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Bit of a shock - stash building up

Guest Catlizg

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Hello. My name is Deb. And I (too) am a Stashaholic. I suffer from YAS (Yarn Acquisition Syndrome) - there is no cure. I used to worry about my ailment... now that I have found fellow "Yarnies" I am comfortable with my affliction.


I have a closet full (coat closet sized) of yarn. :blush


And this weekend I intend to purchase more. :D

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I keep telling my DH that I am helping the economy that is why I buy yarn.

Do I know what I'm going to make with that skein? Nope not yet, but I'm sure someone/somewhere will need something made with that color.

I have now recruited my children to bring it in the house and later when Dad goes out for a smoke, I quick squeeze the new purchase into a tote, bag or those vacuume bags. :devil


Oh I know that feeling. Wednesday ?I bought 10 skeins of yarn on sale. Had no idea what I was gonna make with it. Thursday I bought 5 rolls of cotton yarn and umtin things of dye for the cotton. Then just a few hours ago I bought yet 10 more skeins online. Ya'll I think /I need to know when the next Yarnaholics meeting is because I think I need to join.


Luckly the hubby is supportive or is that he is an enabler. He tells me when I talk about everyone's yarn stash here he says " I can see why it becomes addictive you are able to make such beatuiful things by hand all by yourself." Then I run out after that and get more yarn...

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just added to my "stash" yesterday ......daughter and i took the day to go shopping and have some quality time.....this would be

Veronica.she is my youngest...i ended up with some more sugar and cream balls..3 of them, light blue,hot blue, and hot purple.....no i have no clue what i'm makeing with them but they were nice so in the basket they went. I bought a set of Crystalites sizes L-m-n-p.....figured these would come in handy for some winter sweaters :U also added 2 skeins of caron wintuk {oatmeal} that i got on clearance for $.76..I need to figure out where i am going to start stashing my stuff, ran outta neat places to go with it now.... :think any ideas

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Lynn, if you can buy some of those large plastic storage bins, you could find a wall corner and stack them up there. that's what I do. At least they are neatly stacked and available for the next project.

I love my stash! :manyheart ....and I need more!

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Great stash building! Mine is starting to take over the family room where I crochet...I have a craft cabinet full plus a rolling cart. About 8-10 cakes of yarn in a travel bag...I have no plans to limit my stash building lol


I wish I could keep junk off the back of my sofa though. It's a mess :P ..the back of the sofa ends up being a stash for small amts of leftover yarn in ziploc bags, my chibi case, wandering hooks, my altoid tin with stitch markers in it, small projects going, etc. AND I already have a side table nearby with some stuff on that! It is convenient place to put things on the back of the sofa where I can get to stuff easy when I am sitting on the sofa crocheting.

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Us yarn-a-holics and yarn junkies sure know our place.......all over the house! Fabulous!

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That's a great start to the wonderful world of yarn stash! :cheer :cheer :cheer:clap :clap :clap In no time....that batch of yarn will multiply faster than rabbits and the piles will grow umungously :yes Oh happy the day!

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Well, I am most definitely a yarn-a-holic! I have clear leaf bags filled with yarn in my basement (it's a very dry basement), I tried to sort out all my skeins by color, forget it! I think I could open up my own yarn store with the amounts I have.


That's what happened from being sick for 10 years and now that I am better, I look at all the yarn I bought and it's soooooo Scary!!!


Now I'm inspired to go back in my basement again and start crocheting something new, I must have every color, practically every brand name, all except what I want to buy now which is the Bernat Baby Softee, oh golly, what shall I do? :eek


Yarn has taken over my house!! Thank goodness I live alone and my dog and cat don't mind. If my ex-husband was here, I would never hear the end of it :no



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My stash just got 7 skeins of Casual Cotton today because Meijer's had it half price---and that is the only place I have found it since Walmart stopped carrying it. Last night I picked up a couple of skeins of Simply Soft for a project. I have bins of yarn to reorganize just so I'll know what I have!

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