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new chair

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CONGRATULATIONS! Isn't it great when we find a wonderful deal like that which makes our favorite pass-time even more pleasurable! Have fun sitting, and may your bottom be as happy as your fingers now while you crochet! :lol:hook

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crochet chairs are the BEST!!!!! we'd love to see a picture! maybe you can double post in this thread and in the 'what do you sit in when you crochet' thread!


i just had to pry my rear end out of my crochet chair so i could get in a little 'ville time before supper:blush

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Oh yes please post a pic!! I cant wait to get my crochet chair, when my craft room gets done. Congrats on the perfect chochet chair!!

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ooohhh I want one!! I want one!!! (not that my two couches and recliner aren't good enough) Actually, I just got my new coffee table this week and boy...that is worth a hundred crochet chairs. The top of it lifts up and towards you so you can eat while watching tv. or write on it while sitting on the couch. This is wonderful for my new designing fling I am on.

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Thank you all. My husband has been chuckling because my chair is pretty small. But it fits me, so who cares?????


Lavelle, your new coffee table sounds neat.



Patty, I have allergies so I have to have a hard wood floor. Fortunately, a lot of houses here have them.


Thanks for your kinds comments!

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Pretty chair! I like the small size--very cozy and yes, it fits you perfectly! My chair must have room for my pup too unless I want him to sit on my lap!:eek

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Well, Roli, my husband doesn't want house pets, so I can sit alone.


I finished the afghan. It's Priscilla Hewitt's Lace Medallion Afghan Square (with small pattern revisions in rows 4 & 5).


Thanks again for all the kinds comments. Hugs to you all. :hug

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