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Do You Think I'm Crazy...

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For doing this?


I'm pregnant....:c9 for the third time....:yay ....this baby is due early January. I know....it's far far farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away!

Anyways...I've already picked out a blanket I want to crochet....(Leisure Arts Best Of Terry Kimbrough Baby Afghans "Playtime") and I went and bought pink yarn for it. Yes...PINK.

That's how "determined" and "sure" I am that I am having a girl...LOL. It's in my cards....so to speak. Ok...not cards...but you know that thing where you take your necklace, swipe it over your wrist, and then hole it over your palm....and watch in which direction it moves? Well...I belive in it. BIG TIME. It moves three times for me.......and first time is a girl (who's name is Lauren, and she's 7 years old!)....second time is a boy (who's name is Alexander, and he's going to be three in July)....third time is a girl (don't have her name yet!!)........

My mom thinks I'm crazy for doing it.....I think I am too....but oh well...I'm crocheting a pink blanket and that's that! LOL :hook

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Well, I for one believe it. My step-son and his wife did that when she was pregnant with their first child, and it said girl. Nobody believed it though because all the guys in his family have boys. Well, in Jan. they had a girl - the first girl in the family for a loooooonnnnggg time. She is precious, and she is rotten!! LOL We all are going to spoil her completely! I just made her the cutest little poncho. I'll post pics later in Babies Show & Tell. :hook

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you have a fifty fifty chance of being right so get your hook out and make a pink blanket if baby turns out to be a boy I am sure he wont mind having a pink blankie as he will be warm and snug with something his momma made go for it honey and get crocheting take care xxx

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No, I don't think you're crazy. I was right 3 of the 4 times I thought I was having a girl! (Yes, I had 4 girls, but I was CONVINCED the last one was going to be a BOY! :D )


If *I* were you, however, I'd have a "backup plan." I'd make the EXACT same blanket in BLUE... just in case. Then, if you're right, you can always either give the blue one away (if you happen to know someone who has or is having a boy), or you could even try selling it on Ebay.


But that's ME. I'm very much a "better safe than sorry" type of person. :)


Edited to add: CONGRATS! (I can't believe I forgot to say that... :blush )

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LoL @ the pink. I was so convinced that my second would be a boy (that little palm test even said so!) and she's a girl. :lol My sis-in-law totally believes in the needle over the palm thing, too.

I think nucki has a good idea- make the same thing in blue, just in case- then which ever one you end up with, you can donate the other color blankie or give it to a friend or something. :manyheart

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No, I don't think you're crazy. I was right 3 of the 4 times I thought I was having a girl! (Yes, I had 4 girls, but I was CONVINCED the last one was going to be a BOY! :D )



All I have to say is I am the youngest of six, and the only girl:c9


Why not hedge your bet and make a rainbow pastle?



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Guest Catlizg

I believe it - I dreamed about each of mine before they were born. In the dream, I saw their hair color, eye color, sex and size. And, yep, I was right all 3 times. And if by some fluke you end up having a boy, well then you have a lovely gift for someone.

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Congrats ! I'm so happy for you.


If you think you are having a girl, go right ahead and make that pink blanket. As Auntbubbles already said, if you are wrong, you can always donate the blanket to a chairty. Or if you have friends that are having babies, you can alays give it to one of them.


A good friend of mine from work's wife had a babby a while ago. Everyone (incuding the babies father) was convinced it was going to be a boy. Afterall, in 5 generations of the male line in that family there had only ever been one girl born. The mom was very convinced that the baby was going to be a girl. No one argued with her becuase she was so postive she was having a girl that it really upset her if you said otherwise. Well, my friend now has a beautfiul baby girl. All of us were wrong, and the mommy was right.

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Congratulations! Go with it and make the pink blanket. But I would have another one. Either blue in case it's a boy or another color that can be either for either sex.

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Congratulations!! I say go for it, you can always make one in blue too. I like the rainbow idea too. I've made blankies for relatives using rainbow colors and everyone loved them. Whatever you do your baby will be warm and loved.


Ellie 13

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First of all congrats. We are ttc baby 4. I thought dd was a boy, military would only let me have one u/s. And then I "knew" that my last 2 were boys.

Happy crocheting a pink blankie if nothing else it helps pass the time.

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:cheer Congratulations!:cheer :cheer


:manyheart Yes you are a bit of a :fruitcake but that is ok, what pregnant woman isn't? It is all good and making a pink blanket will give you something to do, then you can make a blue one, and a yellow one and then a green one. That should take you through to January and any you don't need can be sold or given to the hospital for chairity:manyheart

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