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wool related injury must confess feel bad

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Sian... I cried laughing at your initial post. That was priceless!! Especially when you told him to wait while you went inside for a project to work on LOL That's hilarious... great story!


I'm lucky that my hubby understands and encourages my little passions like crochet and my horses. He might fuss once in awhile when he can't find the couch for the stash taking over *gleep* but he agrees.. what makes me happy makes him happy and vice versa so it's a good life :)


I took a sabbatical a couple of months ago.. needed a break as I had alot going on with horse shows and my wrists were aching from crocheting, so I just stopped for awhile... and it was a good 2 or 3 months when one day we were out shopping and he looked at me and asked "don't you need any yarn from the shop?" I just looked at him.. as in fact I DID need yarn as I have a friend having a baby and needed to make her a blanket to send.. but I cut my eyes sideways at him and said "you realize what you're kick starting again.. don't you"... and he just grinned and pulled me into Michaels... gotta love a man like that :)


Your story was great though.. fantastic job and thanks so much for the giggle.. I can so totally relate to the stash taking over every spare ounce of space LOL

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I think we all agree here that Wool + crochet hook = therapy. Even if it drives our partners to dispair lol. I am now looking for a courier to dispach some wool to my mom it will make her happy too. share the love Sian xxxx hugsxxx


Not only therapy, but without having actually measured this scientifically, I am convinced that crochet can help lower blood pressure. I believe this because if you are like me (and I think you are), it's easy to get into a meditative kind of state doing crochet. And it's well known that a meditative state can lower blood pressure.


Therefore, I think we should get a yarn allowance with our health insurance, since it seems to me that buying yarn is way cheaper than buying blood pressure medication!

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Guest Catlizg

I know I shouldn't laugh, but I can't help it. Guess, your wool will no longer be an issue. When my daughter was 3, I accidentally shut her hand in the slider door of our van. The palm of her hand actually turned all different shades and swelled up/ We went to the emergency room with me in absolute tears believing I was the worst mother on the face of the earth. With these huge green eyes, she looked up at me and in front of the doc said "Momma, you're not supposed to shut little girl's hands in the car door." The doc took one look at the x-rays, one look at her, one look at me and said, "I think it's your Mommy we have to treat." He put Band-aids all over her hand in every direction which she thought was wonderful. Fortunately, she was so young there was no real damage except to poor Mom's psyche

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Owie I hope his finger is better now.

I am a happy housewife also and my husband total supports my addiction. And when its "that time of the month" I can useually get a little more than normal because it makes me happier!!!

I sure love my hubby!!!

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his finger is well on the way to recovery. He managed to go to work yesterday so it isnt as bad as we first thought.

yesterday morning I rolled over and put my arm round him and held his hand only it was his bad hand and bless him he said "finger me finger" i aplologised and let him go.

I got my friend to help me take the huge packages of wool to the postoffice and they laughed when they saw us struggling through the door. I was all apologetic but they know what i am like for being totaly unreasonable bringing loads of packages through their door. I tell you it is impossible to upset this village postoffice. I sent 20kg of wool to my moms house yesterday. I have warned her and she is all exited. I stated it should keep her going for a few weeks and she replied more like the next three years lol.

I just wish I could see her face lol. The scary thing is I have about the same in boxes in the spare room so I am on a wool fast till I have cut it back a bit.

Until you go through your stash you dont realise how bad things have got.

take care all.

Catlizg I would have felt horrid too if I had trapped a childs hand in a car door ouch.

I am glad we have supportive husbands out there God bless them all xxxxxx

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I think once my husband and I get through some of the upcoming bills, he will let me buy yarn as I need it for projects. Right now, things are just tough. My hamster is having surgery today, and it will likely cost around $200 whether he makes it or not. :( I have a chronic illness that ends up costing too much money; we may be trying to buy a house in the next month or so, etc.


He cut me off after Christmas because I had bought so much for Christmas presents. I still have some left, so I am using it up, which makes me feel good, but I just LOVE new yarn.


Like some of you, crochet is much more than a hobby. I have a debilitating chronic illness that prevents me from working, so we only have my husband's income (he has a good job, thank goodness). But all the same, when I am not the one bringing in the money, it is not really my choice to spend money as I would like all the time.


Anyway, with my illness, I am often housebound, and I spend about 12-14 hours/day in bed. A few months after I first got hit really hard with my illness, I decided to teach myself to crochet because I couldn't do anything else but watch Tv. I can no longer even read books (which is heart-breaking for a former English grad student).


I caught on fast and really enjoyed it. When I finish projects, I feel as if I have actually accomplished something, and when I give gifts to people and make them happy, I feel like I am still able to help people and make them feel better. Crocheting gives me a better sense of self worth. Without it, my world would be a darker, less pleasant place.



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Glad to hear his finger is healing up!!


We moved to a different state in October, and when we did that, I went through my stash (which my grandmother had helped me collect by passing on all the yarns she didn't think she'd be using again LOL) and I seperated out what I knew I'd use and what I didn't really think I would use cause I didn't like the color/texture...and I took 3 HUGE lawn-sized trash bags to the local drop-off for donations for several different organizations...and so I got my stash down to 2 big Tupperware containers...then when we were unpacking, I realized that I had kept some yarn that I really didn't like, so that started another go-through of it all...and more donations...Now, I've got one big box in the front closet..the yarn is mounded pretty high in it, but it's just ONE box..I'm very proud of myself for getting my stash down this small...and whenever my DH opens the closet door and a skein or twelve roll out at him, he just says "Honey, your yarn is attacking me again!" and I apologize for having my yarn attack-trained :D


I had several projects that I needed to buy the yarn for, as nearly all of what I do is WW and I was making up some of Etaria's patterns (SO addictive LOL) and needed baby & sport weight yarns...and of course there was a sale on Caron's One Pounders, so I picked up a few of them...but I've been really good about it...but since I am not actively OUT THERE earning a paycheck, I tend to not buy anything I don't actively need for a project I'm making...


I'm a SAHM and I also have severe lower back issues, which means most of the time I'm in too much pain to take the little ones out to a park or something and run around with them...both my girls are young...so my daily work in raising them won't have any measurable results for several years yet...I was a very highly-driven office worker before my first DD was born and I'm still having a hard time with not being able to point at a pile of SOMETHING as proof that I actually did something each day...I also know that if I don't have something in my hands, I'll be stuffing my face...crochetting helps in with both of these things...I don't eat while crochetting because I don't want to have to worry about getting my WIP stained and each day I can show my DH how much further I've gotten on a project...it helps alot to have something tangeble to show for my efforts...plus I get a kick out of total strangers soming up and complimenting my work on outfits I make for my girls...it's a nice unexpected boost...


Sian...maybe it will help your sweetie to know that there are men all over to globe who are dealing with their women's yarn insanity too...maybe we should get them to form a support group or something...maybe Husbands of Crochetville??:hook



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Whew, yarn addiction! I'm with ya! I am really supported by my mom. she feeds my yarn addiction! lol. :-) I did manage to stay away from the bernat buy one get one free sale, but i did catch the one a few months ago. I've got yarn in the living room, the bedroom, the bedroom closet, the hall closet..........a skein or two in the car of course, and a few skeins at work that a co-worker bought for me!


I am trying to cut back, and actually sell items that i have made, instead of giving them away. I've got orders for 3 baby blankets so far.


I joke around with my mom, about going shopping at her house! :-) I think that it's almost an insurance policy for her, that i'll go and see her once in awhile! roflmao:hook


DH tries to say that i can't buy anymore yarn until i finish what i've got now........but i think he knows it's not going to work.........

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