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The Crochet Workout (or Sweating to the Stitches)

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I discovered something this week that has had/will have a profound impact on my ongoing health...


I can crochet while I ride my stationary bike.


This is amazing! My two biggest beefs about working out at home were (1) it's boring boring boring and (2) I keep thinking of all of the other things I could be doing around the house (including crocheting).


I blogged a bit about it here, and have an entry of ways that crochet is good for your health here.


Do you crochet while you work out? How does crochet keep you healthy?

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I'm going to be crocheting like a madwoman for awhile in order to keep my hands busy and away from cigarettes, since I quit as of today.:cheer I supose every time I start to crave one, I'll think of all the money I'm saving, which could be put toward yarn. Also, crocheting definitely keeps the munchies at bay-it gives me something other than food to think about.

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Wow! that's a real revelation! I'll have to try that myself when we are back in Florida and I can use the weight room.:)

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:sheepjump Can you keep a good pace while you exercise and crochet? I think it would take some practice, but I am willing to try.


Good luck Rachel on kicking the cigarette habit, it is tough one! I managed it back in 1994 had a 2 pack a day habit. It took a lot of will power and help! I used the patch, it was very helpful.

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I'm going to be crocheting like a madwoman for awhile in order to keep my hands busy and away from cigarettes, since I quit as of today.:cheer

:yay That's great! Hip hip hooray, and all the best of luck to you :U And, you know what? It's totally ok to put the crochet hook in your mouth if it helps :wink

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:sheepjump Can you keep a good pace while you exercise?


Well, to be honest, it does slow me down (both crocheting and biking). But but BUT.... while I'm slower I also am more tolerant of resistance. I mean, I start on Level 2, and after a few minutes ratchet it up to Level 3, and work my way up to Level 5, where I bike for well over half of the time I am on the bike. So I bike slower, but consistantly and with greater calorie burning than if I was biking alone (well, especially since I would quit after about 15 minutes from boredom otherwise!).


Also, my crocheting slows down some. It just makes sense, as there are logistical slowdowns (have to stop to wipe forehead or drink water or up the resistance).


But the way I figure it, I get more crocheting done than if I had just crocheted for half of the time, and more biking than if I had just biked half of the time, so there is a net gain of crocheting and biking productivity.

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I'm going to be crocheting like a madwoman for awhile in order to keep my hands busy and away from cigarettes, since I quit as of today.:cheer I supose every time I start to crave one, I'll think of all the money I'm saving, which could be put toward yarn. Also, crocheting definitely keeps the munchies at bay-it gives me something other than food to think about.



:cheer Way To Go Rachel!:cheer You Can Do It!:cheer Now that you told everyone in Crochetville there will be lots of people to help get you through it! I quit 20 years ago and from experience it will eventually get easier! Not only will you save money for yarn:yarn but, everything will smell much nicer!:yes

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I don't think I would have ever tried to bike & crochet at once LOL!! Great idea....now I know when we get a house I can get a bike to excersize on (no space in the apartment)...


Rachel...good job on quitting..:clap:clap:clap.I know it's hard, but it will get easier...I went from 3 packs a day to nothing overnight in Feb of 2000, cause I was starting to feel a little funny and there was a chance I was preggers...didn't want to smoke until I knew for sure...October 31 of that year, DD Aurora was born, so it was a good call on my part to find out for sure:P...so, I'm at nearly 6 and a half years of not smoking...it can TOTALLY be done...and with the ciggy prices as they are...every pack you don't buy gets you enough $$ for a whole skein of yarn!!! Just think how quickly your stash will grow at that rate!!!! You can do this and all you have to do is pop on here for some major support if you need it!!!:hug


As for crochetting helping me get healthier...the whole reason I started with yarn crafting (I actually started with knit, but long pointy sticks in the lap and a toddler lunging for hugs unannouced is NOT a good combo...) was because I realized if I'm bored, I eat...I was very career oriented before I had my kids, and part of me will always been that way...I need something to keep me occupied, even while I'm cleaning & keeping the munchkins in line...so I taught myself to knit to keep me from binging from boardom...and it worked!! So when Rory nearly gored herself on my knitting needles cause she wanted a hug NOW!! I switched to crochet & taught myself to do that too...and that was about 4 years ago....the compulsion to finish just one more row has kept me away from the ice cream all night long quite a number of times...so, yeah...crochetting helps me get a bit healthier cause I don't eat as much junk food...it also helps me save $$ cause I don't have to run out to the store to get more of DH's lunch snacks after I ate all of them LOL....

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:cheer That's brilliant! Just yesterday I was trying to do some squats & toe-lifts while crocheting and my kids said "I guess were not going to the gym today". I was totally thinking of taking my project to the gym-now I'll try it!
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I don't think I'd be coordinated enough to try that. LoL

Luckily I have a recumbant bike! If I was on an upright bike (one with a regular bike seat and no back where you pedal up and down instead of in front of you) I just know I would topple right off the bike!!:lol

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I was thinking about that since we just got a small little stepper thingy. It's about the size of a backpack/stuffed briefcase and works really well. Though you do need some balance to work on it. But we've just been watching TV while doing our evening workout - much better than just surfing the net and watching TV.

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