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Oh man...frogged for nothing!

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I've been working on a scarf to wear for a baby shower I'm attending this weekend, for like 3 weeks. LoL Well, I had it almost completely done, when I thought I had read the instructions wrong so I frogged half of it. Started working on it this morning, only to realize that the way I had worked it the first time, was the correct way! :( Oy!! It surely won't be done by Saturday now. LoL

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Been there, done that. Laughed and cried at the same time when I realized.


I'd done about 4 hours of SC on my mom's afghan, and then I measured it for kicks and 'realized' that it was several inches too narrow! I frogged the whole thing and when I was down to the half row and chain a little bell rang in my head :idea ... the missing width was the wide border!! :bang:cry

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Oooh no! That definitely makes me feel better. LoL

Well I got one row done while my daughter watched Chicken Little. :devil I have to put it away now, though, because my littlest is awake and she likes to unravel Mommy's projects. :blush

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Awww. I hate it when I'm almost done with something, realize I have to frog, and realize I didn't have to at all. I usually try to just work it into the design since I'm too lazy to frog. of course sometimes that doesn't work and I have to frog anyway.

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Yea, it sucked.


I think the reason it struck me funny at all at the time was because when I realized what I'd done I was sitting there with a pile of frogged yarn beside me, my right hand holding the yarn I'd been pulling out, and my left hand holding my starting chain + half a row dangling down. What a ridiculous sight and time to realize my huge mistake! :blush

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I have also been there and done that, so you're not alone! Mine was also an afghan, which was about a little over 1/4 finished. I was still relatively new to crocheting and pattern reading and thought I'd misunderstood a direction and ripped it all out, only to be told by a more experienced person that I'd done it right in the first place :bang Live and learn...I started it all over and to this day that afghan has a place of honour on my couch! :D

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