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My Joanns Find Today

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I am so pleased. I found some DMC Baroque on clearance at Joanns for $1 a skein. Yay!! I have never tried this thread but have been wanting too. It was priced at $2 a skein and I got five. When I got to the register, they rang up at $1. I should have gone back and gotten more...Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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You got a GREAT deal! I have a friend in London, England who just LOVES that brand! I have used it for a few small projects and loved it too! Enjoy! :clap

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Great deal!

I went to Jo-Ann's today and LB Chenille was on clearance for $1.25 each! I got 8 skeins. I should have gotten more but I promised myself that I would only spend $20 and I had to buy a bigger pot for my daughter's plants, so...:blush But at least I have yarn for Christmas gifts now! Hee hee

They had tons of yarn on clearance, though, I couldn't believe it! I think they're redesigning the store, there were signs all over the place that said something like, "sorry for the inconvenience, we'll be reorganized soon!" So I'm going to keep checking back...who knows what they'll put on clearance next! :devil

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I was at one of my local Joanns today too. They still had quite a bit on clearance also. And when I was checking out my cashier told me that they were redesigning the store, which we both found interesting since this particular store has only been open for about 3 months.


Anyway, despite the fact that I don't NEED anymore yarn, I got my fix today by buying Patons Allure for $1 each! boy was I psyched. I have been wanting to make the "blanket coat" from one of their pamphlets, but didn't want to spend nearly $5 a ball when I need 20 balls.

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