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Confessions of a UFO Maniac

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I think I have a problem.


Every time I see something interesting that I want to crochet, I start on it. I work on it until the next new and exciting thing comes around, then I begin that. I think I have a dozen WIPs right now - all larger scale projects.


I think part of my issue is that I have so much Red Heart and Homespun around, that I think to myself, "I have the yarn. Might as well give it a go!" I don't seem to have the self-control to say "Wait until your Cathedral Rose afghan you started 6 months ago is done, then start the queen-size granny square afghan."


I've also had to balance creating stock for my sales (which are small items I can pop out in a few hours) to working on long-term projects. I think to myself "I have 7 months to make 8 afghans for Christmas. That's plenty of time! I can start making that Care Bear from the pattern book I just got." But in reality, I don't think it is enough time.


I'm on UFO overload.

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I think I have a problem.


I'm on UFO overload.

My dance card says the same thing. It's gotten so bad my husband has said he doesn't care how much I spend on yarn, so long as I get down to no more than 2 UFOs laying around!


I have learned not to even start a granny square afghan or MAM, because I get no more than 50% of the squares done. I've been afraid to try crocheted socks, because I know that I'll finish one, and then never quite get the other done (knitting them is another story, since I can do both at the same time).


Here's my advice for you, spoken by the rational side of a UFO crocheter:

"Get your fingers off that unopened skein of RH, you impulsive girl!"
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come on over to the ufo cal. i promise to make your life miserable. i'll pester you till you scream.:thair i'll even :kick . no more mrs. nice dazy. :rofl

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