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Latest trip to Wally World.....

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Well I went to Wally world the other day just for some white yarn..I ended up with..2 super saver skeins of white, 2 skeins of bernat baby coordinates, 3 skeins of Peaches and Creme and the neifty container. The skeins of HomeSpun is something a good friend Twinnish :hug sent me. That is gonna be made into a nice soft blanket:c9.


Not a bad beginning...but I see an addiction coming on:devil.






(I have another skein of this its called peppermint..its red white and pink...I love it...)


Ok how on earth do I make these pictures smaller. I won't let me remove the link to the image. I tried really I did..

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If they're photobucket pics, you can edit them and make them smaller. If you don't, admin will turn them into links!


Aw, it's so sweet to see the Homespun I sent you cuddling up with the rest of your stash.


Honey, you are officially addicted! Congrats! :cheer

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Honey, you're not alone.

Not only am I in the yarn addiction, but I'm jonesin' for some of that Bernat Baby you've got in that box there... can't find anything quite like it out here.

I've got a couple of skeins - blue and white - sitting in MY yarn stash that has been sitting there for the last 3 years. I want to make something for MYSELF outta that stuff (it's SOOO soft, I'm greedy! :lol ) but haven't figured out what yet.

But man oh man... can you imagine what the people out here would think if I started making stuff outta that Bernat Baby???? (Considering, like I said, that I can't find anything quite like it out here?!)

I'll just stare at your pictures and drool. :hook

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what is wally world?


Walmart, where you can get anything, anytime for reasonably good prices. I hate it for a number of reasons, but I still shop there.


Yes, Rebel, that's quite a stash you've got there. Now, be sure to feed :yarn and water :drool it regularly so it will grow!

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Yep that is a kitty you see...I rescued her from under/in our trailer the other day.


As for the pictures I tried going back and editting them but it won't give me the links back...when I click edit it shows the pictures but no link....

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Okay, how's this for an addict's excuse? "Hmm, this Baby Bernat is on sale at such good price. I think I'll buy some and save it for Mom when she comes to visit at Christmas so that she'll have yarn to make her Project Linus blankets with and won't rob my stash like she did last year." Said by me to my friend T this past February in Joann's. Of course, I've raided Mom's stash and am using that white Baby Bernat to make a Christmas tree skirt for one of my sisters for Christmas this year. So I'm making up excuses, and then stealing my own stash! :lol Patty

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