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Prayer/Comfort Shawl Question

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Does someone else need to make the shawl to have the blessing woven into it? Or can the maker of it also bless it and be the reciever of the same shawl?


I guess I am stating my question weird. I want to make myself a prayer shawl but I don't know if the blessing that you say when you start making the shawl will be woven into it if the reciever is also the maker?

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I have no idea since I've not made any but here's my take on it.

Usually they're made for someone else to comfort them.

However if YOU need comfort and you feel a shawl will bring you that comfort, knowing you said prayers or whatever while you made I say make it and find comfort in it.


Whatever you do, I hope you find comfort and peace. :hug

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Prayers offer comfort no matter who says them. If you saying them for yourself brings you comfort, then make your own prayer shawl. If you want, you can always ask your clergy, if you have one, to say a prayer over the shawl too.

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Maybe you'd feel better if you had your Mom ,Hubby someone close to you say a blessing on it after you make it ;) Just a thought. Allthought I believe prayers no matter where they come from are heard :):hug

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You can say a prayer, or comforting thoughts while you are making them. And/or you can take them to be blessed at a church that understands the concept. From what I understand, the Prayer Shawl Ministry is not affiliated with the book that was published. I believe they have a disclaimer on their website. I make the shawls for donation and try to put as many warm and comforting thoughts into them as I make them. Then, they are given to a charity/rest home/assisted living/Project Linus/hospice...or whomever else would need them. Hope this helps. :)

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:ty to the people that responded to my question. I am going through a rough time right now and my way of comforting myself has always been to crochet. Since crochet is my comforting activity I thought that making a shawl for myself would be beneficial. In my little world :earth it makes sense.


Again I would like to thank everyone who responded; Empress Busy Bee, badrhinogillett, Chiscrochetcrazy and Suzee - Thank you!


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I'm sure you can make a shawl saying or thinking special comforting or encouraging prayers for yourself and be blessed. You can also have your faith leader give it a special blessing if you have one. I know that crochet itself is comforting, and hopefully this shawl will give you strength, comfort and encouragement.

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I would like to thank everyone here on this forum and out there lurking and reading the forums messages. I have received many very nice emails and messages from so many people. I also want to thank you all for not thinking that I am self centered for wanting to make myself a comfort shawl. Thank you all once again.


I would like to thank classic crochet and losingmymind2 for their encouraging words and thoughts - Thank You!

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No way praying for yourself isn't self centered ;) We all deserve prayers :hug I deliverd my first prayer throw yeasterday to a man who had cancer surgery he works for my hubby. He had just gotten out of surgery & was still very thankful :c9 Warmed my heart. Ironically the prayer shawl I made also was recived by mail yesterday :) It made my day knowing that I put a little light in their day :)

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I believe you can't pray effectively for others if you haven't first prayed for yourself. You need it as much as anyone else, and it certainly isn't wrong to pray for strength, wisdom, grace..whatever your needs at the time are. To me, there is NO wrong reason to pray, you just need the wisdom to see the answer and grace to accept it if it isn't what you wanted, but what is best.

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i hope that you are finding comfort in making and wearing your shawl, i agree with all the others .if you can't pray for yourself, then how can you bless others with prayers. i often will ask god for strength and wisdom, and he has never failed me. god bless and keep you and lots o prayers headed your way from me and i will keep you in my prayers and on the prayer chain at my church:yes :yes:hug :hug :hug

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I completely agree with everyone else who has posted on this topic...and while many of us get toally caught up in making items for the other people in our lives, it is equally important (if not more so) that we make things for ourselves to keep and enjoy...otherwise, we'll all have crafted for years and years and never have anything physical to show for it...this is not a selfish or self-centered wish...every piece I have made makes me feel a little better when I use it...and I do my best to keep good thoughts going while I'm making something, because I do believe that whatever energy (prayer, whatever you'd like to call it) you put into creating an object will stay with it forever...


I hope that things take a turn for the better for you very soon...and you know that the C'ville family is always here if you need to scream...:hug


Enjoy your shawl!!



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