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Do You Ever Dream About Crochet?

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This morning I awoke recalling that I had dreamt that I was reading back issues of Dear Abby. I don't recall the time frame of the letter submitted to her, and it wasn't really an inquiry, but the topic was about crocheting. In fact, I think it was a poem about crocheting that someone had sent to her.


Then, I recall reading a second back issue of Dear Abby and the topic again was about crocheting, only this time it had to do with someone's dislike for it.


I've dreamt about crocheting before. I had a dream about there being a "crochet hospital"!:sick


Has anyone else had crochet enter into their dreamworld? :sleep


Do share!


~ Lori

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I Can Barely Remember My Dreams Unless It's Somthing I Really Don't Want To Be Dreaming And Tell Myself To Wake Up. Maybe Since Crocheting Is All About Chains And Stitches, Maybe Someone In Your Family Or Friends (chain ) is in the hospital having stitches!!!!


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I actually took knitting classes and flunked out. :lol But about a year after the classes were done, I started dreaming of knit stitch and bought some stix and yarn, and make a scarf. Just waiting to dream about purl stitch now. :lol

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Oh, of course I dream about crochet! Anytime I do something a lot, it is kind of like a "dream backdrop". When I got addicted to Tetris (heh) in the early 90s, I had freaky dropping blocks in my dreams. When I'm designing a piece I sometimes dream about how to make it work (best way to attach, pattern stitch, etc). When I'm working on a big crochet project I feel like I am doing the same stitch all night.


It's like when you go to the beach and you feel like the waves are still hitting you, or you go roller skating and you still feel like you're on skates, or you have been riding roller coasters and you feel like you're climbing the initial hill... :-)

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I think you dream to sort out what is going on in your head through the day. you like crocheting thats all I wouldn`t worry too much xx


I always dream about what ever has frustrated me or stressed me out during the day. Sometimes this helps, it will solve the problem :dance , but sometimes it just means I don't get good sleep which is equally frustrating!:sigh

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I tend to have pictures flash in my head when I'm getting ready to go to sleep. I'll be just about ready to drift off, then --flash! -- and I have to get up and draw a picture so I don't forget it by morning. I do that most with beadwork, but I'm beginning to do it with knit and crochet too.


I only remember having one knit/crochet dream. I had been working rabidly on a scarf to get it done in time for the holidays, and in my dream I was still working on it. I woke up when my husband said, "Stop it!"


When I looked down, I was holding the edge of the blankets in my hands, and I'd twisted our blanket from my chest all the way down to my feet. When I ran out of "yarn," I apparently grabbed the sheet and started to "knit" it too.

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Well, I've never dreamed of crocheting, but I do sit around at work and daydream about what I'm going to work on when I get home. When things are slow, I even get out a pad and start planning out a stitch pattern, if I'm trying to figure out how many stitches to make in a row for a certain width. I'll even go so far as to plan out how much yarn I need, where to get it, how much each place is charging, offset by how much in gas it's going to take to get there vs. just ordering on-line (but one must factor in shipping...).


It's all quite exhausting...it's a wonder I get my real work done! :devil

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I spend a lot of time on the computer playing Spider Solitaire (think I'm addicted) and when I'm in that state between asleep and awake I move cards around in my dreams. Lately I've been doing more crochet and the past two mornings I dreamed about moving crochet stitches around - sc, dc, and trc stitches in various colors trying to make them fit a nice pattern. It must have something to do with repetive motions or patterns of activity.

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No crochet dreams that I can remember but I occasionally wake up in the middle of the night with my first thought being, "Is it time to get up yet? I want to crochet." :blush

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I don't dream about crochet BUT I think about crochet when I'm having trouble getting to sleep and I want to clear my head - sort of like counting sheep - only I count stitches - only easy stitches of course! (wouldn't want to have nightmares!) I picture the yarn on the hook and pulling it through, completing the stitch, then going onto the next stitch... pretty soon I'm asleep.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Yep, sure do, especially when I've been doing it a lot. Seems like I dream about stuff when I've been doing it a lot or when it's something I really really want. But lately I've been dreaming more about knitting. I had a dream not too long ago where I couldn't figure out whether I was twisting the stitches or not.

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Paulette, I do that, too!! I knit or single crochet myself to sleep. You've made me feel more sane :)


Katherine, if I'VE made YOU feel sane then you are in a serious world of hurt!:loco ... When I'm not 'picturing' crochet stitches in my head I also:

1) pretend to be a little bug walking around my lawn and climbing in the flower pots

2) have tiny little bulldozers in my head heaping all my troubles into piles and then the little brick layers build walls around them so they can't get out.

3) try and cover my entire body in pillows including my head but leave a breathing hole (very important)

4) talk to my house ghost Benjamin...


but if you feel better, then it's all GOOD:sofunny :neener

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I'm at a point where pretty much anytime I remember my dreams, I'm crochetting in them (or occasionally knitting)...or I'm showing someone the things I've just finished...or shopping for yarn...pretty much everything is crochet related lately LOL!!

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