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yarn!!! beautiful, glorious yarn!!!!

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hi all, I just had to post this. My mother in law knits and has been promising me some of her yarn for nearly one year now. Everytime I bring it up, she tells me she has the yarn stashed in the attic and will get it ready for me when she has some free time. Anyway, to make a long story short, this past weekend I was at her house and brought up the yarn topic again...well, she took me to the attic and pulled out a huge wooden chest.


When she opened it, wow!!!!! It was full of beautiful yarn!!!!

I don't think they make this yarn anymore. The labels are say made in france. A few skeins of it is Aunt Lydias rug yarn, but the rest is beautiful, fluffy, gorgeous colored yarn. Its actually called 'fluffy'

Heres a pic of some of it, and some more can be seen at my blog.

I have double of this though, these pics are what was in one bag.



I brought two big bags full of it home with me...lol...I thought she'd give me a few balls of yarn, but she told me to take the entire trunkfull.:clap

She laughed and told my hubby 'your wife knows exactly what to do with this yarn'

naida :hook



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WOW! What a wonderful mother in law you have! Wonder what else she has up there in that attic?? Well, be sure and share the pictures of the beautiful things you are going to make with them! :hook

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:eek YIKES! the color combinations are endless. i believe i'd have to sit in the floor with it all in my lap and just pet it. but, then, i'm strange.:lol
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lol....the funny part is that I have sat on the floor with the yarn and just 'held' it...lol!! held it, petted it, admired the colors...lol! my fav is the bright blue.

I've started making a purse with some of it, but I definitley plan on making scarves and hats with it, also maybe an afghan. Its very soft.

I'll post pics of what I create with it.:hook


yup, I feel lucky to have it, kinda like winning the yarn lotto...lol


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You are so lucky to get all that yarn. Just think of all the great projects you can make.


By the way, I loved the cow on your blog. That looks so cute. I have been wanting to make one for quite a while, and now I just moved it to my to-do list over the summer. It would look very cute in my preschool classroom. I love making things for the walls to decorate it. I have made hearts, easter eggs, pumpkins, and other things for lasting decorations. I love the looks on the kid's faces when there are new things in the classroom that catch their eye. You gave me inspiration.


Thanks so much.



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By the way, I loved the cow on your blog. That looks so cute. I have been wanting to make one for quite a while, and now I just moved it to my to-do list over the summer. It would look very cute in my preschool classroom. I love making things for the walls to decorate it. I have made hearts, easter eggs, pumpkins, and other things for lasting decorations. I love the looks on the kid's faces when there are new things in the classroom that catch their eye. You gave me inspiration.


Thanks so much.




awww...ty Linda, that is so sweet! sounds like the kids love your work.

yup crocheted items like those do make for cute decorations that last a long time.

I made a ghost mobile for Halloween, and hang it up on my window every year...it looks great too.



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:eek YIKES! the color combinations are endless. i believe i'd have to sit in the floor with it all in my lap and just pet it. but, then, i'm strange.:lol


Not strange at all....I think i'd do the same!!! :yes:lol:hook:yarn :yarn :yarn


I'm sooooooo jealous! Great score you made!!!


P.S. Can I get adopted so I can get some yarn too? Maybe as a long lost cousin or something????!!! :lol:P



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i believe i'd have to sit in the floor with it all in my lap and just pet it. but, then, i'm strange.:lol


dazy...don't worry, you're not strange, my work colleagues nicknamed me "tactile tracy" because i need to touch everything. :lol


...and naida, you definitely :yes hit the :yarn jackpot! lovely colors too! :yay

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Lucky you! Just seeing all that yarn (and free!) makes me happy. :clap What is it about a stash of cool yarn that gives so much joy? I think it's the endless possibilities of what will become of the yarn. You're only limited by your imagination ... the possibilities are endless. You won the yarn lotto!

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