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The Strength to Frog

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I need help, brothers and sisters, just a little push. Someone help me gather the strength to frog this spring sweater jacket I was making. Truly, it needs to go. No pattern, just was making it up, but I don't like the way it looks and now it's too warm for such a thing anyway. And there's no way I'm going to get motivated to work on such a thing with cool weather so far away. I don't like it, but I've done the back and both front sides, sewed those sides to the back and have done 2/3 of one sleeve. I really need to :frog, just need a little push to start the unraveling of all my work.

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Ouch. That really hurts. It'll probably feel good to frog once you get going on it. Like you said, it's not working out, so why torture yourself?


You can do it!



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:2frog:cheer Frog it! Frog it! Yes, you can!

Frog it all and start again!:cheer:2frog

were you a cheerleader in high school?you do it very well.:cheer:clap:cheer

i'll tell you like my hubby tells me. frogging is like a kidney stone. a bit of pain, but it'll pass. and you'll feel so much better when it's over.:lol

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were you a cheerleader in high school?you do it very well.:cheer:clap:cheer

i'll tell you like my hubby tells me. frogging is like a kidney stone. a bit of pain, but it'll pass. and you'll feel so much better when it's over.:lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl No I was a big fat girl... I'm an amatuer poet though... maybe that's it.:think

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I hate frogging! I stuff it in a bag and look at the project every once and a while, hoping that it will magically become perfect and without mistakes. Never happens.


So, even though it's hard, it's for the best! :yes:hook

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:thinkThink of it like this ~ crocheting is one of very few crafts that can be disassembled without damaging anything but the pride and patience of the crafter. You can't un-cut fabric, you can't un-paint a picture, you can't un-saw wood, but you can un-crochet that sweater and make something you'll like out of it. :lol


P.S. If you have kids, frogging is a good job for them. They enjoy the destruction and then winding it up in a ball.:devil

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Hi Nikki, the only option I see besides frogging is to give it to someone who likes it and is willing to crochet the rest. You know, sometimes we have things that we don't like, but others do! ;)

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Frog it! Frog it! Frog it!


I luv frogging. I think frogging is almost always positive. No more looking at something ugly, you don't like, a reminder of a bad job. Instead you get new yarn for the stash, and it was probably something good or you wouldn't have bought it in the first place. It's also experience, lesson learned to not do again.


Just do it!

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Froooooog it!:cheer I will join you. I have made a cardigan with wool ease and I hate it:angry So I'll have to froooog it.

I'm frogging an old blanket... anyone ever considered a "Frog-A-Long"??:2frog :2frog :rofl :rofl :rofl

Oh, I need to get more sleep at night....:yes

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anyone ever considered a "Frog-A-Long"??:2frog :2frog :rofl :rofl:rofl




But seriously, I'm sure something beautiful will come out of the frogged piece. Kind of like a phoenix, you see?


You can do it! Just the fact you started this thread and asked for help means you are ready!

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Frog! Frog! Frog!


It sucks, I know. But just think, you may come up with an absolutely gorgeous creation with that frogged yarn. Don't think of it as frogged, think of it as pre-loved. :P

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Frog it! Frog it! Frog it!


I luv frogging. I think frogging is almost always positive. No more looking at something ugly, you don't like, a reminder of a bad job. Instead you get new yarn for the stash, and it was probably something good or you wouldn't have bought it in the first place. It's also experience, lesson learned to not do again.


Just do it!

I like to frog too! It's relaxing after anguishing over a mistake and trying to fix it to no avail.:oops Sometimes I leave it all in a heap if I'm really relaxed after all that frogging! :D

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Thank you all for the encouragement! I have my scissors right here, am ready to cut some seams. Hold on . . . yes, I've started! This one is a pain to frog, too, because it's a color change every single row. At least I didn't cut the yarn every row, just carried it up the side.


Yay! It's Bernat Softee Chunky in pink, white, and gray. I think I'll make it a blanket, knit and crochet. I haven't made an afghan for a long time now, years, but I don't know what else to do with this stuff.


Thanks, everybody! :yay (and i love the idea of a frog-along)

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