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I found yarn heaven!!

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Okay, you guys have got to understand... yarn seems to be an endangered species here in my neck of the woods. I only know of 2 places to buy it, one of which is horribly overpriced.


Well... my SIL sent me to town to pick up my daughter's birthday present (cuz she took said daughter out today), and I was wandering around the market looking for a birthday card for same said daughter from the rest of us. I stumbled across this stall that I had never even seen before.


YARN!!:yarn :yarn


Lovely, gorgeous, YARN!:clap :clap :clap


All different kinds, and their prices were pretty reasonable too. For my staple acrylic stuff I'd probably still go where I've been buying it lately, but this place had all kinds of fancy yarns too! And most of them were less than £5 a skein - still more than what I've been paying, but less than the other place.


You have absolutely NO idea how excited I am right now. I've already got plans to go over there the next time I get paid and buy up some of this "firefly" stuff they've got - it would make a GREAT skinny scarf to dress up in.




When I got home, I found that my new hooks from Purple Kitty arrived today!:yay :yay


I'm a happy hooker today, that's for darned sure!:hook :hook :hook

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When I read your title, my first thought was...You found my house? LOL:lol I have far too much yarn and who knows if I will ever use it all. Oh well. I am so happy for you that you have a new place to get the wonderful thing we can yarn! Happy hooking!

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YIPPEE for you!! :clap I have a e-mail pal that lives in the UK and she sometimes finds it hard getting yarn as well. She recently found a yarn store that she didn't know about. It's like a kid in a candy store.!! :blush

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I'm in the U.S., but I'm in a small town so it's really hard for me to get yarn without ordering it online. And sually when I want yarn, I want it NOW! So I understand how excited you must be!



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When I read your title, my first thought was...You found my house? LOL:lol


:lol :lol


It's like a kid in a candy store.!!


Exactly! Those are the exact words I was thinking to myself as I looked around! :D


I'm in the U.S., but I'm in a small town


I know what you mean, actually. I grew up in a small town, so in order to get anything other than food, it involved a big shopping trip in the car. Small towns are GREAT for raising families (IMO), but they SUCK for shopping! :lol

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I'm still looking for my yarn heavan :P but so glad you found yours.


Nucki, LadyintheMoon: how far of a drive did you have to go to get to the next town? For me to get to a Michael's or JoAnns it's a 2 hr 30 min drive for me. I'll just order online

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how far of a drive did you have to go to get to the next town? For me to get to a Michael's or JoAnns it's a 2 hr 30 min drive for me. I'll just order online

Well, luckily, we only lived 30 minutes in any direction from a good shopping town. So it wasn't quite THAT bad! But I can see where you're coming from... with the amount of money you'd spend on gas to get anywhere, you may as well put it towards shipping instead. Heck, it's probably CHEAPER! :lol

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We understand completely, Nucki, and we're so happy for you.


I live in rural North Dakota. It's 100 miles to a Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, Hancock Fabrics, and Ben Franklin store for me. The 100 miles isn't too bad during the warm season but during the winter months (remember this is NORTH Dakota), that 100 miles might as well be a million miles away.


Way to go! Hope you find lots and lots of wonderful yarn that you can easily afford at your new place! Congratulations!

:hook:manyheart:hook Happy squishing the lovely yarn in your fingers! :yes

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