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Talk about a crochet rabbit trail

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....So a couple of weeks ago I am in Michaels and they have Sugar and Creme Pastel Delight.. 2 balls for 1.00 each....so I thought they would make cute dishcloths for JImmie Lu's project in Oct...so I snagged them


It is so rainy today I thought I would pull them out and work on a couple while watching Under Seige 2 ( huge Segal fan here).. and I thought maybe they would make cute place mats instead... so I started crocheting with a basic sk1...sc,dc in same stictch...sk stitch etc...


and I thought.. waht a nice summery baby blanekt this would make for the preemies I am doing.....


Long story short... I have most of a blankie done... and sigh~ I am short a ball....sure hope I can find some locally.... its an hours drive or more to Micahels and I think I bought all they had! I should have:( stuck with dishcloths!

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That's so funny! Did you do all that while you were watching the same movie? Did you crochet faster during the scary parts? :hook:hook

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