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wool related injury must confess feel bad

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:( My fella doesn`t understand my wool addiction. I have stared hiding it in the boot of my car as the spare room is jammed with wool.

I forgot he was stood there while I opened the boot to take some out. we had just come back from shopping and there is only room for shopping on the back seat.

While I was rooting round looking for a particular colour he uttered the words "You been buying wool again!" in an acusing way. I said "No i was given this wool!" which is half true my friends mom gave me some packs of wool. but not all of it. I didn`t want him to see the extent of the wool hoard so I shut the boot quickly without looking for my wool I wanted. well as I was walking away he had this look of :eek and was saying aww aww aww over and over. I looked at him in a confused :think what is the matter way. Still walking away. "My finger is Bleeping stuck!" he managed to utter. I had slammed his finger in the boot. His index finger. Well I ran to the boot and released him. He walked away holding his bad hand with his good hand. and gritted his teeth and blew his cheeks and said "fffffff" :( He then said "you will have to get me to the hospital!" I agreed I told him to get into the car while I went to get something, my crocheting as you have to wait ages to see someone. and thought I might as well be doing something useful. by the time I had got my latest project and come back out he had changed his mind and refused to go there.

So last night I spent the evening apologising and feeling rotten. his finger has swollen like a sausage and it will be bruised today.

I even rang my mother to tell her about it she said That once she knew of a mother trapping her daughters fingers in a car door by accident and actually locked it before she realised. the adult daughter was not amused.

He has actually accepted my apology last night but I still feel rotton.

I did say that I had never injured him before by accident or on purpose and it was totaly out of character.

I somehow feel he wont mention the wool again.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest and hope I gave you a chuckle. love to you all sian xxx

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I'm glad you added that part at the end because I was feeling guilty for thinking it was funny:blush. If he does say anything more about your wool, just give him a look and ask if he wants his finger smashed again. :lol But seriously, I hope his finger feels better soon.

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Oh my Gosh!!! I laughed so hard as I saw some of my self in that post!!! I had to read it outload to my boyfriend. I asked him if sian is an English name as he is from Devon.. I then scrolled up to see your screen name!! Thank you for the great laugh this am.....and maybe my bf will loosen up on his yarn ban.,,,,,,or you can give us some other hints on yarn stashing!!!



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A very funny, if painful story! I hope he feels better soon. However, I don't understand how anyone's husbannd or boyfriend has anything to say about whether or not you accumulate yarn. My husband has commented that he'd love to see me buy more supplies because I have run out but he wouldn't think of telling me what I can and can't buy, anymore than I would regulate his tool or computer stash. Obviously we consult each other before major purchases, but our hobbies are our own.

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I hope is ok, my boyfriend doesn't say anything about my yarn or all the matrial i have he will just throw it away when i am not looking and tell me that "well you were not using it" it drives me crazy. So now i have to hit it untill i am ready to use it. He did the say thing when we were first together but with my shoes, so i started throwing away his computer stuff:devilhe got really mad but never touched my shoes again

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A boot is where you can hide wool sometimes called a trunk.

I have gone through my wool stash and my mom said she would take any extra off my hands I have sorted three and a half huge bin bags out and packed them I will torment the postoffice woman on monday I have about 27 packages of wool.

I still have three huge boxes in the spare room and i am going to make throws with them.

My name is welsh but pronounced Sigh-anne or like Cyan like the colour.

hmmm i wonder if i can get hold of some cyan coloured wool.

just kidding.

I think if i made a crochet finger holder it would send him over the edge take care all sian xxx

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I had a good chuckle because I can totally relate. :blush I think I'm getting a wool addiction too although I'm not in the advanced stages. I feel bad for your boyfriend, but if he didn't make you feel self conscious about it you would probably have noticed his hand in the boot and not reacted emotionally and his hand would be fine so he has some responsibility for this too. He's probably jealous you pay so much attention to the wool and crocheting, less attention for him. Poor baby!

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I am sorry for your boyfriend, but that is so funny that you told him to wait while you went inside to get a crochet project to work on while you waited at the hospital ~ I don't blame you - those waits are excruciating! But that is SO funny!


I'm thinking he's gonna realize that crochet is NOT for wimps and perhaps he might want to mind his own hobbies and not interfere with yours.... I mean, is he going hungry because you purchased yarn instead of food? I think NOT!


Thanks for the share!

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A very funny, if painful story! I hope he feels better soon. However, I don't understand how anyone's husbannd or boyfriend has anything to say about whether or not you accumulate yarn. My husband has commented that he'd love to see me buy more supplies because I have run out but he wouldn't think of telling me what I can and can't buy, anymore than I would regulate his tool or computer stash. Obviously we consult each other before major purchases, but our hobbies are our own.


My husband does have some say in my yarn purchases. For two reasons, storage space and cost. At the moment we have a workable solution that keeps him off my back. I have a small bi-weekly allowance and I can buy anything for myself with it. I buy yarn and stuff with my allowance and store it in my sewing room. (He has his own room too) When I complete a project, I get reimbursed for the cost of the yarn only. If I started using expensive yarns, we'd have to come up with a solution for that, such as a limit on how much I can be reimbursed if it's for myself. If I can't find room in my sewing room, I can't have anymore until there is a place to put it in there.

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I hope his finger is okay! I, myself, am under a strict no-yarn embargo (enforced by my husband). I generally have to work with what I've got. And/or beg. We just can't afford for me to buy the yarn I want, unfortunately. I wish I could get an allowance, but that's a no-go, too. Every now and then I will buy a skein and sneak it away, but I can't get away with it very often.

