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Bit of a shock - stash building up

Guest Catlizg

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Guest Catlizg

Since I've been reading so much here about yarn stash taking over homes I started paying attention to my own stash. Since I'm a relatively newby hooker, didn't think I had that much, but had noticed it was overflowing the nice wicker basket I started out with, was hanging in multiple bags in my closet, was all over the top of my dresser, the bookshelf, and oh yeah, the bag of WIPs in my car and under my chair. Lest I forget, there was also the tote bag that was overflowing and stuffed under my end table.


Anyway, decided it was time to organize and I went and purchased some of those nice big Rubbermaid totes with locking handles. I picked up 3 of them thinking that would be more than adequate room for me to divide my stash by cottons, acrylic/wool and thread supplies. Also picked up a box for buttons, and a plastic case for my Chibi, scissors, stitch markers, etc. Of course, at the same time I added 3 more skeins of cotton for dishcloths. Hey, there were on sale for 67 cents a skein!


Um.....(read this with a sheepish voice), I FILLED all 3 boxes! And, my wonderful swap partner sent me 4 more skeins today!!! Yes, I'll admit it - My name is Cathy and I'm a yarnaholic! And, I have absolutely, positively no intention whatsoever of reforming. My hubby is an enabler, he encourages me! That's the ticket - it's HIS fault!

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Welcome to Yarnaholics. Ah I also have a hubby who is an enabler, bless their little hearts.

The stash does build up fast and boy is it fun to get more. I have it in my closet shelf, I have 3 -3drawer storge bins full (this is yarn) I have 1 3drawer bin for thread. Now do not forget the 10 drawer bin on wheels that has all my extras, buttons, flowers, sissors, feathers, dolls and a few hooks. Guess what. Just got more in the mail myself.

Anyway, enough about me. Just Hi :hi and Welcome :welcome to the greatest yarnaholic web site in the world. We do have a tendency to encourage, what with all the stuff to make and test.:hook

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Yep......count me in as a yarnaholic too! :hook Where ever there is a place in my house.....there is the yarn also! It's like everywhere....in every nook and cranny there is. AND I wouldn't part with it for anything in the world! :cheer Gee, I wonder if we should have a contest and see who has the most skeins of yarn. :think:eek I remember seeing a saying that said, "whoever dies with the most yarn wins". Hmmmmm, will that be me someday? Okay, here's three cheers and hugs for all you yarnaholics....gotta love em! :cheer :cheer :cheer:hug :hug :hug

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Did anyone see my post in the "Sales" Forum??? Joanns had dollar a skein yarn so I bought, um, 53...:blush

Hi, I'm traci and I'm an addict...

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My name is Kathy and I'm a yarn addict. I brought several sets of plastic drawers, an underbed box, 6 small totes and a huge ziplock bag all full of yarn to my TEMPORARY home. All but the ziplock bag are wool. Oh, and a box of cotton, just in case.

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well i am a complete yarnaholic i love it

my hubby isnt an enabler persay... but he sure isnt a disabler

he just complains when it starts to "take over" things, like the couch (a sectional) and the coffee table etc. mine is well organized because of said non-disabler hubby


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Well at least your lucky enough to have your hubby encourage you. I hide some of my stash, so mine won't notice. I keep telling him he needs to get a hobby!!! That way he won't have time to pay attention to mine. It's funny just how fast that "stash" will grow. Everytime I go to the store, i have to stop to see just what bargains I can find on thread, and of course I always have a project in mind, even if I never get to them right away!!!


Terri, Winter Park Florida

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Traci.......which Joann's did you go to for the dollar-a-skein sale? I would love to go check that out! You are one lucky stasher....I should be so lucky to run across a sale like that :think

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Lord help me, I think I beat you all. I decided to organize my yarn last weekend. I have 3 large rubber tubs - one of just cottons, one of wool and wool blends, one of just Bernat Lulu. I have a small file cabinet filled with yarn - mostly novelty. I have a wooden chest - 3 drawers - one Red Heart, one thread and overflow Red Heart, the last misc yarns. I have a HUGE plastic tote STUFFED with baby yarns - Bernat Softee, Baby Coordinates, Baby cotton and more. I have a large cardboard box filled with just Bernat Denimstyle, and I have a large tote bag filled with Caron Soft.


I will not buy yarn. I will work down my stash. I must not buy ANY yarn!! Oy!

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well i am a complete yarnaholic i love it

my hubby isnt an enabler persay... but he sure isnt a disabler

he just complains when it starts to "take over" things, like the couch (a sectional) and the coffee table etc. mine is well organized because of said non-disabler hubby




:lol I just showed this photo to my hubby. He looked at it and said "Rookie".

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Over the long winter my stash has grown exponentially! What I used to keep in one old dresser is now strewn all around the extra bedroom. The cat's angry at me because that's the room he likes to go in to sleep. I don't want him to snuggle up on a pile of yarn and shed, so I've been keeping the door closed (also my husband won't see the horrible mess!).


I teach second grade. School will be over next week. June 12 is circled on my calendar as the day I begin to get control over the stash. I know I will have much more fun crocheting over the summer and planning the gifts I want to make for Christmas if I know what I have...and what I need to go buy!

