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CVille abbreviations

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Crochet seems to have quite the language of its own, I'm still getting used to reading patterns and such.


But another area of lingo seems to be right here in CVille (and other forums I've seen). There are several abbreviations that I see all the time, and I don't know exactly what they all mean (although I understand what is trying to be said). Can anyone fill me in?


WIP - work in progress, this one I know

UFO - un-finished something??

FO - finished something??

CAL - crochet-along


Are there others that I've forgotten or haven't come across yet? Thanks!

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I am just learning this "Lingo" myself. Thanks for posting because I am sure many, like me, are too embarressed to ask.:blush I think UFO- is un-finished object, and FO- is finished object. I just asked a few days ago what the "D" before a family member ment. Like DH (Dear Husband). I hope more people post the short hand here, I too am interested in learning all of it.

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WIP - work in progress, this one I know

UFO - un-finished something??

FO - finished something??

CAL - crochet-along


Are there others that I've forgotten or haven't come across yet? Thanks!


You're right.


WIP- work in progress

UFO- Unfished object

FO- Finished bject

CAL - Crochet Along


Here are some more:


RAOK - Random Act of Kindness

LYS - Local Yarn Store


DH - dear (or whatever d word you want ;) ) Husband

dd - dear daughter

ds - dear son

bf - boyfriend (or, ocasionally, breastfeeding :) )


LOL - laughing out loud

ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing


And that is all I can think of at the moment

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Here's a bunch of them:


AFAIK – As Far as I Know

AFTW – Away from this Window

ATM – At the Moment

BBFN – Bye Bye for Now

BBIAB – Be Back in A Bit

BF – Boyfriend

BFN – Bye for Now

BIL – Brother-in-Law

BRB – Be Right Back

BTW – By The Way

DD – Dear Daughter

DF – Dear Friend/Fiance

DH – Dear Husband

DM – Dear Mother or Doesn't Matter

DS – Dear Son

FAO – For the Attention of

FIL – Father-in-Law

FO – Finished Object

Frog, Frogged, Frogging – Ripping out stitches of a project

FWIW – For What it's Worth

G2G – Got To Go

GF – Girlfriend

GG – Great Game

GTG – Got To Go

HAMS – Have Actually Made Something

HTH – Hope This Helps / Happy To Help

IIRC – If I Recall Correctly

IMESHO – In My Ever So Humble Opinion

IMHO – In My Humble/Honest Opinion

IMO – In My Opinion

IRL – In real life

ISO – In Search of

ITA – I totally agree

IYKWIM – If You Know What I Mean

IYSWIM – If You See What I Mean

J/J – Just Joking

J/K – Just Kidding

JMO – Just my opinion

KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid

KWIM – Know What I Mean

LMAO – Laughing My A** Off

LMK – Let me Know

LOL – Laughing Out Loud

LYS – Local Yarn Store

MIL – Mother-in-Law

NM or n/m – Never mind

NP – No Problem

OMG – Oh My (Gosh)

OT – Off Topic

OTOH – On the Other Hand

PIGS – Projects In Grocery Sacks

PITA – Pain in the A**

PLS/PLZ – Please

PM – Private Message

PMSL – Peeing Myself Laughing

RAOK/RAK – Random Act of Kindness

ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing

ROTF – Rolling On the Floor

ROTFLMAO – Rolling On the Floor Laughing my A** Off

SAHD – Stay at Home Dad

SAHM – Stay at Home Mom

SIL – Sister-in-Law / Son-in-Law

SO – Significant Other

THUD – The Usual Disclaimers

TIA - Thanks In Advance

TIPTA – Thought I'd pass this along

TMI – Too Much Information

TTFN – Tata for Now

TTYL – Talk to You Later

TTYS – Talk to You Soon.

TY – Thank You

UFO – Unfinished Object

WAH – Work at Home

WIP – Work in Progress

WOH – Work Out of the Home

WM – Working Mom

WTF – What the Fudge (or not so nice a word )

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Copied and pasted from an administrator post... this really helped me in the beginning!


Some terms and acronyms we use that you may not be familiar with.


frog - To pull work apart, to undo what you have done. You rip it, rip it, rip it, like a frog says ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.


FO - Finished Object

LYS -Local Yarn Shop

UFO - Unfinished Object

WIP - Work in Progress

WIM - Work in Mind


LOL - Laugh Out Loud

ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing

DH - Dear Husband

DD - Dear Daughter

DS - Dear Son

MIL - Mother in Law

FIL - Father in Law

SIL - Sister in Law

BIL - Brother in Law

IMO - In My Opinion

BTW - By The Way


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  • 3 weeks later...

Want to know a german-speaking one?


LG which means "Liebe Gruesse" pronounced (so or similar): leeba grea..za


The meaning is a friendly greeting, polite but not too serious (you wont write this in a business letter when you write the first time, but maybe if you have e-mailed a several times, even if you are not close to this person) It's perfect ok to write this to a friend whom you not send "kisses" or "big hugs"


so, LG


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