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Help!! No scissors on airplane

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So I'm going on a 5 hour plane trip next week. I just checked the airlines carry-on list and metal scissors are not allowed. The project I'm working on will require me to change yarn so I'll need to cut it. Any creative ideas.

Thanks, Bonnie

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Pendant yarn cutter or dental floss case. :)

Yep, I have a pendant yarn cutter from Clover. They actually make them it 2 sizes now so you can pick the one you will need. they are not terribly expensive and you can either wear it around your neck on a chain or ribbon or just throw it in your crochet bag. I have flown several times with mine with no trouble.

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If you go to the FAA regulations, you can have scissors as long as they do not have points - kiddie scissors with rounded edges are ok. In the US anyway - I'm not sure where you are. If you are flying in the USA - print the info off the FAA site and bring it with you. I packed my hooks and scissors and the FAA regulations in a plastic ziplock bag and showed it to the gaurds as I went through security. No problems.


Nail clippers can also work to snip yarn.

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I use one of those pendants that hang from your neck. The edges are all razor blands....you buy them at Michaels.

I also have my crocheting in a bag separate to show the people at the gates.....


Linda :hook

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another vote for the pendant yarn hanger... i go through metal detectors at work every day - court buildings - and those roun things are invaluable! I like mine so much I bought two so I could keep one on my 'traveling bag' and one by my crochet chair 'cuase I use it instead of scissors!

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I vote for the dental floss/tape case. If a seam ripper is allowed those will work, too. Or nail clippers. Are round-tipped scissors allowed? I got some baby manicure scissors at Big Lots ($.38 plus tax) that clip yarn and thread just fine.

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Thanks everyone for your replies!! I think I will have to check out walmart and Micheals for a pendant yarn cutter. I have never seen them before, very cool.


At my Michaels they are not with the yarn, knitting or crocheting section. They are in the sewing aisle with all the Clover notions.

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I'd like to put in another vote for nail clippers. I bought a bunch of small nail clippers for less than 50 cents each and I keep them in every place I might crochet! I use them only for yarn and thread, so they are nice and sharp and take almost no room.


The ones I got do not have the sharp metal file, which I believe (at least at one point) would have made them airline unfriendly. The one without the file is actually cheaper, and I don't need the file for crochet anyway!

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I had a flt.in March of '05,read all about what you could and couldn't take,it said blunt end scissors were okay,until the person at the check in tried to take them, had my paper stating it was allowed,supervosor was called to okay it,sheesh,I think I will invest in one of those pendent type things soon.Linda

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I've always taken a pair of the little sissors that fold down small and dropped it into my change purse,,,never had a problem. Good info. We fly to Georgia next Thursday. Thanks everyone.

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There is a US Transportation Security Administration page: http://www.tsa.gov/interweb/assetlibrary/Permitted_Prohibited_Facts.doc It has the current allowed or prohibited items. BUT... it has this disclaimer:

The prohibited and permitted items chart is not intended to be all-inclusive and is updated as necessary. To ensure everyone’s security, the TSO may determine that an item not on the prohibited items chart is prohibited. In addition, the TSO may also determine that an item on the permitted chart is dangerous and therefore may not be brought through the security checkpoint.

In layman's terms, even if it's a "yes" on the list, the screener has absolute discretion to decide you can't bring it. One screener might let a pendant through, another might not. Most would probably just view it as a necklace.


That's an extra benefit of cheap clippers. If, for some reason, the screener made you discard of it, you're only out 50 cents.

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I'd like to put in another vote for nail clippers. I bought a bunch of small nail clippers for less than 50 cents each and I keep them in every place I might crochet! I use them only for yarn and thread, so they are nice and sharp and take almost no room.


I also use these traveling:yes small, cheap and they work!!

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Again, the final answer is, it depends on the worker seeing you thru check in. Don't take anything you don't want to lose. Oh, and to send her lighter home it would have cost my daughter $15.00.

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Hey if your near a hobby lobby they have them and if you watch there ad online you can sometimes get their coupon for 40% off 1 regular price items and the best part is you can use 1 a day fiur the week. I make extra coupons and when I see someone looking at something not on sale I offer them one of my coupons (good deed for the day)

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