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My Daughter Is Crocheting!

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She's seven years old and she wanted to learn to crochet so bad.....so I showed her a couple of days ago....and she's gone "chaining" crazy!! LOL....everyday, after school and homework, she sits and crochets! It's so cute! She wants to chain the whole ball of yarn and decorate her room with it! LOL


Feel free to check out her chain on my blog!! :hook

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I was 7 years old when my grandma taught me as well. Every so often she pulls out this aweful scarf I made her way back then, and we have a good laugh. It is truly special to be handed down a talent like this. I will carry on the tradition one day!

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what a cheery chain. and thestitches are so even. i'm impressed:applause you might tell her that if she does one in the red, white and green variagated, she could make a chain to put on a christmas tree.

she's going to be a crafty gal.:yay

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That is really great news !


My DD will be 9 on Monday , maybe I'll try her with a chain stitch!


Hey- I saw in a magazine where you can make chains of various lengths, (in fun fur) if she gets to that point and hang them from a curtain rod about an inch apart to make a "curtain" The one I saw had crocheted flowers attached to it but you might just be able to sew on some sparkly pony beads???




Congratulations Mom!

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