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~*~Do you ever get in this mood ??????

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Do you ever get in this mood :think where you go crazy working on one type of thing at a time. Like there for a while I was doing a lot of afghan’s:knit (around Christmas time) Then I started to work on a lot of doilies :knit (which is what I truly love to do) But since cupcake :hug (fellow crocheville Sister) showed us the pattern to her fan book marks, I have been making tons of them and sending them out. (Which the pattern is just wonderful. And thank you cupcake for taking the time to write it out. I just love it) I am in Arizona:sun and just today sent out a few of them plus a doily to the Netherlands. :dog So to say the least yesterday I went out and bought a book:book with some really cute bookmarkers in it. So now I have this idea :idea that I will give the kids teachers a thank you card with a bookmarker in it that I have made for the ending of the school year. I wonder what will be next when I get off the bookmarker binge? :blush

What is it that you are consumed with right now? Or am I the only one that does this? Please tell me I am not… :faint

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.... Strawberry potholders from a 1970's craft book I found buried in my closet....we ahve our family get together a week from Sat. and I am giving small baskets of fresh strawberries with a potholder to each woman/ girl there....almost done with the 8 I have to make... and now I am trying to figure out who I can make more for :)

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LOL you sound so much like me.... :hug


YUP,:yes YUP,:yes YUP :yes


First it was afghans, then sweaters, now doilys (and THATS the fault of the GORGEOUS doilys in the thread show-n-tell:yes :yes ) Would you believe I started 6 sweaters and only finished 2 of them, (but do have to admit one of them got :frog when I only had one sleeve to go) then got on this (just this week) doily kick and have started 4 of those this week while I'm home with the:sick And my stash just keeps getting bigger and bigger since I started crocheting again (this past Sept. or Oct.).


:P Can you tell I'm ADD?:sofunny

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Hats hats hats


My dad is going through chemotherapy and has lost his hair. I made three hats for him, and then couldn't stop. I made hats for my husband and one of my sons. I am now going to make a hat and scarf in the green and red boy scout colors for my husband and my two oldest boys.

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I went through the hat phase a while back when my daughter had a few of her friends spend the night. I tought them all how to crochet (some just the chain) and they all wanted a hat.


Hats hats hats


My dad is going through chemotherapy and has lost his hair. I made three hats for him, and then couldn't stop. I made hats for my husband and one of my sons. I am now going to make a hat and scarf in the green and red boy scout colors for my husband and my two oldest boys.

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I tend to "over-do" in phases too. When I first picked up crochet again, I went afghan crazy. I probably have dropped $250+ of my allowance in books and supplies for afghans since Christmas. Not including yarn. :eek


I just made a shrug for myself, and am making two more identical but bigger for gifts. (Spider lace shrug isn't as hard as it looks btw).


I bought a cheap knitting machine last weekend and am very interested in the possibilities of what I can do with it as far as sweaters for gifts, etc.


The past 2-3 days I've been driving myself crazy staying up until the wee hours of the morning trying to nail down exactly how to do entrelac crochet. It's not really that hard I think, but the instructions left something to be desired, and I grab on like a rabbid dog when I'm trying to figure out something new. I think I almost got it figured out now, except for very minor stuff. :yay


/e rambles. (Sorry I type fast so it's really easy to ramble) :blush


I chalk it up to probably having an addictive personality. Which is why I avoid smoking, alcohol, and gambling like the plague. At least hobbycrafts are a good addiction as long as I don't go _too_ overboard.

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Who me? No, never, nada, nope -


Ah, who am I kidding!


The biggest problem with me tho is I have finishing issues. I get started and never finished. Isn't that kinda afraid of success? Oh boy, anybody gotta couch? LOL

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LOL, it is so funny to see how others are about their hobbies. I am to the point my fiancé doesn’t like for me to buy more yarn cus I have so much. He wont tell me no but I can tell by the look on his face. Now the thread work he hasn’t said to much, but I am getting a pretty good size lot of that so I can see him to start to comet on that soon. But he always says it keeps me busy and happy so it’s all-good. But it is hard to pass by the crochet books, or patterns, yarn or anything to do with crochet.

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LOL I wonder if I have ADD?


I think I have CADD! :lol Seriously, though.... I was on a poncho 'kick' for a while. Now, I have been making toys like crazy. I was on an afghan thing for a while. (Still haven't finished either one I started...) :blush Then a square thing for a while.... I think a lot of people do this. At least I know I do. :P


Oh, I forgot the hat kick, and the slipper kick, too. Last winter.



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Yup.... Got five fairly large WIP's going, several WIM's... and suddenly decided what I needed to make my life complete was to make The Crochet Dude's coffee cup holder in every color of cotton I own.... I DON'T KNOW WHY! :think

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LOL:heehee WE all must be very special people.... :hook

Yup.... Got five fairly large WIP's going, several WIM's... and suddenly decided what I needed to make my life complete was to make The Crochet Dude's coffee cup holder in every color of cotton I own.... I DON'T KNOW WHY! :think
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I go back and forth from afghans to scarves to ponchos to shawls...then I can't look at a crochet hook and do some cross-stitch... then I get fed up with all hand work and pull out the embroidery machine...then I have to do some clothes, get bored and move to quilts...then I'm ready to crochet again...but there is also some fun punch needle project that I forgot about...

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I am running out of victims....uh... I mean folks...to give my crochet to... Goodness... everybody I know including the mail lady has recieved a scarf or an afghan from me....I started crocheting for charity so I don't stock pile LOL

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LOL Stock pile--- Thats why some of my stuff went to a friend in the Netherlands today. And to think I live in a town where lots of realitives are. Just dont want to burn them all out to fast with my crochet.... Atleast try to keep them wanting more. My cousin is going to be having a baby so now I am looking for fun baby things to make. I am sure that will be after the bookmarker thingy.:think


I am running out of victims....uh... I mean folks...to give my crochet to... Goodness... everybody I know including the mail lady has recieved a scarf or an afghan from me....I started crocheting for charity so I don't stock pile LOL
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I completely understand what you mean! Lately, I have been just crocheting a lot of doilies and then my dd came across my squares from the Blue Squares Too sqaure swap. Also, while unpacking I came across an afghan a mile-a-minute one that I was psuedo-designing. PLUS, not to mention my cross-stitch WIP that I started in 1998 and its not even halfway finished. The good news is that I finished stitching my squares together and started working on the border. I decided that I will hang it as a wall afghan. I swear I will get pictures here as soon as I can....:blush I feel as if I am consumed by my WIP's.....:help

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I definitely go through phases. One month I made maybe 20 scarves. The next month I was on a baby blanket phase. I usually have a UFO since I start a project and then get bored or just don't want to work on it anymore. You're definitely not alone.

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