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Frogging - Spouse Teasing

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My hubby is at it again. He is teasing me about frogging :2frog. He says that if I spent as much time crocheting as I do frogging :2frog what I have already crocheted. Then I would have all my projects done in a matter of days instead of weeks or months. Every time I frog :frog even a stitch or two he appears out of the blue to remind me I am frogging :2frog; like I don't already know.

Does anyone else live with a frog monitor? :frog

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I like all the frogs you used on your post!


My boyfriend is a believer in "Anything worth doing, is worth doing well." So he tells me to do whatever it takes to do it to my satisfaction. However, he does get exasperated from time to time when I fuss over (and eventually always frog) "mistakes" that he thinks only I can spot.


I point out to him that there are things he can't see because he doesn't crochet, but other crocheters can. Actually, I can't spot other crocheters mistakes myself, even when they tell me, but that's what I say to him.:devil

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LoL! Nope. My hubby doesn't even know what frogging is, even though I do it an awful lot. :blush


Ditto my hubby probably thinks it's something I'm supposed to be doing hehe . He's clueless about my crochet & how much yarn I have :lol He has his guitars I have my crochet :c9

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Ditto my hubby probably thinks it's something I'm supposed to be doing hehe . He's clueless about my crochet & how much yarn I have :lol He has his guitars I have my crochet :c9


LoL Sounds like our house. Mine has his guitar or Xbox and he's content to let me crochet away.

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I just recently told my DH what frogging is...he thought it was hysterical that we actually have a word for it...called it crochetter's secret code for 'fixing a screw-up':lol


He notices when I do it, but more in a 'oh, man! you have to frog all that?' kind of way...more feeling bad for me than busting my chops for it...

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John my DH usually doesn't bother with me when I have to frog, usless He starts to hear me say some stuff under my breath. :thair

Then he comes in and says. "Put the crocheting down and walk away now." :lol lol

By this point I have frogged the same thing about 4 times, then I am mad.:rant

Of course, he is the same way with his computer. :hook

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He notices when I do it, but more in a 'oh, man! you have to frog all that?' kind of way...more feeling bad for me than busting my chops for it...


My DH is the same way. He gets so sad when I have to frog something ("All that WORK!") that I now try to do it when he isn't around. It's just too upsetting for him! :lol

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My hubby usually has a dismayed reaction sort of like Roli's - "oh no don't :eek - it looks fine to me"...but he's such an agreeable guy that when I explain why I must, he'll say "you'd better take that out then:) ".


He is quite an encouragement to me because he shows enough interest in my crocheting to examine things and compliment - but he doesn't know enough about it to disagree with me about anything.;)

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Hub always says in surprise... "Why are you pulling it out? :eek " He cant believe how hours of work can be unravelled in a couple of minutes.


My sons LOVE to frog, particularly now I have a wool winder. This amuses them no end.... weird really cos they are 20, 16, and 14... Think they could find something better to play with! :D

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Cupcake - You sure have some great stories about your sons and crochet (e.g.the Easter story)! It's nice that they are interested.


I think I should invest in a wool winder with all the frogging I do!:)

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Oh, that's flat-out harrassment! Monitoring your frogging? Geez. Does he not realize your attention to detail and pride in your work that when you notice a misplaced stitch 19 rows back that you MUST frog and make things right? Does he not make mistakes? And doesn't he understand, frogging just allows us to crochet even MORE! Duh!!!! Men. (my apologies to the guys on this site... I don't mean you, I mean other men!)

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Every spouse is different. My DH knows I hate to frog, but that I'll do it to make a project look nice. He's so sweet. He helps me keep the yarn from my cat who thinks frogging is the greatest thing on earth. He also helps me wind up the yarn, if it's a really big frog. I don't think I've ever taught him the term "frog", but he sure knows when I make a mistake as my hands start ripping the yarn out.:blush

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Every spouse is different. My DH knows I hate to frog, but that I'll do it to make a project look nice. He's so sweet. He helps me keep the yarn from my cat who thinks frogging is the greatest thing on earth. He also helps me wind up the yarn, if it's a really big frog. I don't think I've ever taught him the term "frog", but he sure knows when I make a mistake as my hands start ripping the yarn out.:blush

:lol:lol:lol I had a mental picture of your cat "dancing with the yarn flying through the air."



.... :lol :lol :lol what I didnt mention is that part of the reason my sons like to frog, as well as use the wool winder, is so they can tease the cat, and me at the same time....


I did some serious frogging last night as I reduced a fugly attempt at a mile a minute into balls of wool to be recycled into my 200 block CAL rug... it was very cathartic as I despise mile a minute, and will never ever start a project of this nature again....:D .......... oh what a feeling....:hook

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Actually, my fiance (who also crochets) is far, far more fussy about being perfect than I am. He frogged the scarf he made for me more times than I can count and he's still not happy with it.


He also has an obsession with symmetry.

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Mine looks at me and laughs under his breath and shakes his head at me.:no He knows better then to say a word.. I just might go off on him.... lol :eek he then walks out of the room with a fast step.:devil

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My dh always feels really bad for me and he always says it looks fine, well most of the time...except that one time when I was designing somethign and there were weird stick out puckers on the sides LOL

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*LOL* Mine doesn't even know what I mean when I say i'm 'froggin'. He just kinda looks at me like i'm nuts and shakes his head. Mine likes to monitor all the yarn I buy. *LOL* He thinks I already have enough yarn to last a lifetime (which is true but a woman can never have enough yarn).



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Instead of frogging - my husband has been harassing me lately about the Round Pillow project I have been attempting (I'm now on my Sixth Attempt - don't ask). He will compliment the silver dollar, than the yarmulke, then the pancake, then the pizza. Why can't we just call it a round pillow? :D Instead, he parades around the house with my project on his head. Oh well.



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Mine is a sympathetic frog monitor, although he does occasionally tease me about it!!

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