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Yarn Shopping WITH DH!

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Yesterday we were in need of groceries and I had run out of yarn for a project. Normally I would go to WM by myself since DH tends to pick up all kinds of things we don't need AND I don't want him to see how much yarn I buy :D . But he wanted to come too. I thought Oh no :eek Now I can't really enjoy the yarn shopping and, since it's an 80 mile round trip I only go about once a month. But I took him anyway.

He pushed the cart and I filled it with groceries with only a few goodies he selected. Then on to the yarn section. What wonderful colors! Such soft, touchable fibers! I was practically drooling. I started putting a few skeins into the cart and, he got bored so went over to the fishing tackle aisle. :clap I got greedier and put more in, under some of the groceries. I was on a roll. He came back, Oh no. :eek He went off to the computer aisle.:clap I speeded up my yarn tossing. He came back :eek . He said "That's a pretty color." and "don't you want some of that?" (which I immediately tossed into the cart) and "What are you going to make with that?" -mumble, mumble on my part. Then he went off somewhere else. :clap

When we got to the check-out he proceeded to the mens room while I hurredly helped bag the yarn ;) . When we got home he helped carry everything in and went off fishing :clap while I put it away.

Boy was I relieved because he hasn't been in the spare bedroom where I stash yarn. :blush I know he thought I must be down to almost nothing to buy so much. He never said a negative word or even frowned. AND, he only bought 2 fishing lures! I'm a lucky woman :hug

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Yes you are . My husband says I am obsessed with buying yarn. But I protest and say it's a good deal for gifts. He calls my stash a collection ha if he only knew.

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Your story is truly heartwarming and touching! Karma was definitely on your side during that trip! See, you thought it would be icky, and yet every time he wanders off you stuff a little more in there... and then for him to come back and say, "That's nice! Why don't you get some of that?" Well, gosh darn, I think I will!!!:cheer


And for him to GO FISHING while you stashed your yarn - if I were you, I'd be buying a Lotto ticket 'cause the future's so bright you need to wear shades!:devil

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:cheer I have actually used that ploy myself.

"Why dont you go and look at the fishing tackle and I will meet you back here in an hour?"

He than ends up buying several lures he doesnt need, a new reel of line and the latest gadget, I buy yarn.

Fairs Fair.

They always feel better about your habit if they are feeding theirs.

I dont know about the US but in NZ, fishing is an expensive habit.

By the time you fill the car with petrol at $1.70 a litre (not gallon) fill the boat tank, buy the Bait and Berley, drive a couple of hours to the fave place to fish, buy lunch on the way, etc. etc. etc.

So that is $100 for the car, $50 for the boat $20 for the bait and berley, $15 for lunch.....

Expensive fish for tea by the time he gets home, ( even more so if he doesnt catch any.) but the enjoyment is worth far more than money can buy.

Mind you, to buy a nice piece of fresh fish you are paying up to $30.00kg.

Yarn buying is a much more realistic habit because if necessary you make something and sell it to buy more yarn.

I rest my case.

Have fun.


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Why don't you go and look at the fishing tackle and I will meet you back here in an hour?"

He than ends up buying several lures he doesn't need, a new reel of line and the latest gadget, I buy yarn.

Fairs Fair.


Ah Colleen, my DH is nothing like that! He will agonize over spending a lousy $50 for a necessary computer part while I don't bat an eyelash at dropping $70 on yarn. He gets very apologetic about his meager purchases and discusses them all with me. But then he encourages me to purchase as much yarn as I want! Talk about a guilt trip!:embar

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I just have to laugh myself silly with everyone's yarn story.....cause mine is just about the same as everyone else's. I just came home from shopping with my hubby. We had to get some groceries for our BBQ tonight.....and of course, I had to go down the yarn aisle. I put nine skeins in the basket and very innocently showed hubby that the yarn is on sale right now. He didn't say a word, lol. Then I went to sneak 3 more skeins in the basket that wasn't on sale. Hubby was very good about it. He asks, "don't you have this color?" ....I said no honey, I don't.....and I need it for my next project. He gracefully accepted the extra strain on the budget. I was proud of him. But I'm just as sneaky as everyone else....when it comes to wanting extra skeins for the great hall of stash! I will admit that my husband laughs at me, with my big bundles of yarn that I love so dearly. He teases me about it all the time.....and never let's me forget how much yarn I have.......I always respond that it's in the color...not how many skeins.:yes

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My husband always goes shopping with me. Sometimes he looks at computer/electronics and sometimes he stays with me. I rarely buy that much yarn anyway and when I do get some he never says a word. :manyheart

I try not to buy yarn just to buy it though. I usually have a project in mind.

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Yesterday I was shopping at Michael's with my husband and saw Ticker Tape and Vixen on sale for $1. I told him that while I like those yarns I really didn't need it and left him to use the restroom. When I got back, he'd already bought out two bins! He said I'd use it or add it to my stash and eventually need it for something. His mother is a knitter and used to sew a lot so I think he was brought up to understand that you need a good stash (and we've been together for over 30 years---started dating at 17 and we're both 51 now---so he never learned that there are women who don't "collect").

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I wish my wool shops had things to occupy hubbys - I pre arm mine with the newest guitar mag - so he thinks its a treat and then drop him somewhere in the store and make him promise not to look at the total amounts!