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I hear about, and see everyone's stash and I have you all beat, not that I have actually bought most of mine.....some I traded for but most of it came from family and friends and friends of friends and people I have never heard of. I'll come home to find a couple of bags hanging on the door knob or incomplete sweaters or kits. Its gotten so bad that I started storing partial balls in new garbage pails....the kind with wheels, and they are huge. Did I mention there are eight of these gem holders in the {extra} bedroom? Closet space....all shelves for full skeins or multiplies. I really believe your stash grows to whatever space you have available. I must be the only person in this neighborhood that never gets rid of yarn, and I won't even start on the fabric. Fortunately hubby " understands ". He always says he can find me.....he just follows the yarn and I'm at the end of it......he's right of course!!!!!!!!! Good luck ladies in trying to organize or get rid of your stashes, I've simply accepted that I am an addict.

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When I first started to crochet, I would buy the yarn I needed for the project, finish it and then by more. Well that didn't last long, a store in my neighborhood was going out of business and I was there every day just buying more and more. I used all that up and now have alot of yarn in my spare room and bedroom closet. I, like the rest you, NEED to buy it when I see it. I just cant help it either. I have nothing in mind to make with it but its so pretty and feels so good. I also buy some with the intent to give it away in swaps, and that is really hard, so now I buy many of the same yarn so that it doesn't hurt so much when I give it away!!! :clap

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Like everyone here my stash is growing. I am about 2 mths into crocheting and already got a nice stash building. When I go to Wal-Mart on a broke day I look at all the yarn i want. But once I get paid I am there buying buying buying. I am going later today and I know I will gget a few more balls of cotton. Tommorrow I have to go back and I will start getting the yarn to make my sons(3 of them) blankets. Oh the joy of husbands who don't care. As long as you are happy.

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Hello .. my name is Lisa .. and I have a crochet addiction. I too have three 18 gallon rubbermaid totes full of yarn, another full of thread and cotton for dishcloths, another with my WIPs, a 30 gallon trash bag of yarn a friend gave me, a pop up hamper with more WIPs, and 3 boxes of pattern books, leaflets, print outs and hand outs. Along with countless notebooks full of notes for designs I have either made or am in the planning stages with. I, too, have absolutely no intention of ever quitting (proud look) Its a good thing my children love getting crocheted gifts from mommy. I will be attempting to teach my 9 year old to crochet over the summer .. wish me luck!

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good luck , just remember to keep encouraging, be patient and supportive. I myself tried to teach my oldest when she was about 12, I myself did not do the aformentioned and ended up pushing her away till this past winter........she is now 17, i tried finger crochet first or simple chain crochet without a hook this time and she now has gotten to the point where she can keep the sides aligned....whooooooohoooooo:cheer I hope that she wants to go further with this pastime but I'm biding my time till she brings it up that she really likes something and see if i can help her thru it........hugzzzzz and good luck hun

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Well just got back from town and I came home with 10 more skeins of yarn. 2 rolls of cotton. And some Rit dye.


Went to the NC mountains for Memorial weekend and came home with 15 skeins! My husband just shakes his head and asks "What are you going to make with it." :blush Beats me but it sure is pretty!

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I have bunches of yarn all over the bedroom.:blush

Most of it has never had a project to go with it and now Iv'e bought more. I just went with my mother to the new Super Walmart. (It's been open since Aug 05 but I've never even been it the parking lot even though its on the other side of the Home Depot from where I work.)

I bought 18 skns of RH Supersaver. There yarn section is twice the size of the other super WM 3 miles down the interstate. I went crazy:yay. They had several colors I've never seen at the other store.

I'm clueless as to what to do with it all.

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I keep telling my DH that I am helping the economy that is why I buy yarn.

Do I know what I'm going to make with that skein? Nope not yet, but I'm sure someone/somewhere will need something made with that color.

I have now recruited my children to bring it in the house and later when Dad goes out for a smoke, I quick squeeze the new purchase into a tote, bag or those vacuume bags. :devil

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Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with a stash. Though, I've been makeing an exterm effort lately not to buy much yarn for a few months. I had some unexpected expenses so the budget is tight. But, I've got a lot in my stash.. Plus, my mom just gave me a bunch of her stash. Colors and yarns that she's used for a project and knew she wouldn't use for a long time. After I use that, it will be time to build back up. Thats one of the wonderful things about a stash. It's always changing and always fun to play with.


I have to admit, my DH is another of those yarn enablers. He loves to buy me yarn. He gets sale flyers emailed to him from differnt yarn stores, and then he emails me. He's always adding an extra skein or two to the cart when I am buying for a project. (It's saved me a few times. ) Pretty soon, he is going to know enough to buy yarn without me there....

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June 12 is circled on my calendar as the day I begin to get control over the stash. I know I will have much more fun crocheting over the summer and planning the gifts I want to make for Christmas if I know what I have...and what I need to go buy!


:rofl :rofl Control are we suppose to have control over our yarn? I don't think so. See when it gets put in containers and bags and closets, it multiplies. Hey what if we just need that color for a project down the road? They may not make it when I need it, what do I do then?:rofl :rofl

Ah I can always count on you guys to give me a good laugh. I especially liked the Rookie remark.

By the way, I just got 4 lbs of yarn from Herrschners, so I have to find a place for that.:hook We have such a great hobby.

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