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I overdid my yarn stash!!!

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Now my SO is insisting I make 14 things b4 I can get more:eek (I already tried the 14 granny square angle, no go:( ) I have to say.....he bought me tons of very beatiful yarn today!! Moa dea, jewel box,. caeon so soft, lazy daisy!!! It will be challanging, but exquite pick patterns, I hope you all will help me pick the right hooks and yarns!!:think


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You can never have too much yarn. 14 huh - lets see you already have a granny square and a suggestion for potholder that's two. How about a cobweb buster, a fridgie, a towel holder, place mats, coasters, one of those really cool skinny scarves and a pair of slippers for SO and earrings. Does it have to be the yarn you just bought? Wouldn't want to use you really good yarn on my suggestions, just trying to get you to the magic 15.


Lucky lady all that yarn and a open promise to procure more upon completion of 14 items.


Good luck.

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Wow, why 14? One a day for a fortnight? Two for each dwarf? Sever for each Olsen twin?


A purse wouldn't take too long, pattern or no, and could show off some funky yarn whether on the body or just for a trim.


A nice Project Linus kidghan could be very simple and would be greatly appreciated.


A christmas tree air freshener cover could be just the thing. Now, get out your G hook ...[/commercial joke]


Do either of you wear eyeglasses? A nice eyeglasses case for next to the bed might be in order.


How about a pair of shoelaces? Would he count that?


I've seen some pictures of yarn doilies being used for rugs (made with 3 strands together) . . . talk about a stash buster, and beautiful, too.

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well i can personally tell you all, that yes there is such a thing as to much yarn, i have been cleaning my craft room out for over a month now, help me my name is vicki and i am a yarnaholic:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Might I suggest a couple bookmarks and some wrist warmers? And there's cute patterns for bracelets! How about a little brooch of some sort? you could get a pin to glue onto the back at a craft store... and one of those little headband scarves!


Good luck!

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And a really pretty shrug .. or maybe a shawl ... hmmmmm let's think .. maybe some flip flop covers .. or barefoot sandles :D

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you cannot beleive the laughter you have all provided at my housae today!!! My boyfriend reading the posts in withering (but with laughter in his voice) British accent, and some of the ideas are great!! You all are crafty in more then one way:D


I dont think I will be making the slippers or sandals (uunless they were a donation) I am a double below the knee amputee (please no pity or worry about offending me) I could make knee high socks, and it would be a very quick project!!


Oh and by the way, the magiv number 14 is because the first time I hit the yarn salke....he said i had to finish 10 projets b4 I could buy more LOL!!!



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You could always make some stuff (already a lot of suggestions here, so I won't go THERE) and sell 'em on eBay.

That way you've not only met the "requirement," but you'd be making money towards MORE STASH!!!:hook

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That is a great idea when i get better i would like to start making purses and selling them.


You could always make some stuff (already a lot of suggestions here, so I won't go THERE) and sell 'em on eBay.


That way you've not only met the "requirement," but you'd be making money towards MORE STASH!!!:hook

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To Vicki...No sweetie, there is no such thing as too much yarn. There is however such a thing as too little storage space. If you just have to get rid of it, May I sugest a church or charity. At my church (when I lived there) in Boise, there is a crochet/knitting circle that makes baby items, lapghans for vets and hats, slippers & mittens for poor children. We were (they still are) always glad to get donated yarn. Perhaps you could find such a group in your area.

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I'm with AuntyM.....if anyone has, or think they have, too much yarn, I'd be more than willing to give it a good home...MINE! I'm always looking for more yarn to work up things for charities.....that's about all I crochet for these days. I more yarn I get, the happier I am. My husband thinks I went looney-Toons. :lol

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I have the perfect solution for your bf!


It's Tea Time!


1 teapot cozy, 4 coasters for tea time (extras for when the others are dirty) & 4 napkins. That's 9. The remaining 5 items--a dapper hat & scarf for bf, a cute cap & scarf for girlfriend, ...last item#14 could be an eye mask so bf doesn't have to look at the extra yarn you buy :lol & Also good for other things... like sleeping?:manyheart:yes:lol

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Laura, my mom was also a double amputee.. I made her what she called "stumpers" for stump slippers lol.. I just sc'd a flat circle the size of the bottom of her stumps. Then sc'd in rounds untill one reached her knees and the other part way up her thigh. increasing as needed for her size.As she had 1 above and 1 below the knee amputation. She loved them as her legs were always cold..Wound up making her some in several colors to go with her shorts.. They go really fast..

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Laura, my mom was also a double amputee.. I made her what she called "stumpers" for stump slippers lol.. I just sc'd a flat circle the size of the bottom of her stumps. Then sc'd in rounds untill one reached her knees and the other part way up her thigh. increasing as needed for her size.As she had 1 above and 1 below the knee amputation. She loved them as her legs were always cold..Wound up making her some in several colors to go with her shorts.. They go really fast..


Now THERE'S a nifty idea!!! :tup I wouldn't have thought of that (and I'm pretty creative, even if I DO say so myself)!!

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