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I have a 13mth old that keeps me pretty busy. Plus we just moved into an old house on my moms farm, so for the last month or so I've been busy with all the packing and cleaning our old place, doing alot of renos on the new place, the actual move, and unfortunatly the people who lived here before us were filthy and I've been spending alot of time doing some pretty basic cleaning (who lets cobwebs grow on their walls????). And of course now its all the unpacking.


But that will all be over soon and I'll have more downtime again to crochet. My mom and I want to start a weekly crochet afternoon where we get together and work on our projects. Shouldn't be so hard, her house is just across from my yard now!

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My hubby and I met 7 years ago in an MSN online game chat room (they don't exist any more, though). We only "knew" each other for 6 months when we got married, and a lot of people thought we were crazy, but we're still together now. We'll be celebrating our 7th anniversary this September


My hubby and I met in an MSN chat room too! Back in the days of WebTV. We only knew each other for a year before I moved out here. That was 5 years ago, and now we have two wee ones. :manyheart

So I don't think you're crazy at all, either. :hook

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Okay now don't laugh, but yes, it really is possible to meet decent people "online". (We all are here aren't we? ;) ) But really. You can think you know a person for a decade "offline" and find out one day you were sorely wrong. You can meet someone "online" and get to know them a lot better - sometimes. You just have to be careful and use caution on a whole new level. Haha, now you all probably think I'm crazy. :eek


I'm right there with ya Mermaiden! I met the love of my life online almost 3 years ago. We have been together ever since. We are actually planning on moving in together soon.

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Work, sleep, haha. Oh yeah, other stuff.


Taking care of stuff around the house - lots to do when you're in one alone.


Taking care of pets - lots to do when you have quite a few.


Playing EverQuest 2 (online computer game) - okay, don't laugh, hanging out there with my someone special. That's where we met and we have to be long distance right now. Okay now don't laugh, but yes, it really is possible to meet decent people "online". (We all are here aren't we? ;) ) But really. You can think you know a person for a decade "offline" and find out one day you were sorely wrong. You can meet someone "online" and get to know them a lot better - sometimes. You just have to be careful and use caution on a whole new level. Haha, now you all probably think I'm crazy. :eek

I don't think you are crazy. I met my husband online, and you do have to be careful but that is why we chatted online for a while, then on the phone, then finally met in person at a public place. Him and work are about the only things that keep me from crochet. Also the computer.

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Mermaiden...whil DH & I didn't meet online, we were married 3 months to the day from the day we met....and there were actually people taking bets while we were exchanging our vows just how long the marriage would last...we just past our 6th anniversary..and we've got 2 munchkins....when it's right, it's right....also, DH is an avid gamer...the only reason he's not on EQ2 is that it doesn't support our video card or some driver or something LOL!! My cousin plays it though...he's 17 and actually got his mom (who is partially disabled now due to a patient picking her up and slamming her to the floor when she was his RN) completely hooked on EQ2 as well!! gamers are terrific people!!!:clap:clap:clap



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Hey! I met my dh online too. We'll be married 5 years in August. For the longest time I felt like the biggest nerd telling people I met my dh on the internet. Now it's so common that it's very acceptable. I guess people finally realized it is very hard meeting that perfect person for you.



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