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Pet Projects

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Excuse the pun! I was just noticing that there are a lot of posts showing completed projects and there are many that the posters' pets have managed to squeeze into...usually because the pet seems to think that the poster slaved away and finished the project just for said pet. (Typically this is cats).


I was just wondering if the people with pets run into this a lot? I've found that my child (dog), Jack, would prefer to lay on whatever project I'm working on, rather than some place else (other than my lap, that's his fave).


Just wondering if anyone else finds that their pets think that projects are always theirs'.



Sorry for the lack of quality on this one...he was in the sleeper and we were driving down the road. Had to take the picture with my cell phone and the cheesy flash on it. He's laying on my current project (a My-Way Afghan for my other half's cousin's graduation).



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Yes! If Bailey sees me working on crochet, he jumps on my lap and literally sits on my project, including my yarn and hook. He will not budge either unless I get out of the chair! I think he's jealous of the WIP! :lol

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Haha! Roxie does the same thing! and it's just about the only time she does that, when I'm working on something, she jumps right in my lap and that's her spot for the rest of the night, but it's only when I'm working on something, otherwise she wont because she knows she's not allowed to get on the furniture (crazy in-law rule... I don't know lol)


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Oh gosh yes! Beside the fact that my 95 lb Rottweiler thinks he is a lap dog, his loooooong hair is twisted up in all of my projects! Just yesterday he decided to get on my lap while I was working on the "easy, breezy" cardigan. Snuggly boy!


Cyrus is a long coated Rottweiler and the long hair is a genetic glitch that happens from time to time. Clouds and clouds of long fine Rottie hair is part of my household decor:lol

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my mini wienerdog loves to burrow in blankets, piles of clean laundry, my shawl, or anywhere. so she loves it when i'm working on a 'ghan. she snuggles right down and makes herself at home.

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Oh yes! Our Shih-Tzu loves to sit right beside me while I crochet and snuggle up in whatever I'm making...he especially loves soft baby ghans :lol We also have a Collie, and while she is not the snuggly type, her hair is constantly getting stuck in whatever I make, and all over everything else.

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my cat Minerva is seriously attached to my Lace and Bobbles 'ghan. She'll be nowhere in sight until I take it out, and if I set it down on the couch for a second, she'll curl right up!


See example here :)


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My cats love to "help" me with any sort of crafting stuff, but probably the funniest pet/crafting experience I had was when I was making a crocheted kitten toy for my daughter.


I had the body put together, but hadn't attached the head. I was stuffing it, and putting on its facial features -- I had embroidered the nose/mouth and one eye was on, I hadn't secured the other eye yet and it was kind of hanging out of the head, as was some of the stuffing. Anyway, the phone rang and I toss the head on the couch without even thinking about it. When I came back, my two of my cats had found the head. One was laying beside it on the couch, licking it and the other was on the floor and would occasionally pop up and poke the head and body with her paw.


They were both acting very bothered while I put the kitten together -- mewing, sniffing, poking at it. When it was finished and I set it aside, one of my cats swiped it and she would not let me have it back. I think she thought I tried to hurt the baby cat! (It struck me as a little odd since this cat is spayed... but she's definitely a mama at heart!)

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my cat Minerva is seriously attached to my Lace and Bobbles 'ghan. She'll be nowhere in sight until I take it out, and if I set it down on the couch for a second, she'll curl right up!


See example here :)



Celeste! Your ghan is gorgeous!!!

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omg yes I have a problem with my cats they always seem to want attention when I am crocheting and they always want to lay on my projects I am doing or my yarn or they steal my hooks


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Yes! My cats (all five of them) think my lap when I am crocheting is the place to be. Even working on ragrugs lately has caused an influx of cats having to sleep on the rug, whether I am working on it or not, which negates the theory that they liked the fluffiness of yarn. Ragrugs however, can be lifted, cat and all, and moved from lap to the side, and back again - and the cats don't bat an eyelid!


Boof on a cushion

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my cat Minerva is seriously attached to my Lace and Bobbles 'ghan. She'll be nowhere in sight until I take it out, and if I set it down on the couch for a second, she'll curl right up!


See example here :)



Celeste, I absolutely love the colors you're using for your L&B. And Minerva is just too cute!


My kitties also love to be on my crochet work. Right now I'm working with a yarn for the summer scarf swap that easily snags, so I don't want them near it. Poor kitties, they keep trying...

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Of course! My 2 doggies are constantly very interested in me and my lap when I pick up my crochet. Tweety will jump right on top of what I'm working on, hook and all. Fozzy tends to lay down by my feet (I usually crochet in my chaise lounge) and loves to lay his head on whatever I'm working on. If I make something and lay it on the floor to take a picture of it, Tweety will run and lay right in the middle of it before I can even snap a picture. Some people say it's because whatever we are working on has our scents on them and our pets love that but I think they just love cuddling up with things I make! :manyheart

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Neither my cat, KiKi, nor my dog, Sophie, wants to lose my complete and unwaivering attention to some yarn and a hook. They will try ANYTHING to get me to stop - but the meowing is the most aggravating! :eek

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