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thing is when we aquire yarn it is because of the beautiful colour or the texture and when they stop us it is mean. I am spending my money I am making nice things for pple. and it keeps me happy. I am sure he would have more to say if I was down the gym everyday and evening spending money near fit men. or no I cant sit and chat I am going for a run. he has more money than me and he spends his money on his things. I dont interfere. As I said when we were finaly sat down on friday and he had calmed down I said "I am not hurting anyone I am just crocheting" he just gave me a look. I am going to carry on crocheting making nice things he can get used to it. so all you crocheters get the wool you want hide it where you can stand up for your crocheting rights. we are harmless individuals keeping an old craft alive and keeping the wool manufacturers in business. and remember even though we are doing a harmless hobby we still carry a stick with a hook on the end on our person xxxxxxxx

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I am really lucky in that my husband takes a slightly bewilder/amused stance. He just stares at me when I show him newly bought yarn, his mouth slightly smiling, head cocked a little to the side, eyes totally befuddled. Its like he is watching a dog play mozart on a piano... amused, confused, and dumbstruck.

As a stay at home, he lets me buy whatever I want once the bills are paid. I usually feel so bad for buying more when I have a healthy stash to use up, so I don't buy anymore unless its for a pattern I am making right then.

I think he is confused as to why because:

1. I bought fuzzy string (yarn)

2. I made him look at all the yarn

3. I made him touch all the yarn

4. I made him tell me it was pretty yarn


5. I am totally happy because of it


So he always says he feels like a hero when he pays for something so trivial that makes his world a happy place. Since when mama is happy, everyone is happy.

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You guys are killing me here, I'm laughing so hard about all your experiences, (sorry about the finger) but I agree with Chrome Kitty.....

If he does say anything more about your wool, just give him a look and ask if he wants his finger smashed again.


My DH too is in total wonder on why I buy so much yarn when I have several large tupperware tubs upstairs already.... I tell him "you need different yarn for different projects" He can not get a grasp on that concept at all.... I guess he thinks it's all the same stuff. Also hooks.... why do I need so many hooks? I just look at him, shake my head and go on with the project at hand.... gotta love them :devil


Next time I get an issue about my hooks I'm going to ask about all the tools in the giant tool box.... how many hammers does one need? how many flat head screw drivers does one need? Pleeezzzze !!!!

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quoted by Tapanga:

1. I bought fuzzy string (yarn)

2. I made him look at all the yarn

3. I made him touch all the yarn

4. I made him tell me it was pretty yarn


5. I am totally happy because of it" end quote


After reading the responses and stories since yesterday I have to chime in once again.


My wonderful husband LOVES that I crochet (read Tapanga's quote). Crocheting makes me HAPPY! I feel enthused to start a project, and occassionally I even finish something:yes . I love the colors and textures of the yarns and looking at beautiful patterns and I feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride when I make something pretty - that even someone else compliments and says is pretty!


It's like this: I, like many, deal with severe depression, manic-depressive disorder AND obsessive compulsive; the meds help to a degree - some days are good, some not so good - but things are getting better in the last few years since I began to really embrace my art - mosaic, mixed media, polymer, quilting, needlepoint, cross stitch, and of course crochet!


The idle mind SUCKS. When doing nothing then anything can crawl into the empty space and take up residence and I may spiral down. Now that I have my art - am literally surrounded by beautiful things I have made in various mediums and the supplies to be able to run with whatever idea suddenly comes to me, I am able to avoid the 'lows' or at least identify them early and do something about it. Once I pick up a hook then I'm involved in the pattern and whatever was beginning to make me sad is forgotten.


I do understand the yarn budget issue, and I am lucky to have a decent paying job that allows for my craft addiction... it also contributes to my depression (working in criminal court for 16 years can get to you after a while - seeing people in one of the darkest times is not pretty - the people I see have committed a crime or are victim to a crime, witness to a crime, or family of the victim or defendant)...


I still try to hide the yarn, though - not because DH would be upset, but because it's embarrassing at times! Sometimes I'll stop by Michael's after a particularly bad day at work and buy ten skeins of WoolEase just to make it all better!:dance


Okay. Need more coffee:coffee

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I agree, Paulette, that artistic endeavors can help control depression. Sometimes I have to force myself to pick up the yarn or head to the sewing machine but it seems to help more than anything else...although my "depression" is probably pretty minor compared to what so many people fight through.

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It's like this: I, like many, deal with severe depression, manic-depressive disorder AND obsessive compulsive; the meds help to a degree - some days are good, some not so good - but things are getting better in the last few years since I began to really embrace my art - mosaic, mixed media, polymer, quilting, needlepoint, cross stitch, and of course crochet!


The idle mind SUCKS. When doing nothing then anything can crawl into the empty space and take up residence and I may spiral down. Now that I have my art - am literally surrounded by beautiful things I have made in various mediums and the supplies to be able to run with whatever idea suddenly comes to me, I am able to avoid the 'lows' or at least identify them early and do something about it. Once I pick up a hook then I'm involved in the pattern and whatever was beginning to make me sad is forgotten.

You know, I never thought of it that way before, but you've got a REALLY valid point there. I've also got 2 of the 3 things you mentioned (severe depression and manic depression), and since I started really getting "into" my crochet, I haven't felt nearly as depressed, sad, etc., as I had before.


Amazing how much just a ball of yarn and a hook can do, huh? :tup

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