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I Lost My Hook!

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Gee, now I wish my hair wasn't so long and heavy so I could do something nutty like put crochet hooks in it. Hahahaha, too cute.


Seriously, with taking my WIP back and fourth from work to home so much (already, and I just started!), I'd be so totally lost without my hook case.


I think of it as an alternate hook case!!



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You have no idea how hard it was to take that picture. It involved mirrors and lots of stretching!!

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With my hair being short, I can not do that. I am still :rofl :rofl about the kid in the store. Makes you feel good when they flirt.

Anyway, I wear a lot of T-shirts with pockets in them. That is where I put my hooks, if they are not on the couch cushion next to me. I have missplaced so may this way, that John reminds me not to put them in my pocket. When I get up from the couch to find a hook, he just sighs:sigh and gets up to help.

Just shakes his head and walks away. Infact, he just came in to see what I was laughing :lol at and says "why am I surprised."

The life of a hooker is not easy.:hook

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The life of a hooker is not easy.:hook


I think that would have taken on a whole new meaning had I said that to my little guy friend in the store!!

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The life of a hooker is not easy.:hook




I think that would have taken on a whole new meaning had I said that to my little guy friend in the store!!





Sorry Kiki couldn't help myself.:lol

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People, People, People - you all had me laughing :sofunnyso hard :laughroll , I almost wet my pants. I like the line of a hooker's life not being easy. I have bought so many hooks in my life (I scour yard sales for them) because of all the reasons given forth. One time I went to get ice cream:icecream :icecream and set the hook on the freezer shelf - it fell through to th vegetable bin and I never carry my hooks to the kitchen so forgot about it. I put the ice cream away and sallied forth to the den only I couldn't find my hook. Turned the couch inside out, still no hook. Got down on my knees with my posterior in the air to look under couch (I'm sure it made a pretty picture) husband comes rolling through in his wchair asked what I was doing. I told him I was counting dust bunnies - didn't want to admit I had lost yet another hook. Gave me a weird look and kept on going.


Thanks for making my day.

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My husband no longer believes me when I say things like that!! I simply tell him I am getting my (his) money's worth by using my hooks as hair ornaments. I think he thinks I am a bit nutty, but he just doesn't get it. I have been known to use a thread crochet hook as a bookmark as well!

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Why, thank you for noticing!! Now if only my husband would see my brand of logic!!

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