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Any Teddy Bear collectors here?

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Do any of you collect teddy bears? I'm asking because I'm kicking around this idea, and I wanted a totally non-biased opinion.

See, my grandmother collects teddy bears. They have over run her house. They're in the kitchen, the living room, her bedroom, MY old bedroom (she raised me), the guest bedroom... she's even got some in the old sewing room that she hasn't used for over 20 years!

But she still wants more and more. When you don't know what to buy her, buy her a teddy bear, and she'll be happy. As a matter of fact, she'll be ECSTATIC! :lol

So I was thinking... I owe her some presents (her birthday and mother's day were both earlier this month and I wasn't able to send her anything because I simply couldn't afford it). And since money IS so tight, I was thinking that maybe I could MAKE her something rather than BUY it. And as I just finished my first amigurumi as of about an hour ago... :D ... I was thinking that maybe I could make one for her.

But I'm not sure if she'd like it. I know she likes teddies, but I was thinking of the amigurumi simply because it's something DIFFERENT. I'm the only one in the family that crochets anymore (both my aunt and my cousin DID, but they're both deceased now), so there's absolutely NO WAY she'll have ever even SEEN one before.

What I was thinking was that I could do it in her favorite color (blue), and maybe embroider something like "#1 Mom" ('cuz that's what I call her) or something along those lines.

What do you guys think?:think


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I think your Grandma/Mom (I have one of those too:D )would love it! You've obviously put thought into it, it's something she loves and collects, made by someone she loves:manyheart . I think it's perfect! I crocheted a teddy for a neice a few years ago and had a blast making it, it's fun to see it take shape as you go along. I say go for it and I would love to see pics when your through:hook

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My mom is the same-bears everywhere! I made her a crocheted bear for Mom's day and she loved it. I also made a little hat, skirt & scarf for her in Mom's favorite color-Purple. Even my Dad liked it. I think your GrandMom would be equally pleased. Hand-made is always more touching than store bought IMO.

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I was a Teddybear collector but had to give it up.

I had so many, they were taking over my house.

One day I decided to take most of them to the

R.C.M.P (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) so they

could give them to little kids who are traumatized

in accidents or abused. There are so many cases

that just make you cry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have over 300 Teddy Bears (mostly back at my parent's house, but many in my current home) and I love when I get handmade bears. My friend sewed me a pair out of terry cloth once and I always go to craft shows looking for unique bears. Handmade ones are worth more, if you're into that sort of collecting.


I crocheted my first bear, but haven't had time to put a face on it yet. :blush


I'm sure she'll love it!

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I am SO crazy about bears...though Pooh is my favorite, then Paddington Bear. I have over seven hundred bears of all sizes. There are bear mugs and plates and bowls ,bear scatter mats, bear curtains, bear blankets......you could say that I'm obsessed with the critters. I just got back from Disneyworld's bear and doll convention. I had to drive almost thirty hours to get there and thirty hours to get home, to spend six hours in workshops etc., and another day of viewing(and buying and dreaming of what I couldn't afford) THAT'S crazy though I like the word eccentric a lot more. Each bear that I bring home must "talk....Growl" to me and each and every one has a name. When my kids moved out the bears took over their rooms, that and my yarn stash.

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I collect teddy bears, as does my ex grandma in law, I just made her a wonderful teddy for christmas and she LOVES it. There is just so much potential in what you can do with a crocheted bear. I brush them out with a slicker brush to give them a furry look, and sometimes they look better than the plush ones you buy! Better yet, they cost very little :) There is a pattern for a thread bear in the current issue of Teddy Bears and Friends, the pattern is by Berta hansen - Minten (:blush I think). It is a BEAUTIFUL Bear.

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I think it is a wonderful idea:yay . I collected teddy bears for years and I would love one. I think blue is a great color:manyheart ...it is soothing and I love royal blue so for me that would be heaven on earth too.:c9

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