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How Many Tries...

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Does it take you to get your project right?

Me? Ohmygosh.....takes me anywhere between three and five times to get my project started right!

My baby blanket I started yesterday...I'm frogging today...starting this one over for the 2nd time....LOL.

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For me it depends on what I'm making, if it's something that I've made before I start correctly the first time. With the exception of one time I was making an alphabet baby blanket, individual squares.....well I put it together and forgot to put the border around each square before assembling it:blush so I had to pull it apart. For a new pattern I've never done, sometimes it can take me a few tries.:D

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Depending on what is going on around me is how many times I have to start over again. If the kids are out and I get the first several rows done I am usually ok but if they are in and wanting things it takes me a little more work.


Now I started a pattern in the stitch n bitch and that was a different story. I don't know how many times I frogged one thing before I started looking. I finally saw that others were having problems with those patterns and looked on the site and got the darn CORRECTIONS! I mean really if you are going to publish a book are you really not gonnna make sure they are all right before printing them? I don't think I will EVER buy another one of her books in the future. Nikki

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I rarely use patterns. When I do, it is for a doily or something similiar, and in that case I'm pretty sure it is right.


For everything else (belts, shawls, home decor, etc) I make up my own patterns..."wing it", in other words. Sometimes I have to frog quite a few times before the item I see in my head is acurately represented by my work. Other times, the first try works.


It depends on the project...


(Note that I am not what you could consider wonderfully talented...I can't come up with fantastic clothing patterns out of my head!)

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I usually get started with a bang...it is somewhere in the middle where I occasionally mess up on interpretation in a pattern lol...& if I'm half way through, no way I give up! Sometimes I get lucky but usually no...I say that I probably frog once per project unless it is a very simple straight fwd st like all dc or V stitches or all shells etc. There have been a few complicated rows where I've frogged one or two rows 3 or 4 times before I get it right...but usually I can get through it once, with the pattern right in front of me & taking one pattern section at a time until I understand the pattern.

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I am making a simple cape from a free Lion Brand pattern




and life was good during rows 1 - 18


19 - 34 should have been a no-brainer... but the combintion of the yarn I chose - Bernat Soft Boucle, slate shades - which made the tops of the double crochets difficult to see and the fact that I wasn't paying close attention it started to grow in width as well as length. When I realized it and counted I was now at 76 stitches wide, not 58 *Frog 1:2frog* way back to the area where I got off the '58'. Continued on - got off track around row 30 *Frog 2:2frog * back to row 26. Finally made it to row 34.:sweat


On to the decrease area, rows 35 - 51... Followed the pattern - or so I thought - but at about row 45 I realized it was not decreasing at a rate equal to the rows 1 - 18... so *Frog 3:2frog *

Tried it again two more times *Frogs 4:2frog and 5:2frog *


Am once again at familiar row 45, but this time counting and also comparing the 'angle' with the first part (rows 1 - 18) since ultimately they will need to be even.


So that's five frogs :frog :frog :frog :frog :frog and I'm not even to the border section yet.... OH, and this is rated as an easy pattern - and it IS EASY!!!!!! I just need to pay attention!:hyper

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For me, it depends on the difficulty of the project itself. Even if it's a new pattern, if it's an easy one, 99% of the time I can get it on the first try.

But I have to admit that when I'm tired, I'm more likely to make a mistake. I had to start my newest ripple baby blanket 3 times. I kept having too many stitches and couldn't figure out how I'd done it, especially considering this was the third one I'd done!:think

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This post came at a good time for me. I am tying to make a lion brand pattern marked easy, and I just cant seem to get it. When I see how well my mom crochets, it makes it doubly hard. It makes me feel 7 again and how I cpuld never color inside the lines. Knowing some of the long time crocheters have to ribbit!!! sometimes makes me feel a little better



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:lol :lol :lol I've had to frog one sweater I was working on 4 times! It was the Lily Chin fringed jacket done in afghan stitch. At one point I had the back and 1 1/2 fronts done! The problem was that I had never done afghan before and my stitches were coming out way too tight the further I got along in the project. Couple that with the fact that I was using Berroco Suede which was very stretchy and skinny! With much discipline I forced myself to crochet in a relaxed manner and finally finished it.:clap
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For me, it's not just starting a pattern. It's deciding that I like the pattern once I see it "in the real world", not looking awesome in some picture designed to sell. Some yarn/ pattern combos don't appeal to me one I'm actually working and I'll start over tons of times or start completely new with a different pattern.



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My first few I havent had a problem with - well maybe only 1 froggie one ach roughly

but this puppy Im working on, Im about to start again for the fourth time - and the thing that gets me - its a really simple pattern - but I keep trying it at night when im tired etc and The simpleness leaves just leaving me a missed rows and decs etc.

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3rd time is always the charm for me. Almost always. I don't think I've ever picked up and went on the 1st try. I've learned to accept the fact I'll be frogging at least twice on anything I start.

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Update to my post #11 - the pond is getting crowded with three more partial froggings....:2frog :2frog :2frog now I'm not talking complete destruction here - just five or six rows - 10, 15 max... but still...


Oh, and it's coming out pretty nice!:elle

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I'm making the Fancy Fans Wrap/Shawl on the CPC list for my mother...at her request..for my younger cousin's wedding in June...I just started it two nights ago...and I started & frogged this thing 5 times...I told my DH that if I didn't get it right this time (my 6th attempt) I was calling my mom and telling her to pick another wrap, cause I was getting VERY frustrated!! Luckily, the sixth time I got it....now I just have to keep going on it LOL!!


My only issue with most patterns is that my gauge is WAY off from most patterns' gauges...so with wearables I have to go back & do several swatches just to see which hook gets even remotely close to the directions so that the finished project would fit...with this shawl I went down to a C hook and still needed to shorten the beg chain by 100 ch st...and it was STILL longer than it was supposed to be...grrrrr....



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Update on my previous post...turns out that I was reading the directions wrong LOL!! I thought this wrap was worked from one side to the other, not from the top to the bottom...that's why my beginning chain was so far off what the directions said LOL!! I frogged the whole thing one more time, which brings me to 6 frogs...and now have it going properly...as of last night I'd finished row 15 out of 25, so I hope to have this finished before Monday...



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Me too - if it is something really new (and sometimes not so new), I almost always have to frog twice twice and I usually end up getting it right on the third time.


3rd time is always the charm for me. Almost always. I don't think I've ever picked up and went on the 1st try. I've learned to accept the fact I'll be frogging at least twice on anything I start.
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The ONLY wearable I got right the first time was the bell sleeve lacy pullover from the Tahki/Stacy Charles booklet!


I lost count how many times I frogged "Stacy" from "Cool crochet" before I got the result I was looking for ( I had to modify the pattern).


Even a darn scarf! Easy-peasy scarf I was making for my SIL I had to frog 'cause I missed a stitch.


Knitting is worse! I am working on a sweater I frogged 4 times!


But, I look at each mistake, each frogging session as a lesson and know i will be a better crafter for it.

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