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Out Of My League!

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Well, I got a very subtle message about some of my work. I did a crochet project for someone and never received any feedback as to the end result of the project itself or acknowledgement for the time spent doing something for someone else. I guess I am out of my league with some of the "real" artists out there. No support or encouragement for trying something I had never done. Apparently my skill is lacking and not to the exacting standards of a professional crocheter.

Just a rant, just feeling sorry for myself after I spent two weeks working on it. Oh, well, live and learn. :hook

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You have every right to be upset. It's rude and thoughtless to ignore the hard work and effort put into the creation of a handmade item. I'll send hugs to you to sooth hurt feelings and bad karma to whomever did the hurting!

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Hold your head up and be proud of your own work!:clap By the mere fact that you crocheted something for someone it shows that you have a good heart. Don't let one person bring your spirit down about crochecting.


What was the project? And yes, we do live and learn. And the lesson here is the person you did the project for wouldn't be getting another one.:no

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Post pics - we'd love to see it.:gallery Don't let it get you down. Some people just don't appreciate (or even realize) the time, effort, and love you put into a handmade item. I bet you'll get some positive feedback here - everybody's so supportive and encouraging. :hug

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Your mistake was in the selection of the person to give it to, not in your work. Insecure, self-centered people will feel threatened by your developing skill and will either be unresponsive or snippy. Just ignore her and hang around with people who appreciate you for the wonderful, unique, talented person you are' - every thing you do improves your skill.

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Well, I got a very subtle message about some of my work. I did a crochet project for someone and never received any feedback as to the end result of the project itself or acknowledgement for the time spent doing something for someone else. I guess I am out of my league with some of the "real" artists out there. No support or encouragement for trying something I had never done. Apparently my skill is lacking and not to the exacting standards of a professional crocheter.

Just a rant, just feeling sorry for myself after I spent two weeks working on it. Oh, well, live and learn. :hook

Didja mail it away? I mean are you sure that the person received it? If so, then no harm in asking what they thought. Unfortunately, some folks are kind of oblivious to societal niceties.

And if it turns out that they are that pitiful as to not appreciate a hand-made gift... I totally echo terrybb's response. :hug

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Some people just don't appreciate handmade items. I have a customer who always makes a nasty comment about my crocheted ponchos and such. I think she's just jealous. One of my best customers always googles over everything I did and on her birthday I made her a stole. She was almost in tears. She went on and on about how beautiful it was. Even though it was in the 80's she left wearing it and said she would wear it to work and show it off! It's all in the person getting the item. Some people love them and others don't.


Don't let it get you down... Just don't bother to waste your time on that person again!

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I know just how you feel. I have been making items for my nieces for Christmas for years. I never hear a word from them. '05' was the last Christmas they will receive gifts. Even if you don't like the item, a simple thank you should be sent.

I will now make things for people who enjoy and appreciate them.

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I'd love to see a photo! I'm sure its beautiful, and if the person who received it said nothing - thats just rather rude. I would make sure they received it.

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We all have stories to tell about someone who did not appreciate what we made, or did not comment on what was made. Don't let it get you down, this is one very ungrateful and stupid person.

Some people don't think anything is any good unless it has a designer label on it. I am sure your work is up to par. Like everyone else, if you can, show us a picture of what you made.

Remember, we are the worse critics for our own work. We all wonder if it is any good, or if it is up to par. You are not alone.

Hey, one person saw an afghan they made being used as a curtain in the garage and it was nailed over the window. :eek Now, can you imagine how she felt?

You made it, you were happy with it, put this person on your never again list. We all have one of those.:hook

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I was going to post the link to the thread I started about this very thing, but it looks like you beat me to it, eyenowhour :lol Yes, I've felt the sting as well. Don't let it get you down. Like everyone is saying, some people just haven't a clue as to the amount of work and time it takes to make something, or are just so self absorbed they just don't care. I know I'm now more careful of who I make things for and what I make for them. Chin up!! :D

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Oops! I should have posted this in the other thread, but forgot totally about it. I guess cause I was so upset. However, I can not show a pic cause that person is a member of the 'ville. I did a test of a pattern and

apparently my work was not good enough. So, enough said, but thanks for the support and encouragement and thoughts. I really appreciate it.

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I empathize with you; I made all my sister-in-laws an afghan for Christmas one year and because of the rude comments from 'she can't expect me to actually use such a rag,' to 'boy did she get off cheap this year ( by making the gifts) ' that I almost decided that I would never make a gift again.Then, I took a step back and realized that it wasn't the gift or the workmanship it was the receivers of the gifts. Now they get soap (ususally re-gifted) and quite frankly I don't care if they know. Life is too short. Were YOU happy with your work....were YOU proud of your work.... in the end that is what matters.

