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I have requests.....

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Last night I was working on an afghan. And my oldest son came up to me and said he wanted me to make him one. He wants his red and organge (what can I say his 6).He also said he wants his in long length wise stripes. My middle son said he wants one Red and Blue. He didn't care what the design was. And the hubby causally raised his hand and said he wanted one to. So it sounds like I will busy for awhile. Plus I need to make one for my youngest son so he doesn't feel left out.

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I went through that with my family too. Both of my parents and two grown brothers each needed their own. It's nice to know your work is really appreciated :) It's just too bad they all want such gigantic projects...lol.

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After I got started on my afghans, posting them on the web and sharing with my friends and family I started to get requests as well. A friend in New York wants to know when she can expect hers as well as my best friend from work. My best friend is going to settle for me teaching her how to crochet.

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Well you certainly won't get bored doing those colors!! You are blessed to have your artwork appreciated. Have fun!!! (And post pictures!) :hook:hook

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I go through the same thing from time to time. I made baby blankets for both my neice and nephew, and a couple of years ago my sister asked for one for herself (which I still haven't finished, but that's beside the point! :P ).

And now that I've moved here to the UK, my neighbor and her entire family have inundated me with requests - usually baby items, because they've had a bit of a baby boom lately.

It's kind of an ego-boost, knowing that something you've made was considered to be SO good that the people you know just HAVE to have one for themselves! :hook

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:cheer How about teaching them all to crochet so they can join you in the evenings and make their own.

:cheer You know how important it is for families to do things together. I am sure you go to football games or other sport with them so they can join you with your game.

:cheer Have fun.


PS, You can do one for the littlest if he is too small to do his own.:hook

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That must be a great feeling. :manyheart


My brother was involved in a group in high school, and they were sponsoring a local family for Christmas. When he asked me if I'd make some stuff for the family, I was so flattered. :)

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That is so neat. You have a great family to support your addiction like that.:lol

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Im having the same problem with family and friends wanting afaghans , but you know it has toned down since I told them ok that will be $ now it seems that I can pretty much do what I want. I have 8 kids and 17 grandkids I did make them all 1

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