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Beaded Hook & Stitch Markers

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I enjoy other crafts *gasp* besides crocheting... one of them doing beading. I have a LOT of wooden hooks and I like to easily be able to see the sizes so I made some little markers for them that hook on with elastic.


I also think that those plastic stitch markers are *yawn* boring, so I made something to serve the purpose using a peirced earrings clasp. These also work wonderfully when I take my projects on the road - I just put the stitch marker in the spot where my last stitch was, that way I don't have to worry about my project 'frogging' itself as I go in and out of the buildings, metal detectors, elevators, etc...


Here's a couple pictures, and again I apologize for the big-ness, but until I figure out how to make 'em smaller....



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Boy! You DO have some hooks, Paulette! I also do beading but have never tried the stitch markers. Yours are great! Good job on the photo!:)

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Them are really cool. I still have yet to try a wood hook. I keep trying to find a place around here to buy one. I think they would be awesome to work with.:hook

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I love your hooks! Very nice... the beaded size marker thingy's (what would you call those???) are a very cool touch!

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I LOVE wooden hooks... I don't know why - just do! The set in the picture are Brittany hooks and I purchased a set of ten, sizes D through M, on eBay for about $60.


Here is a link to someone selling this type of hook, though I don't think it's the seller I purchased from (this person does have a 100% feedback though!)



I also have a set of 11 bamboo crochet hooks and they are pretty cool too... again, purchased on eBay, here is a link, and I think this is the seller I got them from.



I have another set of wood hooks, but they are simple on the end, not fancy like the ones pictured, so I had to write teeny-tiny letters on them so I'd know what size they are without having to keep one of those little things with the holes that tells you what the size is.


I have had no problem with wood hooks breaking and they don't 'hesitate' in the yarn or behave any differently than any other hooks I've used, plastic or aluminum.


As far as the hook markers or stitch markers, they are super easy to make, really cute, and I just consider them a luxury type item - a pretty beaded marker instead of a plain old plastic one... I actually got the idea 'cause a person was selling a set of four beaded stitch markers for $9.99 a while back and the auction finally went for just under $20! I couldn't believe it! If anyone who hasn't done beading wants some help just PM me and I'll give you all the help I can!


Happy Hooking!

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I love love love what you've done! Those are beautiful hooks, and your size markers really add that extra touch. And I love the stitch markers. You've inspired me to maybe try and make a few for myself. Don't tell my hubby though, he'll just roll his eyes if I have to start stopping in at the bead stores too!

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I love love love what you've done! Those are beautiful hooks, and your size markers really add that extra touch. And I love the stitch markers. You've inspired me to maybe try and make a few for myself. Don't tell my hubby though, he'll just roll his eyes if I have to start stopping in at the bead stores too!


...but beads ARE easier to stash than yarn:devil

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