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I just have to share a brag moment!!!

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People...I'm SUCH the proud Mama right now!!!:manyheart


My 5 y/o DD, Aurora, is right this very moment sitting nicely on the couch, practicing chaining!! I told her if she could show me she was being a good listener this morning, I'd start to teach her to crochet after she got home from school...and she was as good as gold this AM...so after school, we did lunch, then I put the younger DD down for her nap and Rory and I sat down with yarn & hooks...sat her on my lap first and put my hands over hers, then had her sit next to me and do it herself..she's got a chain about a foot long now!! I told her we could make rings, braclets,& necklaces..and if she did one long enough we could decorate her room with it..she's telling me every minute or so "Mommy, look how much I did now!" and "I'm crochetting like a grown up!"..she's so proud of herself!!! I'm so proud of her too!!!:clap:clap:yay:yay:manyheart:manyheart



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wooo hoooo another crocheter in training!!!! :cheer:clap Good for you and your dd!!! You should be very very proud!!!:hook

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Yep, I'm definately loving passing the addiction on to the next generation...and this isn't even all my Mom's Day gift...Rory brought home a handmade card, a little cookbook that she & her classmates wrote, a laminated page with a very sweet poem and her hand prints in paint, AND she picked out a little potted flower for me too, all on her own!! Of course, she brought these things home, showed them to me, then said they were all a surprise for Mother's Day and I had to forget about them til she gave them to me this weekend LOL!!! I had DH 'hide' these things for me so that I can be surprised' properly this weekend....but so far Rory has made herself a ring, a necklace, and now she's working on something that will either be a jumprope or a room decoration...she spent the afternoon sitting and chaining...and watching TV!! She's already mastered the watching & hooking thing!!! I've never seen my kid sit still for this long, or focus on something this long...DH got home and sat down to watch a movie for Daddy & Rory time together...and she's got her yarn and her hook going while they watch The Jungle Book together!!!:hook:hook:hook

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:manyheart :manyheart That is just too sweet for words....awwwwww comes to mind!!

I've tried twice now to teach my (nearly) 16 y/o daughter and she has a hard with it. Maybe doing a chain is what I need to start her off with....hmmmmmm.........

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Oh Jessie! Your post made me cry. My daughter is 21 and getting married in 3 weeks, and reading about your little Rory reminded me of all those special Mommy-Daughter events.

(I'm doing that alot lately.)


Your little Rory sounds like a wonderful daughter. Cherish every minute and TAKE PICTURES!! :manyheart Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day! :hug

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That is so sweet!:manyheart I have taught my oldest (11) to do some simple stitches, :hook and my 8 yo can chain like no body's business... :lol lol... she is going to learn single crochet next. The 5 yo (son) is trying but without much success, but the 4 yo can do a chain with her fingers, she calls it "pwacticing" her "loops". :) They are so fun to watch!

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This is really sweet you guys. My daughter has no interest in it. Wish she did. She's off work while she waits for baby to be born. Her boyfriend told her she needs a hobby. I will have to tell her I came up with a hobby for her. She's has a hobby it's shopping. LOL!

Enjoy ladies!



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Marlene...you might want to try getting her to crochet some baby things while she's waiting...I was on bedrest for 2 months before Rory was born (pre-term labor) and I was SOOO bored!! I didn't learn til she was almost 2, and now I've got all sorts of things I've made for her little sister that I wish I could have made for Rory too...those handmade things are priceless heirlooms in the making!! You never know, the sheer boredom of waiting to not be preggers might just be enough to get her to try it:yes


Crochetmama...congrats on the wedding..now you get to start making baby things and giving her significant looks while doing it :D never too early to start on the grandbaby idea, right???


Nucki..I showed Rory all the emoticons you put up for her...she LOVES the cheerleader one LOL!!


tlisley..I had Rory sit on my lap first and held her hands with mine for 3 or 4 chains, going really slowly. Then I had her next to me and we did them together side by side so I could see what I was doing and what she was doing so that I could correct her form...after that, she just took off...maybe that would work for your son?? Good luck!!


I'm thinking I'm going to use going shopping for yarn for her as a reward for really great behavior..that way I can get her to behave and I don't have to let her near MY stash :lol:lol:lol

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:lol That would be a hard thing to do.... share your stash! I can just hear it now... 'Moooom... that's junky yarn you don't want anyway...' :P Too funny.


That is so neat; you have to take pictures, and write things down that she says! :c9


Both our older boys know how to crochet. The three year old hasn't really shown an interest. (They're all boys.) Maybe I'll have a new generation of 'Crochet Dudes' :D



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Ah... that is so SWEET! What an angel! She really wanted to share this with mommy, being so good with the promise if learning crochet! It must be very comforting when she sees mommy happily crocheting - she knows it's a good thing!!!:manyheart

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I really enjoyed reading about Rory. I have a grandson who is three and is what I euphamistically call "active". That child is WILD! Once I was watching him and decided to pull out my crochet project. That little bugger dropped what he was doing, put his face near my work, and stared fixedly at my hands. Then he began to mimic my motions! I handed him the hook and the yarn and he actually spent a good ten minutes trying to make something. He wouldn't let me show him how but he wanted to experiment on his own! I can't wait to get home next week so I can try this with him again.:lol

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Roli..that was a problem at first..Rory's seen me do it so often that she was raring to go as soon as she had the hook in her hands...I had to hold her hands still before she would wait for me to show her how to do it...

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WOW!!! Congratulations.:cheer That is so much fun. As my mom always says, start 'em when thier young and WANT to do it.

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I'm thinking I'm going to use going shopping for yarn for her as a reward for really great behavior..that way I can get her to behave and I don't have to let her near MY stash :lol:lol:lol


Oh Gee, I'm sorry to hear you'll have to go yarn shopping...:rofl :rofl :rofl

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