great!" "Wonderful pattern" "I love the color choices" "Your work is so even... I could only wish for tension like that", or whatever, you know it is coming from someone who fully appreciates all that you put into your work, and generally whose work you yourself have admired. Having your work valued by your peers carries so much more weight! :U
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My ex-husband would sit and watch me crochet and comment how he did not understand how I could make such pretty and nice things from yarn or thread and how much he admired my accomplishments. Then he would sit and doodle and come up with the neatest little comic figures and I was in awe of his ability. I never could do that, so I guess we really complimented each other in talent. I do miss his input in my work but people here do make up for a lot of what has been missing. Keep the positive input flowing people. It is such a boost for those of us who need it.:yes:hook:hug:yay

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I agree about repetitive motions being relaxing... I can't tell you the number of times I've fallen asleep while crocheting. :lol


Wish I knew if I crocheted in my sleep. :D

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I would almost think I'm ADHD sometimes or something. I like to start up a lot of things at once. The great part is getting them all completed, one by one. ...as I perpetuate into several other new things all at the same time. :lol


Right there with ya! It is like the ideas keep coming, and coming, and coming. I usually have 3-4 projects going at once. And when one is finished, I have another one in my head that just HAS to get done! I have so much yarn *waiting* for future projects, I don't think I can ever catch up completely! Oh, who am I kidding, I will always have more to do!

But seriously, Crochetville has done alot to boost my self esteem as well. Not only showing off my completed projects and getting so much positive feedback, but the good natured people in general here. I have been inspired so beyond what I would ever have expected by coming to this site! Many, many thanks to everyone!:D What a great thread!

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