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Ideas for 60th Anniversary Gift?

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Hi, everyone.


My grandparents will have their 60th wedding anniversary this summer, and I was thinking maybe i could crochet them something special, but I don't know what.


Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? They have 10 kids and several, several grandchildren and great grandchildren. They live on a farm.


Thanks for any ideas,


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It all depends on how big or small you want it to be.

You could do thier name or names in filet and frame it:




Or graph their wedding date and name on a square and frame it, or make a pillow:





You could make them a special afghan (if they would want one, not everyone does) in one of the following ways:


1. Their wedding colors and most any pattern.








2. Graph their wedding date and names on it.






3. Any one of the many pretty patterns used for weddings such as the fisherman one.










A beautiful new set of sheets with crocheted edging on the pillowcases:






Coasters to match thier kitchen/dinning room:






A frame with a special photo of them:







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Empress Busy Bee---thanks for all the links! I didn't really know what I wanted to make, but after reading through your suggestions, I think I owuld like to make a graph with their names and wedding date on it and then frame it.


Now, I have never ever done anything like this. I just started working with thread this week to make soem bookmarks. Also, by "graph," would this be filet crochet, or is a chart with text something different, and filet an edging?


obviously, I have never done filet crochet, either.


I need to do some reading or something to understand this better.


Thanks again,


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We celebrated my husband's grandparents 50th this past Feb. I made them a scrapbook. I sent letters to all the family and close friends..asking them each to make one page (we did the 12x12). I told them they could write a favorite story, share a poem, recipe, anything to make their day special. They could also use photographs or scrapbook items to decorate their page. I put together the book with their pages, and some extra ones I did..like what life was like the year they married and what it was like now (price of gas, price of a loaf of bread, average cost of a home, etc). Anyway, it was certainly a special gift made just for them :)


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Donna that sounds like a wonderful gift.


Nicole, you really could do it any way you wanted. Filet, like the bookmark, might be the easiest way to go. There are plenty of people here to help you along.

You could also crochet it all in one piece with the background one color and the date/names in color changes. Again lots of people here to help you.



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