Im very jealous that you can send yours off like that.

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I find my husband useful for coordinating and matching colors. I get very frustrated when I buy a ball of black and in the daylight it turns out to be navy blue.

I don't know what the other shoppers think when they see my big *bloke standing in the craft section, in his work clothes, holding balls of yarn and saying 'This goes with that.' and "That doesn't quite match this.":lol


*Translation - Bloke = Typical Australian Male

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My hubby simply accepts that I aquire yarn; sometimes I buy it, sometimes I trade for it and sometimes its given to me. I used to hide it from him and then one day when I couldn't find what I wanted knowing full well it was in the house somewhere and finally just said to him that I am no longer going to hide my purchases(free yarn he has no objections to) and he said that he was no longer going to hide his hobby purchases. Ironically his hobbies cost way more than mine and are only for him while mine I use for gifts and clothing etc. It only took us thirty five years to so honest with each other. I still find that I hide yarn when I feel guilty...old habits are hard to break

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My dh understands my need to create. I don't have a huge yarn stash though, as my scrapbooking stash is huge and takes up massive amounts of room. If at WM, I send him to look at cd's. He always buys one or two.



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Dh does not say much about me and my yarn or hooks for that matter. All the crafty stuff i do I come back to Crochet, and my stash. I have 2 baskets full next to the couch. BUT I tell DH that he got a house w/ a shop and I got ONE Bathroom so he can't complain about my yarn w/ his shop full of Mac/Snapon Tools!

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That's a great story!!


Me, I'm usually the one saying 'yeah, so I picked up what I needed for this project, but then I saw that THIS was on sale...and a REALLY GOOD sale too..so I picked up a couple of skeins...' it's always after the fact, cause I know he won't make me go back and return it...but last week I did something I've never done before :eek I saw chinelle yarn mill ends in the 1 pound bags for $5 each bag...and I picked up 4 bags of a really pretty soft green (which will go WONDERFULLY with my eyes LOL)...and then I told him I'd only picked up 2...I hid 2 of the bags in our bedroom, in the corner under all the misc stuff that we never touch and put the other 2 bags in the closet with the rest of my yarn...


So, what does he do? He decides to neaten up the livingroom and starts going through that pile of misc stuff where I hid the 2 bags he didn't know about :eek:eek:eek...and he says "I found the mill ends...very pretty color" and I told him I'd put them back there so that I wouldn't be tempted to put down my current projects (all of which have to be completed within the next month) to work on something with that yarn...then I quietly went to the closet that houses my stash and threw my daughter's jacket on top of the bag that had the other 2 things of chinelle just to be sure that he didn't find them!!!


That aught to teach me to fib!!!:devil



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My husband has already told me straight up that he would be FAR more upset with me if I lied/fibbed about what I purchased instead of just spending too much. So I'm always honest with him.


Besides, he still blows money on comic books and gaming supplies... he's 35. ;)

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I'm a lucky woman as well! DH drove me to the store, handed me his credit card and said "Don't spend more than $200"!!! I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out looking for his second head! Aren't we all just lucky to have such understand and enabling men in our lives?!

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I don't know what the other shoppers think when they see my big *bloke standing in the craft section, in his work clothes, holding balls of yarn and saying 'This goes with that.' and "That doesn't quite match this.":lol


*Translation - Bloke = Typical Australian Male


Esta, that is absolutely adorable. I can just picture that scene... lol. :lol

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His work uniform is a flourescent safety shirt, navy blue stubbies (shorts) big hairy leggs and steel capped boots. Complete with black sunglasses, black cap and stubble.

He looks mean but our two year old has him under her thumb and wrapped around her little finger. :hug

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shopping with any man can be exasperrating but my DSF is one of the worst. My mom has to buy online or when he is at work just to keep her projects going. I don't think she would be able to hide yarn under her groceries and get away with it.

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Living in Brooklyn, we dont have the great large stores that you all seem to be talking about. Here when you go to the grocery store, you buy groceries - when you go to the yarn store - you buy yarn. I would love to be able to go to one store and buy everything.

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Where do you shop that has groceries & Yarn & fishing tackle?


One word Wal-Mart...At least for me that is. I do all my shopping at walmart.


Lucky for me I do the grocery shopping alone most times. So its easy for me to sneak things in. But its also difficult because I have no one there to tell me enough is enough. Last yarn trip we made (the whole family) I was busy grabbing discount yarn while hubby is saying "I want my blanket to be this color, and this color, and this color, and Oh this is nice I am sure you can make it work." Yes he is an enabler and he is already more then willing to build me custom shelves to store my yarn in IN the living room:eek.

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One word Wal-Mart...At least for me that is. I do all my shopping at walmart.


Lucky for me I do the grocery shopping alone most times. So its easy for me to sneak things in. But its also difficult because I have no one there to tell me enough is enough. Last yarn trip we made (the whole family) I was busy grabbing discount yarn while hubby is saying "I want my blanket to be this color, and this color, and this color, and Oh this is nice I am sure you can make it work." Yes he is an enabler and he is already more then willing to build me custom shelves to store my yarn in IN the living room:eek.

OOOh, our local Wal-mart carries a few grocery items but the local govt. has denied their request to expand. Guess that's a good thing for my budget! I do usually go there for diapers, since they're about $3 cheaper than my grocery store but also come out with at least that much in yarn.

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