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I'm Just so Bummed .. wasn't my day on Sunday

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Okay Ladies , i am so depressed right now, :( yesterday after a long rest full day , and no crocheting on a sunday i was getting withdrawls from not crocheting or knitting so i told my son to go to my trunk and pull out my yarn bag, which of course is where 35% of where my yarns is, it took him a while to come back I was look dude it's the big bag i always carry .. he came back with a strange look on his face .. and said mom your bag is not there and looks like someone was looking in your trunk and your car was not locked at all ... so i go and look and sure enough they took my sunglasses , the cd's i had in the car and my yarn bag .. :cry i had i that bag a few new addi turbo knitting needs i had just bought, a few tester things i was doing and a pair of socks I was begining to do for my oldest Niece and started a beanie for her boyfriend .. One big one was the Lullabies & Lace - Sweet Decadence Shrug Set for Anna her C'ville is Lavelle26 I was doing the testing for the larges sized .. for my little niece .. she loves pink so it was a nice bright pink .. well back to the depressing story .. so needles to say some of my crochet hooks, and little gagets that i use when crocheting and knitting .. I am so sad, depressed and mad at myself because I think i forgot to lock my car.. but you think that when it's underground in our apartment parking lot that it would be safe .. but we have had a few eggings, gang writing on the walls and i think since we have been there my husbands passanger window broken but he had an alarm i don't .. and a few breakins .. i just really want to know what they are gonna do with that stuff ?? Now i have to tell Lavelle26 i don't have the product done :ohdear because it was stolen, and I ALWAYS ALWAYS complete my testing for people because i know how important it is to have things complete .. i just want to :cry :cry forever ... what should i do ?? as it is it took me a little long to complete this tester, i have to wait till next thursday 6/15 to get paid to buy more baby yarn just to hurry up and complete the testing ,, i am just so embarrassed .. :(

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How awful!!! I'm so sorry for you. We had a grill stolen while we were on vacation. It was just a junky $10-15 grill, but someone took it. :think


Do people just steal things just to steal them? What are they going to do with knitting needles and yarn? :angry


Well I know it might not help, but here anyway... :hug


(Have you reported it to the apartment management? They'll probably just tell you to fill out a police report anyway.)



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:hug Teresa, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you did a police report, even if it was in the garage. I would also let the management company or landlord know. Maybe they should put in security cameras.
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Well yes , i told the landlord but they said they are liable for this . and the police came but like the lady said they probably won't find it .. they kinda looked at me like i was crazy for the yarn and stuff .. :( thank you for all the kind words and :hug

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I am so sorry that this happened to you! I can't believe how cruel and obnoxious some people can be....to have the nerve to steal something from another person. I hope you have theft insurance....maybe they can reimburse you for your losses. All that stuff that was taken WAS worth something......if not to anyone else....it certainly mattered to you! I had the air bags stolen out of my car, which was a bear and a half to have replaced. My sister had Christmas gifts stolen out of her car.....She stopped off at a restaurant for a bite to eat and when she came out, the packages were gone! and they were gifts that she was going to give to me. :eek Yikes, how can people be so cold?? It's beyond me! They just can't be human! Animals are kinder than that!

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I am sorry to hear this happened to you.

my husband thinks I'm kinda neurotic for locking the car even if I go inside the house for a minute or two,we had a change dispenser for tolls stolen from our car years ago in our driveway, so now its always locked

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Yikes! I'm so sorry that happened to you.:hug That just stinks. No one can be angry at you for being robbed! And why should they think it's crazy for you to report yarn and needles missing? That stuff costs money just like everything else. And I know Addi Turbos are quite expensive. Plus since it was all that work, it's not like you can buy and replace that, makes it even worse. That sucks. :angry

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:hug :hug :hug


I know the feeling, all too well. I've had things stolen from my car, and the night my (now) 9 year old daughter set our house on fire, somebody broke in and stole the microwave... and HALF a can of coffee!! Talk about some WEIRD people... not to mention heartless!


Here's a few more hugs:




You probably need as many as you can get right now. :)

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I have my car broken into in an underground "secure" parking lot. The thieves probably just ran in behind a car that didn't wait for the gate to come down before driving all the rest of the way in. They broke into around a dozen cars.


