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Buying yarn on Ebay

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Who here has done this? I was looking over there just the other day and found so really great deals. I really like Lions Brand Homespun and I saw some good sized lots at really good prices. But I was worried about the quilaty of what they sale.


So does anyone want to share experiences buying through there. Thanks

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I have bought lots of yarn from ebay. I make sure the price plus shipping equals less than what I would pay locally. I also make sure to check the sellers feedback. If it is just some loose balls, I will buy from someone new though.


Good Luck!!

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I've purchased Ebay yarn twice and both times had great experiences. Most of the time that I look, however, I find that the prices with shipping are higher than I would get at Knitting-Warehouse.com If you see a good deal, go for it, but make sure you check the seller's rating and feedback.

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Yeah I know about checking feedback. I books and such on Amazon so I make sure I always buy from people with great ratings. I also try to find people that are semi close to me. Thank you everyone from the advice.

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Like Robin and The Worm (love your name), I find that with some of the high shipping costs sellers charge, the yarn has to be exceptionally low priced for it to be a bargain. And if it's a yarn I've not heard of before, I do some online research to see if it's going to be something of quality.

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Yep, feedback and check the shipping, absolutely. Also read the descriptions carefully... some sellers have an insane amount of information on their auctions, causing you to miss some little bit of fine print that causes problems. Not most of the time ... but every now and then.


Like others, I always add the posted or calculated shipping cost to the amount and see if it's less than what I would pay at work with my discount.


I usually reserve my own yarn purchasing on eBay to mixed acrylic lots to use for charity stuff, but right now I am up to my ears in yarn from a donation from a friend. LOL!

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I have had both good and bad experiences buying yarn on eBay. When I'm buying a known brand with a label on it, it's been fine -- I got a nice batch of Moda Dea Dream in the color I needed, and even with shipping costs, it was less than it would have been in the store.


But I caution you on buying (how to describe it??) non-corporate yarn. I bought one batch of recycled sari silk that was just beautiful, and another batch from another vendor which is just about as fugly as the stuff described in the "fugly yarn" thread in the Yarn section.


If the labeled product is what it's supposed to be and not misrepresented, then you're in good shape, but for stuff put up on cones without a name or sari silk that's imported in bulk wholesale lots from various manufacturers, you need to really trust the vendor.


I've also sold some yarn on eBay that I bought in a mohair frenzy and couldn't use, and it was a perfectly OK experience for all concerned.


This is just my $.02 and I could be completely wrong.







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And if cat/dog allergies are an issue, a pet-free home.


I have pet rats, but they don't have free roam of my apartment, and my fabric/yarn stays at the opposite end of the apartment from their cage, so I always list "from a cat/dog free home." I'm being honest, and I know that the merchadise is hair-free, as my boys are never near it. :)

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I am a regular ebayer and have purchased excellent yarn bargains. I have got lots of crochet thread and buy from across the world as it seems much cheaper from US even with the postage - the end of ranges seem to go real cheap.


I always ask what size hook is recommeded on labels as I have been stung on one occasion.


I purchased some wool that absolutely stank of staleness and I haven't used it - it made me heave!


I think it is pot luck - but the good deals definitely outweight the niggles for me.

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