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Might as well face it I'm addicted to YARN!

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So I didn't intend to buy more yarn last weekend but I did.


As I was leaving I could help but start singing the Robert Palmer song Addicted to love with the lyrics "Might as well face it I'm addicted to YARN!"


Anyway I was feeling pretty goofy last night so I wrote up a filk song using Addicted to Love.


You can find it on my blog here. You will have to scroll down a bit to get to the song because I shared pictures of my new stash.

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I completely LOVE your song lyrics. It's funny that I found this post this particular morning because on the train we were discussing YAS - Yarn Acquisition Syndrome :yarn and how we all had it bad :yes . Yep, I travel to work with a bunch of YARNIES!! :lol


I'm gonna have to email the gals a link to your blog.


Thanks for the laughs. :D

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Love seeing your stash ........ can't wait for the new Dollar Tree store to open near me, since I've never been to one. :garden

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Thanks to all who read the song. And thanks for the kudos on the Supernova afgahn. I love how it's turning out too. It's taking a bit to finish because I keep deciding to make it bigger. The plan is to have it beig enough so our family of four can snuggle under it when we watch movies.


Speaking if yarn aquisition challenges. I almost finished the milk (yes I said milk) and then said out loud, "Someone needs to go to the store and get some more YARN!" What! :think

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I know...I'm hopelessly addicted!


Right now, what I call the Yarn Sirens are calling me..."AC Moore...AC Moore...AC Moore...must get more yarn...more yarn..." Never mind that I have three big plastic storage bins FULL of stash at home, plus two WIPs going on <g>. Granted, I do eventually need more yarn for one of my WIPs and I can only get Red Heart Soft Yarn at our local AC Moore (unless I want to wait over a week for an online order), but I'm trying to resist! There is the price of gas to consider these days plus the extra time driving, but the Yarn Sirens don't care about such trivial matters..."More yarn...more yarn...must get more yarn!" :devil

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