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What do you sit in when you crochet?

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Actually I sit in my computer chair most of the time. I crochet a little, then read a little, crochet a little more...lol. Otherwise I sit on the couch.

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I usually sit on the couch, but my back gets sore too......so, I put 2 bed pillows behind my back and it helps a lot. It keeps me sitting upright and gives me the needed support.

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I have 2 places. In the living room, I'm on the couch, towards the middle. I find that if my left arm is restricted from moving in any way, it starts to hurt, so I need at least a little elbow room on both sides.


In the bedroom, I have an overstuffed chair in the alcove of a bay window, so during the day I get lots of light from the window itself and at night I turn on the lamp on the little table next to me. I also have my (big plastic storage) box of yarn right next to the chair.


And I too always have something on the tv (we have a tv in our bedroom as well) when I'm crocheting. Most of the time I don't have to concentrate that hard on what I'm doing, so I need something to occupy my mind while my fingers are moving.


I actually prefer to crochet in my chair in the bedroom, but I can't do that when the kids are home (they'd tear the house apart), and I don't like to disturb the hubby when he's sleeping (and he has really weird sleeping habits), so I end up doing most of my crocheting in the living room.

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I'm almost always on the sofa in the living room. It has a recliner at each end. "Mom's spot" is the recliner on the left end. I have an end table to my left which always has my current project (right now...my red, white, and blue afghan).

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I feel like a princess when I sit in my beautiful chaise lounge surrounded by my pattern books, hooks, yarn, remote control for TV, my lap-sized electric blankie... homemade quilt on wall and quilted pillows and lap quilts, right by my front window... in the livingroom where all the activity is!


(sorry the pictures are so BIG but I don't know how to do sizing yet!)





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:manyheartOh, that looks absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm jealous!:devil


Of course, if I tried that in my house, things would go missing in no time. Little hands, don'tcha know. :P

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I'm sitting up on my bed with 3 pillows behind me. I'm either doing the following: watching tv, listening to music, on the phone.


Funkyreporter I'm so jealous of your chaise lounge. Nice set up.

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When I am home, I sit in my recliner, which faces both my computer and my TV. Unfortunately, it's really old and no longer reclines like it used to.


In the summer, we go to a lot of music festivals and outdoor concerts and I plan to bring projects along. I found a really comfy 'lawn chair'... it's one of those telescoping fold up kinds (used to be called What-a-chair') but mine has a little extension to keep my feet raised up. I'm thinking the cup holder may be perfect to hold my yarn. Our first festival is in 4 weeks... woo hoo!



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:manyheartOh, that looks absolutely gorgeous!!! I'm jealous!:devil


Of course, if I tried that in my house, things would go missing in no time. Little hands, don'tcha know. :P


(Pictures in Post #33)


Things were not always so plush - believe me! I have four 'little ones' of my own but their hands are not so little anymore! Now they get into my crochet things to make their own projects! Except Ah Leah whose off at college... but I have a feeling a few of my things are gonna disappear when she stops in for three weeks later in the month before heading to her summer job in Santa Cruz!


I just love my spot... it's like nest!


Sometimes I'll crochet in the den just to be near hubby, or out in the garden swing...

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I slouch in my Poang chair. The a has two accent dots over it. It has a perfect body contour design. It is Skandanavian designed. Of course, I sit cross-legged Indian style!

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I am either in my somewhat comfy rocking chair or outside on the deck. Having a bad back I don't know that I will find anything that's comfy enough. I'm constantly having to get up and walk around.

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I slouch in my Poang chair. The a has two accent dots over it. It has a perfect body contour design. It is Skandanavian designed. Of course, I sit cross-legged Indian style!


Hey, thanks for turning me on to the Poang chair. I had never heard of it, so I googled it and found it on IKEA. With the matching foot stool it really does look comfortable! And, it is much cheaper than my dream chair.


Thanks! I may be able to get this sometime this decade! :)


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I have a suede recliner big enough for two people that my honey bought for us to snuggle during movie nights. That's what I sit in because it's firm (I hate sinking, too) and it's big enough to get comfy in. :)


If I'm making something that requires me to spread it out, like piecing together an afghan, I'll end up propped up on my bed or right in the middle of the floor.

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I like to spreadt out on my couch with my product and yarn and prop my feet up on my coffee table. Usually I don't like anything near my arms but sometimes they get tired and then I use my big couch pillows to prop me up. lol

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My suede couch. in the very center, with my legs crossed indian style. I usually have a cup of hot tea beside me, the remote control and a blanket over my lap. I dont like to be near any arm rests, my arms need space to work

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At home I crochet on the couch, or sitting up on my bed with 3 pillows behind me.


I also crochet in the car, in my lawn chair while camping or watching the kids' sporting events, on the park bench while the kids play, or any number of places I happen to find myself.


Like you, I don't care where I sit(or stand) when I crochet.

At home I have an old rocker from a thrift store.:)

Ellie 13

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I either sit on the left end of our couch, with my left elbow propped up on the arm of the couch, cross-legged, with my yarn tucked under my left arm and my pattern & bag with the rest of the project on the cushion to my right..and the last cushion is usually taken up by our cat Rascal...or I'm in our arm chair, sitting sideways to watch my 5 yr old DD to make sure she actually stays in bed instead of running around her room and playing when she should be settling in to sleep..then I've got my back against the right arm, my left leg bent and pressed into the left arm, the yarn on top of my left leg, my right foot on the floor keeping me from falling out of the chair...and my pattern and extra supplies on the tray of my younger DD's highchair (which is right next to the arm chair)....either way, I'll stay in that position for several hours at a clip, and then when I finally decide to get up and put everything away I realize that I have no feeling left in one of my legs and I've actually had to pee for at least an hour and hadn't realized it...which leads to the nightly ritual of trying to put everything away neatly so as not to mess up what I'd just finished working on..but getting it done fast enough that I can run to the bathroom in time :lol

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Paulette, I don't see fugly anywhere in that picture! Doesn't he reside there too?


No, Fug was sitting over by the computer... he kept chewing on the crochet hooks AND the basket of TV remote controls (yes, four - 276 buttons of raw remote control power). He does less damage by the computer... he thinks it's a mirror when he looks into it - really confuses him and it is FUNNY!:lol

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I sit indian style in my office chair at my computer. My books, patterns and current projects are on the desk. My dh has a desk right next to mine so he does his thing on his computer and I do mine at it.:hook

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