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Beautiful Consignment Shop Shawl

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I was shopping with my sister in a Palm Beach consignment shop and found this shawl for $10. It's hand crocheted with fine soft fingering weight yarn in beige. They had another one in white with small crocheted disk motifs for the same price. Neither one looked as if they had ever been used. They must have come from an estate because they were definitely not made for the mass market as so many crochet items are these days. Sorry. I don't know how to do thumbnails yet.





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Wow! What a bargin hunter! You have that much in yarn alone. It is so pretty too! It is a shame that people don't realize the value of handmade items.

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That is gorgeous! It always surprises me (mabey it shouldn't) when I see the amount of rarely used handmade stuff at the consignment shops. Some people just do not appreciate all that goes into these items and don't stop to think how the giver would feel if they came across their gift.:(


I don't know how many beautiful "ski sweaters" I bought at consignment and thrift shops for my daughters..you probably couldn't make one for the price of all the ones I've bought over the years! It's a great place to look 'specially when you are "knit challenged" like me:blush

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Great find, Roli, and it looks great on you.


Just don't forget that your work is just as awe-inspiring to me!

I'm working on a Melissa Leapman vest saying to myself each time I stop to frog or measure, "Roli's made this and it looked great. Keep going, you can do it, too." Your things always turn out nicely...or at least the ones you show us!

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Roli that is just so beautiful.

I love going to consignment shops. You can find some great treasures, especially when we go to Florida. It is one of my favorite past times.

As you, I and all crocheters know - you could not make that for $10.00. Some one did not know it's value or just got tired of it.


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I agree, What a great find....The yarn alone cost $10....I wish we could know who made it so we could share the pattern...It is quite unusual and lovely...Enjoy it.:clap

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Roli - the shawl is just beautiful and I am so happy that you found it at such a good price, I feel bad for the people that sold it that they cant appreciate a beautiful handmade crocheted item. Oh well, their lose, you gain. :think

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Just don't forget that your work is just as awe-inspiring to me!


Gosh Artemis. Thanks!


I agree with all of you that it's a shame to see such beautiful things abandoned at auctions or consignment shops. I always have to exert great self-control to avoid buying those orphans because my space is so limited. Hopefully we can rely on our fellow crocheters to give them a good home!:)

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