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Out Of My League!

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I didn't think this thread was about gift-giving. I thought it was, at first, but when I read the initial posters follow-up I realized it was about taking the time to volunteer to test an experimental pattern, completing the item and getting a "subtle" message that her quality of work was inadequate. Maybe I misinterpreted her follow-up post.

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Oh my Jamie, I do believe you're right. My bad for not taking the time to really READ all the responses.


Disregard my post. I totally see that this was a test pattern.

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Well, I got a very subtle message about some of my work. I did a crochet project for someone and never received any feedback as to the end result of the project itself or acknowledgement for the time spent doing something for someone else. I guess I am out of my league with some of the "real" artists out there. No support or encouragement for trying something I had never done. Apparently my skill is lacking and not to the exacting standards of a professional crocheter.

Just a rant, just feeling sorry for myself after I spent two weeks working on it. Oh, well, live and learn. :hook

i would love to see what you made. It probably is not as bad as you say. The first blanket i made was for a girl having a baby and she is very picky about everything and i heard she made some commetns about it but i didnt care. I was proud anyways and i just made a purse and it came out kind of crappy but again proud. Dont let anyone tell you any diff. anything we amke is awesome and dont except anything less. :P izzy

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This isn't to excuse bad behavior, but the time this happened to me, it turned out that the person was going through a very hard time and was too frazzled to remember her manners.

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Well, I got a very subtle message about some of my work. I did a crochet project for someone and never received any feedback as to the end result of the project itself or acknowledgement for the time spent doing something for someone else. I guess I am out of my league with some of the "real" artists out there. No support or encouragement for trying something I had never done. Apparently my skill is lacking and not to the exacting standards of a professional crocheter.

Just a rant, just feeling sorry for myself after I spent two weeks working on it. Oh, well, live and learn. :hook

You know, some people are just like that. They don't understand what it takes to make what we make. Don't let it bother you and keep hooking. DON'T let this stop you. You just need to find a more appreciative audience, that is all. I think the message learned, instead, is just that some people lack manners. :yes

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Oops! I should have posted this in the other thread, but forgot totally about it. I guess cause I was so upset. However, I can not show a pic cause that person is a member of the 'ville. I did a test of a pattern and

apparently my work was not good enough. So, enough said, but thanks for the support and encouragement and thoughts. I really appreciate it.

Ah, still no excuse for bad manners.


I also stand by my original statement above that you should not stop and don't let their lack of response stop you. Forget about it. Besides, it doesn't matter what they think, it's what YOU think that matters. Just don't be a tester anymore and as I stated above, find a more appreciative audience. :hug

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  • 3 months later...

Roli is right. did you like the finished product? I do and I do not even need to see it, for where ever that article goes, so goes apeice of your "heart". eventually it will find its way into the life of someone who will REALLY appreciate it and they won't have a clue who to thank for all the selfless work put into it, imagine how will they feel. they may even ask for God's blessings to pour out to the talented person who took the valuable time out of their life to create such a beautiful work of art. hold your head high and be humbly proud of your skill.

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Well, I got a very subtle message about some of my work. I did a crochet project for someone and never received any feedback as to the end result of the project itself or acknowledgement for the time spent doing something for someone else. I guess I am out of my league with some of the "real" artists out there. No support or encouragement for trying something I had never done. Apparently my skill is lacking and not to the exacting standards of a professional crocheter.

Just a rant, just feeling sorry for myself after I spent two weeks working on it. Oh, well, live and learn. :hook


OK, I don't know if there is more going on here than you've described but maybe you are jumping to conclusions? After all, just because they didn't specifically single you out with thanks certainly doesn't mean that your work is inferior! Are you sure they received it? Did they tell you specifically that it wasn't that good?


I tend to be a 'glass is half-empty person more often than not and I would imagine that I would also have feelings of self-doubt in your case. However, please don't jump to that conclusion! Trust me, I am far from a professional crocheter. My skill lies more in design than execution. But that doesn't stop me.


Please don't beat yourself up over something like this. Its not worth it.:hug

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