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I'm Just so Bummed .. wasn't my day on Sunday

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I'm sorry about your loss. I know how frustrating it can be.


My sister was at church once and left one of her Bibles and a few christian books in her locked car. When she came out after church, she found that someone had smashed her passenger side window and stolen the Bible and the books. They didn't take anything else, not even the huge pile of change she had in her ashtray. Just the Bible and the books.


We were dumbfounded! Who would steal a Bible?

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Oh, how awful for you. Sounds like you could use some hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug



I am so sorry that you had such a horrible experiance. I am sure that the person you were testing for will understand. It is not your fault.



I know how distressing it can be to have your car broken into. I had someone break into my car in teh mall parking lot a few years ago. It was very upsetting to me. Thankfully, the car insurance paid to fix the lock that was destroyed and would have paid to replace what was stolen if it was over $50 worth of stuff, but I was a poor college student and only have about $20 worth of stuff in the car at the time...

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Omigosh.. that is awful :( I know how infuriating it is. It's amazing how many people experience theft of stuff in their cars!! My experience is really strange though... I had my car parked under a very bright street light in a decent neighborhood at night, when I came to my car the next morning the entire bumper had been carefully taken off of it!! What's even crazier.. is I stupidly left my purse on the floor of the driver's side and it was still there.


Karma will get them!! I'm a soul believer in it!!


Again, I'm sorry for your loss :(

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I am so sorry about your wool being stolen. My mate had her car pinched and in the casette player was this new age music (drums and howling) i could only imagine the look on their faces as they drove away and the music started playing. thinking of you hon lots of love sian xx

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