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How do you pick and choose...

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How do you decide which projects you're going to participate in? I've only recently become aware of this site and I want to join EVERYTHING!!!


It's been really hard being an adult and limiting myself to what I know I can do, as opposed to what I want to do. I've commited myself to a pillowghan project because I stumbled upon RitziMitzi's CAL page and through that I found Crochetville! Once I got here, OMG!!!


I told myself that I could only join in on one project, and after careful consideration I decided I would really like to be a part of the Traveling Hook Project. But I've been looking at all the CALs and the secret pals and the wish lists and all of the neat stuff on this site and I'm having to fight the temptation to bite off more than I can chew!! I told myself "one at a time", and I'm determined to stick to it.


Does anybody else have this problem?

Have you ever "over-volunteered", so to speak?


I was just curious,

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I am sure there are many that have bit off more than they can chew - don't we all sometimes when something is so much fun!!!


Glad you found your way here!


About the traveling hook. That one is sorta simple in that it really isn't a CAL until you get the hook! Then it's only one square! Not a whole project.


I am trying to do the one thing at a time thing. It's not working so far, so good luck to you!

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That's why I picked the Traveling Hook, I figured that way I would have time to finish my other commitments prior to joining Crochetville. If I get bogged down I'll still be able to keep my promise and get the square done and passed on to the next person.

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I do one swap at a time, currently I'm in the Summer Scarf swap. The second swap that I joined here was interrupted by a hurricane and I had to drop out of it, so I stick to the one-at-time rule here.


I've just joined my first CAL, the 63 squares, and I'm going to try to do just one CAL at a time. I joined this one because I already had the pattern book and enough yarn in my stash to make it. That makes this afghan a freebie, right?


I'm trying to cut down on the number of unfinished projects I have around here and I don't want to over-extended myself either.

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