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... from your crochet projects (other than work and kids)? Lately I have jumped on the jewellery bandwagon. I am making more $$ from my jewellery than I have ever dreamed of with my crochet stuff. What about you? What draws you away from your crochet from time to time?

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Puzzles! i dont care if they are jigsaw or logic type! the Sims (computer game)

and our Jeep! It is a Military Jeep and we just got it running so at night we have been playin in it.

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I spose household chores would be considered work...the only other thing that keeps me from crocheting would be sitting here on the computer talking about crocheting. :lol

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not much keeps me away from crocheting, but i suppose every day living, taking care of my family and my furbabies lately have been feeling down a bit, but thats about it, i crochet every single day, many hours sometimes, sometimes not alot but i crochet all the time:lol :lol :lol

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The play station game Lemmings my fella bought lemmings for his psp and I keep hearing "oh no pop" I used to be addicted in the days before crochet. I have completed a few levels for him and played it while he has been out but now I am back to crochet again xx

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Well, I first started crocheting many years ago (about 10, actually). Then I took many years break during which I was into collecting gemstones for a time and after that, I was into houseplants for a few years. Now I'm coming back to crochet and learning to knit, so now knitting is taking away from my crochet time, too.


And of course, grad school. Have to finish a paper in the next couple of days and I've barely started. :(

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Hmmmm, I think the thing that takes me away from my Crocheting is just to give my hands a rest. Sometimes they just plain ache!:( I have been Crocheting for around 30 years and Crocheting can be hard on your hands after a while!

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This time of year, a LOT of stuff... biking, attending pro soccer games, hiking, festivals... and I also dabble in jewelry and sewing. Lately I have been making tote bags from Home Decor fabrics and flannel hammocks for my rats.

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Gardening, sewing, and cross stitching. I also visit with neighbors because we all get together and have weekend cookouts. Any kind of distractions. I need to be alone whenever I do my crafts. I find I am more relaxed and can accommplish more without all the distractions.



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What keeps me from crochet (other than work and kid)?


Husband! Just as needy as a child sometimes :) So maybe he qualifies as a kid...


Knitting! My crafty time is split, now, as I learn to knit.


Playing! My daughter and I love walking, and my husband and I love taking her biking or to Busch Gardens, or doing things like going kayaking (without her). While you can crochet while in lines at BG, it's much harder in a kayak or pushing a stroller!


You Guys! But it's all good, because I get so inspired by your projects and invigorated by your encouragements that I have more quality crochet time :D

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Reading and cross-stitch. I would say sewing, but I do that even more than crochet, so I would have to say crochet sometimes takes me away from sewing!

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I spend a lot of my off time taking care of my mom who has Alzheimers. That takes up most of my free time.


Like Nikki, I am starting to knit so I have spending what down time I do have on that. I am really loving it, but it does progress slowly.


Be that as it may I have 2 crochet WIPS going: the wavy stitch cardi form "Fab and Flirty crochet" and a basic shrug for one of my neices. Both of which I am doing at work.

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Pretty much it's the wee ones that make me drop my hook and do something else...or having to make dinner...or needing my Cville fix and logging on to see what you all are getting yourselves in to :lol..


Actually right now I'm doing more with my knitting needles than my hooks, simply because I could only find cute knit patterns for plu ssized tops...once I finish a top or two, I'm back to my hooks baby!!!



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Mostly my 18 month old. Then there is reading, scrabbooking,

i am part of a few chat groups so that takes up part of my time.

On the weekends normally going to the beach and just being outside.



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Work, sleep, haha. Oh yeah, other stuff.


Taking care of stuff around the house - lots to do when you're in one alone.


Taking care of pets - lots to do when you have quite a few.


Playing EverQuest 2 (online computer game) - okay, don't laugh, hanging out there with my someone special. That's where we met and we have to be long distance right now. Okay now don't laugh, but yes, it really is possible to meet decent people "online". (We all are here aren't we? ;) ) But really. You can think you know a person for a decade "offline" and find out one day you were sorely wrong. You can meet someone "online" and get to know them a lot better - sometimes. You just have to be careful and use caution on a whole new level. Haha, now you all probably think I'm crazy. :eek

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Work, sleep, haha. Oh yeah, other stuff.


Taking care of stuff around the house - lots to do when you're in one alone.


Taking care of pets - lots to do when you have quite a few.


Playing EverQuest 2 (online computer game) - okay, don't laugh, hanging out there with my someone special. That's where we met and we have to be long distance right now. Okay now don't laugh, but yes, it really is possible to meet decent people "online". (We all are here aren't we? ;) ) But really. You can think you know a person for a decade "offline" and find out one day you were sorely wrong. You can meet someone "online" and get to know them a lot better - sometimes. You just have to be careful and use caution on a whole new level. Haha, now you all probably think I'm crazy. :eek

Not at all!!!!


My hubby and I met 7 years ago in an MSN online game chat room (they don't exist any more, though). We only "knew" each other for 6 months when we got married, and a lot of people thought we were crazy, but we're still together now. We'll be celebrating our 7th anniversary this September. :D


While I'd say yes, there are a lot of things I didn't know about him when we first got married, I can honestly say that on the other hand, I knew him better then than I'd known my ex, and I've known him since I was 14!

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