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Things I have to frog: A lament in many parts

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Two months ago, I had no UFOs and no dire need to frog. Now that I'm trying wearables (and they're trying me, apparently), I have to get up the guts to tear apart the following:


* A beautiful version of Diane Langen's cropped cardigan in Plymouth Sausalito which is just way too small. Blocking won't fix it. I need to take it all apart and start again and make the larger pattern in the body. I need the courage to do this because it turned out great, just way too small.


* A no-pattern tank top for which it turns out I don't have enough of the yarn I got in a swap. Sadness. What to do with not-enough-DK-weight yarn? Make more stuff for my kid. I want something for me! But it's not this tank.


* This is the third time I've tried to make the Summer Breeze sweater in Crocheted Sweaters, and it's just not ever going to work for me. When I get better at wearables I'll adapt the hoodie idea to a pattern that doesn't fit me in a bizarre and highly blocky way. But now, it's just a way to store the yarn I'm going to reuse for something else.


So much to frog! So many projects to redo! And I got hired on a short-term full-time work gig so I can't even concentrate on stuff until the end of July. Sadness! And madness!


That's all, I just needed to rant. I think I'll make a pitcher of something frosty and just tear it all out at once.


Thanks for the opportunity to vent. I hate learning curves! Have a great weekend!




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Elissa, I'm sorry for you. However, right now I'd give anything to be able to frog or crochet AT ALL! I hurt my wrist with my last project and it's not getting any better. I'm so bummed out...:(


Okay, I'm not trying for a competing rant here--I'm just as frustrated as you so I commiserate!:yes

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I know how you feel, I have just frogged an entire adult cardigan, that was finished, sewn up, bands on, the lot. But....it was way too big for the friend I am making it for, grrrrr. So, I decided the only thing I could do was frog. Which I did. So, I was happily re crocheting, on the last front, and realised I was one stitch out, giving me two stitches more on the last front. So........again I was frogging, down to the armholes all round, grrrrr again. Lesson learnt, READ the pattern properly. I just wish I wasn't so particular! My dear dad always said.....if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well!!!

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What is frogging?? If it is tearing out, maybe do what I do. When I need to tear something back, I hand it to my husband and he makes the yarn ball for me. Then I don;t feel so bad at having to re-start.

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Thanks to all for your kind thoughts:


* Roli, I hope your wrist gets better soon! Sadly, it turns out that you really DO have to rest it when they tell you to.


* Aussiecrocheter, I feel your pain. Sometimes when I make something that doesn't fit, I just find someone who's the right size for it, but that doesn't always work. And I can't tell you the number of times I ended up frogging and redoing and refrogging one stupid shrug; yes, one must follow the pattern, but sometimes the patterns are completely gibberish.


* Peppermintpatti, in a similar It turns out that one of my kids has a destructive impulse and really likes ripping stuff out, so we worked on taking apart the sweater for a while this weekend. (Hard to believe that taking stuff apart takes so long but we're not proficient at balling up the yarn as quickly as we're able to pull the garment apart.)


Hope all's good...




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