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yarn thieves!

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i found this hysterical, and thought y'all would too!!! (i seriously hope this is no one on here, b/c it's just too funny)


"Women Accused Of Stealing Yarn


POSTED: 4:43 pm EDT May 24, 2006

UPDATED: 6:39 pm EDT May 24, 2006

WOODSTOCK -- A grandmotherly-looking woman is one of the two people accused of stealing thousands of dollars in yarn from stores in metro Atlanta."


(there's more)

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LOL, Now that is quite a yarn story, LOL. :rofl I wonder why those ladies were so compelled to steal all that yarn? Were they actually going to use it? I guess the one husband, thought her stash was getting out of hand, lol, and that's why he called to return it. That is quite a story.......so much so, that it's almost unbelievable. I am so curious as to why these ladies wanted all that yarn? :think :think :think

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You know, on some sick level, I relate. :lol I can see me as an old lady, on a fixed income and desperate for yarn, going bezerk in some yarn shop, overwhelmed at the array of skeins.


I wonder if they'll press charges?

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See what you did?:lol Now every time I look at my yarn stash, I am going to be thinking about this story....my goodness, yarn theives. :rofl I am going to have to hide all my yarn so I don't fall victim to a couple of yarn theives. Yikes, if someone stole my yarn I'd be devastated :eek Thanks for the story! :day

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I wonder if they have some sort of mental compulsion that made them do it. You know, like some sort of a yarnokleptomania? Seriously! People are strange enough... when you actually start to look at the different types of compulsions and phobias and whatnot we have... it's downright scary!:(:lol


It's the only plausible explanation my brain can come up with right now... cuz you'd think if they were gonna sell them off at some sort of profit, they wouldn't have still had them in their homes!:think

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:think Total stash maniacs maybe? Wow! What do you think they were going to do with it all? I know I love to go to the yarn store and walk through touching all of the yarns and I certainly have more than I currently need but :whew I've never taken it illegally. My husband doesn't believe it but I do have a plan for all of that :yarn stash......someday!
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I don't feel so bad now. At least I haven't reached the point of stealing yarn. Just hope that kind of thing doesn't turn into an epidemic. I'm a recycler and I can see people being mugged for the sweaters they're wearing. "No, I don't want your money, just hand over that sweater and no one will get hurt." :devil

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I almost feel sorry for them. I know stealing is stealing, but I almost hope they don't get too busted,... because I can understand the obsession!

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I just read this on crafster. I think they have some serious problems :think I like yarn alot but for Heavens sake that's just crazy :think I also think $40 for a ball of yarn is ridiculous too :eek

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Maybe they want to open their own yarn store. I too think $40 a skein is way out of line, especially for worm stuff. People who'd charge that much are out of their minds and anyone who'd buy it at that price is seriously wacky.

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I just read this on crafster. I think they have some serious problems :think I like yarn alot but for Heavens sake that's just crazy :think I also think $40 for a ball of yarn is ridiculous too :eek


I know...you'd think they ran this story from Beverly Hills or something...I can't imagine anyone other than wacky celebrities paying that kind of money!

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I can't even imagine what $13,000 of yarn looks like in someone's house. Can you believe that the husband offered to return the yarn thinking that, that will make stealing it okay. Regarding the "grandmotherly" description, there goes the young, hip & modern image that the crochet magazine's have been trying to promote.

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i am thinking that these woman suffer from some sort of disorder, perhaps dementia, as people often do at that age. it seems sad that they felt they had to steal the yarn and the hubby by calling and trying to mae it right for the store owners. i hope that they learned a lesson, just seems sad that they were not watched more closer,and is a miracle they were not hurt. i know alot of people, think this is funny, but i don't as it is obvious they need help and i hope they get it :think :think

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As funny as this is, it got me thinking about e-bay yarn. I have always wondered where people get all that yarn they are selling in lots. I know several of the sellers are really trying to cut their stash, but I wonder how many skeins of yarn on e-bay are stolen. Maybe these women were stealing and turning around and selling it either on line or at flea markets or something. Just makes me wonder what I may be bidding on...

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:hug:think These women had to be very stupid to take so much at once.

If they had stolen some, made it up and given the evidence away, they may have never been found out.

Just shows how greed can get the better of you.

I have owned a wool shop and believe me it takes a lot of yarn to make $13.000 worth.

They should be made to work in the shops they stole from, knitting or crocheting items for the shopkeeper to sell until they have paid back the full amount, even though the shopkeeper got most of it back.

I dont know how strict E-Bay is but the Auction Site I use in NZ, Trade Me, has very strict rules and have caught a few crooks who were selling stolen goods.

If you are selling a huge amount of anything, you have to apply for a Dealers Licence with police checks etc. so you would not get away with too much.

Have fun.


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hmm... punishment fit the crime? Maybe they could make them wear restriction electronic bracelets or anklets & crochet up all that yarn for CHARITY. But I'm sure the yarn shops want their inventory back so I guess that's out. But it would be some great publicity for the shop that is questioning weather to press charges lol!


I won't press charges if; we allow you to keep xxx skeins of acrylic yarn & you provide proof of 2 afghans per wk for 1 yr donated to _______ charity.


Really, I think the women have an obsession with yarn stashing since the yarn was still there...un-knit or un-crocheted. If it was just a stealing obsession, they could have sold it for profit at flea mkts, ebay or whatever...& the police would have found a lot of other stolen items...but yarn was the only thing mentioned in the article.


edit: I also agree $40 for a skein of yarn is beyond my comprehension. Even if I had a lot of money which I don't...I don't think I'd ever pay that much for 1 skein. Of course I don't think the yarn itself is the art...but the pattern & what you create from it. I've seen some gorgeous creations done with 2.50 skeins of microspun or $1.99 simply soft.

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