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I'm sure you did a great job. Maybe the recipient was so overwhelmed by your talent that he/she just couldn't find the words to express it. :D:clap


Hmmm, I think that is a good thought. :hug

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This is exactly why I don't make presents for very many people anymore. However, it probably had nothing to do with the quality of your work, and I really don't think people who don't craft are "jealous" of what we do either.

It ain't brain surgery, anyone can learn it if they want. (That's not to say everyone can design or copy things without a pattern.) They just don't care to take the time.


I just think people don't understand how much work it is, and how proud we feel. I just learned to cable without a needle and I almost burst. Does anyone around me care? No.


I'm sure if you asked the person, she'd be surprised to learn that you thought she didn't like it. I just think since they don't understand, they don't know to make a big deal, y'know? For instance, if you bought someone a sweater, they'd say thanks and they love it. They wouldn't go on about the even stitches and the fabulous edging. They just don't think about it the same way we do.

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:hug :hug :hug Hugs to you ! Don't let someone's uppity attitude rock your boat. Obviously there is something wrong with the person you gave the item to.


:yay I'm sure your item was just lovely...you just cannot please some people in this world no matter what you do. Chalk it up to a cranky pants person and enjoy your crocheting :D




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I gave a beautiful, and very difficult, baby blanket to a woman once who barely said a word. She said her "thank you" politely and that was it. She was happy that it was pink (first girl after 4 boys). When I walked away, I kinda felt sad. However, every Sunday, that baby was in my blanket! It was obviously her "Sunday best". Some people just are shy and don't know what to say.

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oh don't worry about people who are unappreciative, thats their problem not yours and don't let them take away from your loving heart. You made the item in good faith and with a generous soul thats whats important.

i know that a little appreciation is a great motivator but we crochet cos we love it. If you love making but only know snobs who look down on hand made items make things for charity, that way your stuff will always be appreciated and you get a warm glow:manyheart


I recently made a beautiful soft white baby blanket with lemon ribbon trim and a victorian cape and a pair of booties for a colleague who was going on maternity leave. i thought she would be wowed by the blanket and cape as they took ages to make and looked really good

the feed back was all about the ribbon I had used on the booties and how sweet it is. Huh i was a bit disheartened but then thought no I made this with love for your baby if you choose not to use it..... fine your loss

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Some people just don't know what it takes to make a beautiful project and then give it away. It takes skill, time, talent and many other things to have something turn out just right.


You learned a lesson. No more projects for that person.


I am in a similiar position. My neighbor's kids have new step siblings. Last year, when the baby girl was born, I made two little bonnets and sent them with the girls when they went to their father's house. Not even a thank you was sent home to me.


Baby boy was born yesterday, and I am doing nothing. I feel if you can't even acknowledge the gift, then there are no more gifts for your family. What does it take to sent a quick card thanking you for the present? Not much!


Don't waste your time and talent on this person again. Save your gifts for someone who really can appreciate them.:yes



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Most of you will probably not agree with me. I feel that when I give a gift, I do it for the pleasure of giving. If I get a "payback" such as a "thank you" I get double enjoyment. If not, I don't worry about it. The value is in the act of giving, not in the response. It actually took me half a lifetime to adopt this philosophy but I am a much happier person because of it...

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I have to agree with you Roli. I think some people aren't raised to give thank you's. They really don't know better. I gave a woman a very nice birthday gift because she was visiting with a friend of mine for a few weeks. I did not receive a thank you although I did hear much later that she really liked the gift (a passing comment overheard). I was invited to her daughter's baby shower and spent many hours on a baby blanket to give. I never heard back, but ran into the daughter, baby and boyfriend weeks later at a restaurant. They were using the blanket I had made. I made a comment about it and the boyfriend said "We use this one all the time - it's one of our favorite blankies. It's really beautiful" So I never recieved a spoken or written thank you, but the recipients were using and enjoying my gifts. I made them because I wanted to - thank you's are extra, appreciated - but extra :)

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Count me in to the agree with Roli post. It's a very hard philosophy to develope because we are all very human and enjoy praise.


But the sooner we practice the "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving" we shall be better off, I believe. After that, the karma law works - it's sometimes called a Universal Law - you reap what you sow. That doesn't always apply to bad things happening which alot of people associate the whole karma thing to. It can also be very good things.


Give with an open heart - it will come back to you, maybe not from the same source, but it will.


Off my soap box now.

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