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I LOVE crochet (duh! - who here doesn't), but I am getting frustrated. I've made a lot of things that I'm proud of - hats, baby sweaters, stuffed toys, but I can't do a simple back and forth square. Granny squares sure, but if I just want to do a bunch of straight rows to make a square or rectangle, I ALWAYS add or drop stitches at the end. I know that if I just counted every row I could stop, but I usually sit with my hubby and crochet while we talk or watch TV and if I have to count everything - well, that takes the fun out of it - like counted cross stitch - I made one and I think they're beautiful, but for me they're not relaxing - they're WORK!

I can't believe that I can make a cute sweater that actually is wearable, but I can't make a darned square. :thair

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I know the frustration too. It is work! I learned that if I don't want to keep ripping out, I have to force myself to count. I could teach a group of toddlers to count while I do my stitches, lol... 1-2-3-4-5-6-....until I get interrupted, lose my thought, and have to recount over again. Talk about repetition! :eek and frustration :lol


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Hey, I just thought of a way you might not lose stitches without having to count every single row. Count the first row and place markers in the first and last stitches of the row. then just make sure you crochet in both of those stitches every row, and move the stitche markers up.

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Wow, Nikki!

I think you're a genius! That so simple and it never occured to me. That really would solve the problem!

Thank you!!! :)


I made a baby set for my niece and I was trying to make a simple rectangular burping cloth and just couldn't do it! How frustrating. You just solved my problem!! :D

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