They stole all my CDs, and they stole the amp that my now ex-husband had given me as part of putting a cheap but decent stereo in my car as our first anniversary gift.


For me it was the final straw and I moved. The police wouldn't even come to look, and I was told that my car insurance would only cover things actually bolted down in my car, and that my house insurance would have to pay for any "loose" stuff like CDs.

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Thank you for all your kind thoughts , I'm just really bummed i have to wait till next week to purchase my gagets and you know those things aren't cheap .. oh well life goes on .. I'm just really really embarrass for the testing i am doing .. :shrug i take pride in the work i accomplish now i feel like i have failed .. i know all you ladies when you requesting testing how you take pride in your patterns and you like to see the results ..

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Teresa, I am so sorry this has happened to you. And please (PLEASE) don't feel bad. I feel terrible to have something like this happen to one my very own testers. People have some nerve...I mean, they probably didn't even know what it was when they stole it and to be honest with you, it is probably sitting in a garbage can somewhere's once they realized it was worthless to them. (not worthless to us though....but you know what I mean...they couldn't make a ton of money off it)


Please, I beg of you, don't feel bad about the testing thing. If you want, you can resume testing later. If you don't want to then I am sure I can come up with something else for you to test. :hug to you, sweetie. I hope you feel better.

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I am so sorry for your loss. ck. dumpsters/cans. Your yarn/needles etc. may turn up in one of them and while you'll still be angry about it all, at least you'll get a part of your stuff back.

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Thank you so much , I know how you take pride on your patterns and the testers .. but at the moment I have no baby yarn .. and I dont want to be on the bad list ... and i hope you keep me in your testing site .. Thank you for understanding .. And it sucks that people do that .. but they do .. i know when i was a teenager I was really into cross stitching and i had every color of DMC floss and things a bag full of stuff and left my window open for just a minute to go into the store to pay for gas and they just took it .. wasn't even gone for a minute .. my mom yelled at me Forever .. since then i always roll up my windows and lock it .. but in my old age :lol which i know i'm not very old but sometimes i wonder .. i always have that feeling like i didn't lock my car so half way when i'm gone i usually go back don't know what happen from saturday to sunday . ?? maybe i was just in a rush or something . But thank you again .. :blush

Teresa, I am so sorry this has happened to you. And please (PLEASE) don't feel bad. I feel terrible to have something like this happen to one my very own testers. People have some nerve...I mean, they probably didn't even know what it was when they stole it and to be honest with you, it is probably sitting in a garbage can somewhere's once they realized it was worthless to them. (not worthless to us though....but you know what I mean...they couldn't make a ton of money off it)


Please, I beg of you, don't feel bad about the testing thing. If you want, you can resume testing later. If you don't want to then I am sure I can come up with something else for you to test. :hug to you, sweetie. I hope you feel better.

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That is terrible, I'm so sorry! People steal the weirdest stuff out of cars. While my friend was at the gym, someone broke a window in her (locked) car and stole the set of business casual clothes she had worn to work that day and the matching shoes. Everything else was in the car...her iPod, her purse with all her credit cards and cash.


Just remember, it's only yarn and it can be replaced. Just think of what could have happened if you or your family was around when they took your things.

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I am so, very, sorry this happened to you. You feel so violated when you get stuff stolen from you, because that's what it is: violation of your property rights, your personal space and your sense of safety and security. I had my car stereo stolen from my locked car once. I was so upset that I was shaking, so I understand how you must be feeling. Hope you feel better soon. :hug

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I'm so sorry for you, that sucks. I had my backpack stolen from an underground garage once, while I was on holiday. Had to spent the rest of the vacation without my walkman and books and stuff. Today the equivalent to that would be to steal my yarn. I hope they look really stupid when they realize what they took, and that their gangmember-colleagues will tease them a lot for obviously wanting to learn how to crochet. ;) I hope you find replacements for your stuff, soon. :hug

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Thank you All for all your support and yes Lavelle26 has been kind enough to tell me not to worry, I want to thank You ALL for every kind word and :hug that i have gotten, This really means alot to me .. :manyheart

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