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Yarn Shopping WITH DH!

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my hubby knows better than to say anything about what yarns I may buy, he has the entire garage and half the driveway full of his tools and boxes off parts and other stuff that he's picked up from somewhere :lol :lol . My stash is nothing compared to you ladies and really nothing compared to what hubby has all over the house!!!! :lol :lol



Since i've found the Super WalMart I now wait and do the groceries there, that way I can get my yarn and food at the same time, ha ha. But then i the other direction is my regular one, their yarn dept is just ok.

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Super Wal Marts make me itch... I'm like a guy in a shopping mall at Christmas in that place... go in, get what I need, and GET OUT!



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Did you say 80 miles? wow- id go insane without my walmart near by! When I was married, I used to sneak yarn into the house. He saw it pile up and he would complain, but only in a teasing way. One day we were out to lunch, and as we left the restraunt, he said "where do you want to go?" I took a stab and said "The yarn shop!" He suprized me by saying yes, and took me there. This particular time he didnt wait in the car, but came inside, made suggestions of which ones he liked, and even chatted up the store owner! I was like- who is this man??? ...aaah, the good times! :)

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