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My First Piece Of Work

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My grandmother, Pearl, (now 88) taught me to crochet when I was 7 years old. Tonight she pulled out of her drawer the very first piece I had ever made. She wanted to show me that she had kept it all these years. We had a good laugh. She held up the edging and said "This is my favorite part, the funny little fringes" Here she is with it on....




(There she is pointing out the fringe):heehee

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:lol I LOVE it! Isn't it great to have a grandma who keeps all our little projects, no matter how lamentable? Maybe you can give me instructions on how to make that fringe. I've never seen anything like it...:D
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Thats so cool!! My mom never wears anything I make her...let alone keeps it for however-many-odd years! The colors go great together, by the way!!!

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How sweet!! When my grandmother passed away, my aunts and mother went through her stuff and gave me all the little things I had ever made her and boy was there some pretty awful stuff. I couldn't believe she had kept it all those years. But is sure did make me feel special and loved even after she was gone.

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